The Wise and The Fool

"Beware the serpent who lurks in the streets,

For it might just be the person you feed.

Beware the serpent who always greeds,

Slithering to your bed at night while you sleep."


"For the dear ladies, here are some flowers." King said as he made flowers come out of thin air.

"He's really fond of using flowers." I said to myself, thinking back on the trick he showed me at the food stall.

"Kyaaa! We love you King!" A group of girls said, standing nearest to the stage.

He continued giving flowers to every woman watching his show, even Mystica. Strangely though, Mystica didn't take the flowers and even looked away, as if King didn't exist. That's odd. King then went back on stage, jumping so high as if he floated for a moment.

"I'm sure that all of you want to see something special, my dear adoring fans. But sadly, I can only perform two tricks for today. But please don't be sad, I'll make sure to amuse you with what I have in my sleeves."

He then proceeded to create two new pigeons. The crowd wasn't amazed at this since the trick was already done earlier. But then, the doves dissolved, as if the mist ate their presence.

"Wow! Mommy how did he do that?" A boy said to his mother.

King then proceeded by waving his hand in the air. His hand swayed from left to right and, at the third sway, the doves suddenly appeared; floating above his hands. The audience cheered and King made another bow.

At the snap of his fingers, the doves disappeared again. He snapped his fingers a couple more times. Making the doves appear at various places, and the crowd would always search for where they'd appear next.

The cheering of the crowd attracted a larger audience. Then, King finally finished his first trick. But he did say that there are two so, the second trick must be something as good as this. Otherwise it would just bore the crowd.

"Thank you for your patronage! I want to do more but time is short, and I have places to be." King said as he stepped back until he reached the tip of the stage.

"A full version of my performance is available every night at Ptah's Inn! We have food and music for everybody!"

"Wait, he also works at an inn? So is the poor state of Sina's Inn caused by King and his performances? I'll should ask Mystica later." I thought to myself.

King made another bow. I'm still waiting for a performance but this seems more like the end already.

"Let's all experience magic together!" He stepped back one more time. Some people noticed that he would fall off from the stage so they made worried sounds.

Soon enough, half of King's body disappeared from sight. Then, he completely vanished. Everyone quickly proceeded to where he would have landed but he is not there. No traces of him could be found; like all those doves he used.

"Come on, let's go now." Mystica tugged on my shirt, finding me at the furthest back of the crowd.

"Hey." I said, about to ask questions.

"What is it?" Mystica said a little irritated.

"Nothing, never mind." The questions can wait for later. This may not be the right time to ask about King.


"They seem to be growing now." I said as I went to the backyard of the inn. A sprout is already coming out of the ground but then, this is too slow.

"I brought food."

"Oh thanks Mystica, I'm really starving."

"Huh? They're for me idiot. Get some for yourself."

"Ehhh? After I treated you to a bunch of snacks in the market this is how you repay me? You ungrateful little.."

"Just kidding. You can get a bite, but clean your hands first." Mystica told me with another smile.

*Alert: You have gained 50 experience points.*

"I can eat later, gardening comes first." I told Mystica.

She followed me and I showed her the ropes again. The haze is a real bother because, most of what I taught her yesterday are already lost. But what I can't understand is why I do not seem to get affected. My memories from yesterday are crystal clear.

"That's because you are from another world master. The constitution of your body is different from the humans of this world." Sei suddenly said.

"Just like how a virus can only affect a certain species, the haze only affects humans of this world."

Oh, that means I do not have to worry about these things. That's pretty convenient. Wait, so if I can somehow alter the genetics of the people here, I may hinder the effects of the haze!

"That is correct master. However, I advise against it."

"Why is that Sei?" I asked, puzzled.

"The gods have decided to place the haze on this place for their own reasons. If a mortal were to go against their will, forget even reaching a safe ranking on the Entertainers. The gods will personally tear you apart."

The memories of the audition suddenly came rushing back to me; all those unnecessary deaths.

"Stick to what you are doing master." Sei continued, a little irritated again.

"Got it. Thanks Sei." No response.

I didn't ask any further and just continued with my work. Mystica learned faster than yesterday. That's probably because her body remembered what to do. This helped us finish the lessons quickly. That's a good thing because, my stamina has dropped significantly soooooo..I NEED TO EAT AGAIN!

I reached out to the plate Mystica borught and made a bite before she could even complai. This is mine now. Mine.

"Myshtica" I said while eating.

"Mmmm?" Mystica answered; also eating. I don't want to pry on her personal matters too much but, if it is for the sake of helping her, then I won't mind. I finished my snack and started asking her questions.

"What is your relationship with King?" The question made Mystica drop the bread she was about to bite on.

"Why?" She asked in reply.

"Hey I'm the one asking questions here."



"Hmp. We're enemies. I don't remember the exact day that he came here but, one morning I woke up with no customers coming by. I went around town to see what happened and saw that the inn at the opposite side of town has people coming and going. I tried to dig further and found out that the inn has been gaining more and more popularity because of a certain magician."


"Is there anyone else?" Mystica said.

"Haaah. Honestly things have been really bad. You know how the mist makes us all forgetful right?" She continued as she lay on the grass beneath us.

"Err actually, you guys are the only ones forgetting things." Were the words I wanted to say but held myself back. She wouldn't believe it anyway.

"Everyday I'd wake up thinking there are customers, go through the day thinking there will be customers and then, end up crying at night because nobody ever comes. At some point I already remembered this fact but I just refused to accept it."


"Yes, because I accept it now. But that doesn't mean I'll abandon this inn. After all, this is the only thing I have to remember my parents by."

I noticed how Mystica's voice trembled. Maybe she is crying right now so I just stared ahead.

"Things will get better." I said in a soft tone.

"What?" Mystica replied, maybe she didn't hear it well.

"Things will get better." I said again while standing up.

"I promise."





Mystica is already sleeping soundly in her room. During dinner, I placed some sleeping powder on her food. The powder is odorless so she wasn't able to notice it. This is the same thing an assaulter would do on earth, but that's not my goal. My goal is to make her sleep early so I can go out and try talking to King.

"Sorry about this Mystica." I said, standing just outside her door.

I then proceeded to walk around town wearing a black hood. The location may have been troublesome to find if not for the lights glowing radiantly at a certain spot in town. Last night, I also noticed it as I looked through the window. A glow that seems too strong for a town that should be resting.

As I neared the place, I heard laughter, music, and applauses being offered. The people there must be having a great time. That's to be expected because King is a great Entertainer.

The inn itself looks fantastic now that I am standing just outside it. Lamps are lighted all around the inn. A guard is positioned outside the door, with a sword sheathed on his waist. The building itself towers to three stories in height and the walls look sturdy with the bricks placed on it. Through the open windows, a person passing by can clearly see how those inside are having a blast. I bet this is King's idea. He looks like a person who can cook up a great strategy even without Sage's Wisdom.

"Right. Let's do this." I told myself as I walked inside.

IV. (King's PoV – Mature content included)

Oh my. He actually came to the Lion's den, what a brave fellow. I only saw him this morning but I never forget a person. Even through that dumbass hood, I know who you are. A person's movements never lie, and your movements tell me that, you're Jean.

"For my next trick, I need that beautiful woman there." For now, let's just pretend that I don't recognize him.

The woman who came up on the stage has breasts that could rival Mount Everest. Damn. I want to fondle those but that can wait. Women like you always flock to me anyway.

"Well then! Please take my hand miss." I said, extending my hand to her.

Her cheeks blushed as she held my hand. Typical. Another woman in heat.

I pulled her close to me and whispered my room number in her ear. "25" I said as I placed the duplicate key in her hand.

"Have any of you ever seen stars so close to you that you can touch them?" I held the woman on her waist and stuck my body to hers. I smell liquor on this woman, so she probably won't resist.

"In this world, magic has always existed to give us hope. To make us believe that the impossible, can be made possible." She's rubbing her ass on my pants ever so mildly. So that's how you want to play huh?

"Lights!" I shouted. The whole inn became dark instantly.

This woman has been playing seduction with me while the lights were still on. Now that nobody can see us, let's look at how far she'll go. I snapped my finger and a single firefly appeared in the room. Everybody was caught with the sudden blink of light that appeared. Meanwhile, I'm caught up in making my way up her breasts.

"There is nothing more beautiful than a speck of light in a vast darkness." I made another snap and two more fireflies appeared, circling around the audience. They started clapping and making "oohh" sounds. Meanwhile, I placed my hand back on her breast which I am already massaging.

"A bit daring aren't you?" I whispered in her ear as I licked it.

"Ahhh~ King please take me." She replied, rubbing her ass more wildly against my pants.

I grinned knowing that I'll have another feast tonight.

"I'll entertain you even further. But let me finish my act first."

"o-okay." Was her weak response. She must really be aroused right now. I need to wrap up my act quickly.

"I'll send you to my room. Wait there." I said as I kissed her lips.

Another snap and the woman in front to me turned into a hundred fireflies, making the crowd thunder in applause.

Of course I didn't make her disappear. I am not like Loki who can just create things out of nowhere. My acts have preparations. There is a trap door just beneath her. As soon as that opened, the fireflies waiting below were able to make their way through. Simpletons would never uncover this. That's why, every act I've done so far have always left my audience in awe.

*Alert: You've earned 5,000 exp points.*

*Alert: You have reached Level 40. 10 bonus status points are given to you as reward.*

*Alert: You have reached Level 41. 10 bonus status points are given to you as reward.*

Oh my, where should I place all this status points now? Well, I can allocate them while I devour that lady I took. I snapped my fingers again and all the lights came back. Naturally, the fireflies cannot be seen anymore.

"Through magic, even the stars are within our reach!" I then bowed for courtesy's sake.

My act finished and as I looked at the crowd, I remembered that another Entertainer came here today. He can just come by tomorrow. I have other matters to attend to.

"I didn't see him after all." I said to myself as I grinned.