Where King Went  

"A magician never reveals his secrets."


Heeeey guys~ I bet you missed me so much huh? It's me King! The favorite Entertainer on this whole death game! Now a bunch of you guys have witnessed how magnificent my last show in Ent was right? The one where I used that stupid entertainer and his whore-ish girldriend?

Oh you don't remember their names? Then let me remind you again. It's Jean and Mystica! Man they sure were fun toys. Thanks to them, I had a blast before getting out of that town.

Let's talk about them individually okay? First let's go to my sex toy Mystica.

Yep, Mystica was really top-class meat. She WAAAAAS. Hahahaha. I'm using past tense because she's already as wide as a whore when I left. Plus, she'd surely die after some hours…or maybe a day if she's strong.

Honestly, I think I did her a favor. I made her feel the full ecstasy of sex through my aphrodisiac. Can you imagine how lonely her hole must have felt with that weakling she's with? Yup. I'm definitely the good guy here.

"I hate you! Ahhhh~" She kept on saying, but how can I believe that if she also moans on the process? Hahahaha. Man, just remembering her gives me a boner. I hope I find a town to stay in soon. I really need to f**k a woman right now.

Oh, what's that? You want to know where I got the aphrodisiac from? Well duh, they don't have anything that advanced in this world. The thing is, I can create anything that I think of. I'm not talking about being talented or being a genius, though I am clearly both. What I'm saying is that, I have a skill which lets me create things out of thin air.

My goddess is Ptah, and she rules over builders and craftsmen. I took the blessing "Creation" from her which, you guessed it right, lets me create stuff! I just need to think of the item and it suddenly appears in front of me. Well, I am restricted to how many I can make in a single day. That depends on how easy or complex the item really is. Let me explain further so that your pebble sized brain can understand.

A piece of paper is easy to make because all it takes is wood and some decent amount of work. Robotic fireflies are a bit more difficult, but since they are small, I can make 20 in a day. Building a whole house is not possible. However, building parts of it day by day can be done. Do you get it now? Bigger things, or more complex pieces of machinery, those are the ones that take time to create. Well that's the extent of my skill on its base level. Currently it's on level 5, so you can just imagine how strong it got. Hahaha.

Oh I forgot to mention Jean didn't I? Honestly, I think he's such a stupid person. How can you trust someone who is a possible threat to your survival? Man, did he really think that this is still Earth? Just remembering him gives me a headache so let's skip that idiot okay?

Anywhooo that's enough explanation for now. Let's get to the main part of my journey!


After getting out of Ent, I quickly deployed my surveillance sparrows. I could make something more robotic like an actual drone, but that would attract too much attention. Plus, an Entertainer would easily recognize it. I need to thread carefully.

"Oh my what's this?" I opened the virtual map that is connected to the eyes of my sparrows. The towns in this continent are weird since they have unusual passage ways. Like Ent for example. So I needed to find a method to track down the towns.

The solution I got is to stick heat signature devices on my sparrows. This way, even if I can't recognize the passageways, I'd know there is an entrance nearby. Right now, three of my sparrows have already detected a mass of people nearby.

One of them is a cliff…yikes. The other one seems to be cave in a faraway mountain. That would be too far, and my feet would be too sore. I don't want to go to a place as far as that. The third is…


The third is a waterfall nearby. A larger heat signature is coming from that town. It��s actually thrice as big as Ent. If it's that big, then just think of how many women are inside.

"This is great!" I told myself. A town hidden behind a waterfall is sure to be a decent one.

"Okay! I'll be on my way then."


"Don't move or we'll impale you!" As soon as I went through the waterfall which, by the way, made me soaking wet, a dozen guards welcomed me with their spears pointed at my face.

"Yeah, that's a really nice town greeting you got there." I answered.

"Not another word!" Another guard said.

Soon enough a man wearing better clothing than everybody else came forward. He's stuffed, as in, he looks like he's been doing nothing else but eat. But hey, he must be someone high ranking because, as soon as he came, the town guards lowered their weapons.

"Welcome to Crystal Town!" He greeted me.

"Yeah, a really warm greeting you got there." I said, pointing at the spears.

"Please forgive my men's rudeness. We do not usually have any visitors. Men, help this man back to his feet." He ordered.

"No it's okay sir. I can manage." I answered. Right now, I'm soaking wet and just want to get out of this situation as soon as possible.

"I am Count Dreyfus Lionheart." The stout man said, extending his hand to me.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance sir, I am King Bisset." I answered as I held his hand for a shake.

"You have a very uncommon name mister King. You are not from these parts are you?" Oh dear, this man is quick on the uptake. I need to be careful, he might pose a problem later on.

"No I am not, I am from another continent and came here looking for a place to stay at the moment."

"Is that so? Well, look no further! Crystal Town has everything your heart will ever desire!"

"Please, my desires cannot be satisfied by such a small town." I said to myself.

"Allow me to give you an assistant as you go through the town. Gyn!"

A person with auburn hair came forward. He kinda reminds of that woman from the auditions, but then again, she won't survive by simply being a town guard. Plus, this is a guy. Hmmm… I wonder if there are other entertainers in this place.

"Gyn, I leave him in your care. Please bring him to the manor this evening for dinner."

"Yes my lord." The man named Gyn made a salute to Dreyfus. The count and his men left a little bit later, leaving only me and Gyn on the town entrance. He then looked at me with menacing eyes and said a single word.
