The Magician

"There are kings and fools in this world,

All lurking in the streets like common men,

But what differentiates a clown from a lord,

Is that kings will deceive to achieve their goal."


"I'm gonna head out for a while." I said to Mystica who is still wary of my presence. She didn't give a response but she did glare at me before I left. The sun is up yet I feel so cold, that glare of Mystica really did its job well. In my defense, I did touch her and took off all her clothing but, everything I did was for her sake!

"I told you she isn't necessary." Sei told me.

"Shut up." I answered.

In the streets, a lot of people are already busy doing whatever fate has bound them to. Women are off to the market to get grocery, men are walking the streets with shovels, plowshares, pruning hooks and other items used for various jobs.

Come to think of it, the only thing I accomplished yesterday was finding an inn. I am still not familiar with all the places in this town and, if there are other Entertainers here.

"Correct." Sei said in a dissatisfied tone.

I didn't provoke Sei any further because she has every right to get annoyed. She must've already thought of all the things I could do to raise my level yet; here I am using my time to help out a random woman.

"Fine Sei, you win. I'll make progress today but we won't abandon Mystica got that?" Sei didn't respond anymore. I guess I pissed her off again.

*Loud stomach sounds* God, I almost forgot. I haven't eaten anything yet.

"I'm so hungry." I said as I kept walking thorough the streets. Then, another alert window appeared before me.

*Alert: your food intake has gone below the minimum requirement. Your stamina will now be taken as an alternative source.*

Ohh, so that means my stamina will go down faster if I don't eat anything. This is bad, I need to look for food. Anything will do at this rate.

"Where can I find food?" I said to myself. Then, an aroma caught me. My sense of smell never lies. Be it earth or this world, I know what food smells like when it is being cooked!

I quickly dashed to the smell's direction and found a man in a food stand. "Yes!" I said to myself as I went to buy my breakfast.

"How much for a serving?"

"Three bonze coins lad." The man said. Now that is a fair trade! Mystica, you should copy this vendor and live a diligent and honest life.

(Meanwhile in Sina's Inn, Mystica chocke on her breakfast. "Buuf ggss ddsh" she said, thinking that a handsome prince probably remembered her.)

I sat at a table provided by the stall and somehow all these feels so nostalgic.

"Here you go." The man said as my food was served on the table.

"Thanks for the–." I was about to eat to my heart's content but my body stopped by itself. The food in front of me…looks like a friggin takoyaki!

"Mister what is this food called?" I asked the vendor.

"Oh that? It's a tankonyaki. I thought of the recipe myself." The man said, proud of his creation

"No. I won't eat this. This is Satan's food." I said to myself.

"Even the name is almost the same. Should I just die of hunger? Yes, that would be better than going through this again." The monologues played in my head.

"Pops!" Someone approached the stall in a jolly tone.

"No! Don't go here! This is the devil's playgroud." I said to myself.

"Ohhh good morning King! Hmmm you ordered yesterday right?"

"Haha I did, and I'll order again today so you won't forget me Pops."

Wait, if someone orders food here and is still alive, then that means…This is safe to eat!

I didn't pry in on their conversation anymore and immediately munched on my food. In a matter of seconds, I already finished my serving so I ordered more.

"Mishter! Another pleash!" I said, with food still on my mouth.

"Oho? Looks like somebody else has taken a liking to my tankonyaki." The man said.

"Just wait, both your orders will be prepared soon. King why don't you sit with him?"

I don't know why, but King is definitely looking at me with murderous eyes. He did follow what the vendor said and sat at the chair across mine. He's a bit shorter than me with silver like hair. He has a strange blue mark below his left eye that is shaped like a tear. I was still examining him when he suddenly spoke.

"Your sigil is really obvious." He said. Sigil? Wait….is he…

"Well, no need to hide things from other Entertainers, right?" He said, removing bandage wrapped around his hand.

"The name's King." He said, showing his sigil of a pyramid.

"Entertainer of Ptah."

II. (King's PoV - During the auditions)

"Whateves, next number." Geez, that Loki fellow should just step down if he can't even introduce properly. Well, that doesn't concern me. I just need to perform like I always do.

I stepped out of the curtains and entered middle stage. There are quite a number of Entertainers in the roster now, so the mood lightened up a bit. Though the first two came as a surprise to me.

"Sir Loki, a lapel, a scalpel, a dissecting table, surgical gloves and mask, a wrench, human stitching kit, cosmetics, and flowers please."

"Why do you need so much?" Loki complained.

"It's all part of the act." I said, smiling.

Loki snapped his fingers and all the things I need instantly appeared. "Ohh" I said, amazed now that I have seen the trick be done to me.

"Righty then." I stepped forward to address my spectators.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Have you ever seen a magic trick up close?"

"Yeah, we killed a bunch of magicians already." A woman from the audience said, making the whole crowd roar in laughter. I'd love to snap her neck and dissect her like a frog, but I can't.

"Yes, well, this is different." I said, walking around the stage and grabbing the corpses made by these people. I made sure to entertain them, even as I pilled up the corpses.

I intentionally slipped at blood.

Got brain flesh on my shoes.

Used intestines as jumping rope.

Oh! I also did a puppet show by placing my hands inside two decapitated heads.

The audience kept on laughing and they should, I've analyzed the situation already. This is the best way to entertain these buffoons. They may call themselves as gods/goddesses but all that ever made them laugh is carnage and gut twisting acts. Luckily, I am a master of both.

"My dear audience, now I will start my performance!" I said as I placed body parts on the dissecting table.

"Wait? That wasn't the performance yet?" A voice said from the crowd.

"That was already comedy gold!" Another said.

"Well, whatever it is I hope the hype doesn't go down."

"Now now. My real talent is actually magic." I said as I pieced the parts of corpse flesh together.

"You see, I don't think magicians are doing their job properly." I took the string and pieced the fingers together.

"Magic is not those silly party tricks for children." Jeez putting the torsos into place is hard.

"It's the ability to make the most gruel things beautiful." I placed a piece of flower on my creation's ear.

Now I'm done.

As I finished, the crowd fell silent. But then, for the first time in this whole audition, they all clapped as if this is some decent show. Guess even these looneys can appreciate art.

(What King created is a woman born, from pieces of dead bodies. It looked so alive that the crowd even thought it would suddenly move).

A woman from the audience came on stage. Without any introductions, she said in an authoritative tone…

"You're mine."

"No, my dear madam." I said to myself as I courteously bowed my head.

"You're the one getting owned."

III. (Jean's PoV)

"I'm Jean, Entertainer of Heidi-sama." I said, as King lowered his hand and placed his bandage back into place.

"You mean Hades." He corrected.

"No, she goes by the name Heidi." I insisted.

For a while he didn't reply.

"Hmm…okay then. Well nice to meet you Jean!" He said, extending his hand to me.

"I hope we can get along. After all I'm the only Entertainer in this place so it's kinda dull." King continued as I shook his hand.

I thought he came to me looking for trouble. Guess I was wrong. He's actually a well-mannered and decent guy. This is good, I can learn a lot from a guy who survived the first month in this world.

"So what form of Entertainment do you use?" I asked.

"Hmmm…well I do some magic tricks." A flower soon appeared at the top of his head.

"Like so." He continued.

"Oooooh! That looks super great! How do you do it?"

"Hey, a magician never reveals his tricks."

"That is true. Hahaha." We both started laughing, it's the first decent laugh I've had since entering this world. Honestly, talking with someone who shares the same fate as you feels really good.

"How about you Jean, what form of entertainment do you use?" King asked. But before I could even answer, the vendor has already prepared the food for us.

"Sorry it took so long, here you go. I added another piece for free so you lads better come back here tomorrow."

"We will Pops." King said as he laughed with the vendor. With that King and I were about to dig in but then another voice entered.

"Hey freeloader!" I know that voice all too well. It's Mystica.

"How dare you eat while I starve myself to work? Come back to the inn before I report you to the town guards!"

"Sorry King, gotta go." I said leaving the food at the table.

"Pops I'll make it up to you and order again tomorrow! I promise!" I said shouting as I ran towards Mystica.

"It's fine! Go on before Mystica kills you!" Pops shouted in reply so that I can hear him. He also knows Mystica huh? Maybe she's a bit famous in this town.

We went straight to the marketplace. Apparently, Mystica is on her way to buy groceries for the inn.

"Customers might come today. Better prepared than sorry." She said, smiling vibrantly. I'm glad she's okay now, but she shouldn't over exert herself. It's bad for her health.

"Let me carry the baskets for you."

"You sure you can handle them?" Mystica said. I'm pretty sure that I'd be stronger than someone who collapsed from fatigue. Though I shouldn't say this to her. I don't want another basin hitting my head.

We went through the market to buy various things. I activated analyze so that I could gather information while we walked. But the problem is my stamina which has yet to recover completely. So, while buying, I offered to treat her multiple times. She gladly accepted and we took our sweet time buying everything we need.

"Phew. Is that all of it?" I said, sitting at a bench.

"Yeah. We're done for now." Mystica replied, smiling again.

*Alert: You've earned 150 exp points*

*Alert: You have reached Level 2. 10 bonus status points are given to you as reward.*

Ohh, so I finally leveled up. But why did my experience points continue stacking up? Hmm, I guess I can ask Sei now. Maybe she's not angry anymore. I activated subconscious again and had a small talk with Sei.


"Yes master."

"I'm just wondering, how did I accumulate experience points?"


"By being of help to Miss Mystica, you have relieved her of some stress. Fundamentally, entertainment is done to relax a person and refresh themselves."


"Gardening with her removed her worries on where she could get food for herself." Sei, continued.

"But why did I gain more experience points from carrying the things she bought?"


"You did not only do that master. You also treated her to some food. Furthermore, you provided her company, something which I believe she is lacking since she needs to stay at the inn. These accumulated actions gave you more experience since she is given immediate satisfaction."

"That explains a lot. Thank you Sei."

"I am at your service." Sei replied.

I dissolved the skill and time moved normally once again.

"Hey Mystica, should we head back to the inn now?"

"Just sit still for a while, will you? The show begins around this time."

"What show?" As soon as I asked Mystica, drums started beating.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Ent! Good Morning!"

I followed the voice's direction and saw a man, standing in a made-up stage. That's King! I said to myself. Now I can finally see how other Entertainers perform. A crowd soon formed and even Mystica went nearer to watch. He made a bow and as soon as he stood straight, he spread his hands making doves appear out of nowhere.

"Let's do some magic."