Clothes Clothes Clothes

"We are all made fools,

By the gods who made us their tools."


"So uhm… ever heard of a knock-knock joke before?" I said, raising my pointer finger for no important reason.

Gyn and I started walking around town, it's already past noon and my stomach is grumbling again. He heard how my stomach screamed in anguish but didn't pay it any mind.

"Can we just get this over with? I'm just doing my job, you don't need to speak to me." He replied in what seems to be an annoyed tone.

"Suit yourself." I replied. That's a shame, I already prepared a lot of jokes in case she says yes. Then again…maybe there isn't a concept of verbal jokes in this world. After all, they do forget things each and every day.

"So these are the things we need to do." Gyn said.

"We need to get you some proper clothes because, whatever you're wearing just seems to be a set of rags." He continued.

I looked at my reflection at a nearby window. Honestly, I don't see any problems with the clothes I'm wearing. A button-down brown shirt, matched with kaki cream colored pants and brown sandals. The colors do match if I do say so myself. It's not all bad and does make me look stylish back in Ent.

"I think I'm good with my clothes." I said to Gyn.

"Does it look like I need your opinion trash?" He replied. As usual, it doesn't take him any real effort to irritate me.

"Okay." Was my short reply.

"Take a look around you." He said.

I did take a look around. Actually, that's what I always do. Observe my surroundings. This is one of the defense mechanisms I've picked up after that encounter with King. I can't have myself accidentally dying again after all. This world is weird enough with the haze. Adding all the Entertainers with strange abilities just like me into the equation makes things weirder.

It isn't unlikely that I'd suddenly get stabbed out of nowhere. Heck, maybe someone even has a nuclear explosion as a skill. Whatever the case, I need to be alert. If my subconscious skill doesn't activate before I die, I may not be able to transfer to a new host.

Anyway. As of the moment, there isn't anything noteworthy around me. I mean, I did mention how the streets seem more like a ghost town with only a few people passing here and there. This place might be big but for what it's worth, the population seem to be largely composed of guards like Gyn, the Count, and Sebastian with his maids.

"Oh there, look they almost have the same clothes as me." I said, pointing at a man and a child passing by.

*Sigh* Gyn let out a deep breath, enough for me to hear how annoyed it sounds.

"Yeah they do. They are wearing a set of clothing which matches the style you are wearing. But have you noticed their feet?"

I looked again, wondering what the fuss is all about.

"Oh." I replied, finally understanding Gyn's words.

"They're barefooted you trash. Do you see how wounded those feet are?"

"So are you saying that, they are like slaves." I told Gyn.

"They aren't LIKE slaves. They ARE slaves." He said, emphasizing on his point.

"You see, the hierarchy in this place makes life better for those who are in the higher - ups. But for those who are born from slave parents, or got all their wealth washed away, there is only pain and agony." Gyn continued.

"That's cruel! The count should do something about this." I replied.

"Cruel huh? What part of this is cruel exactly?" The reply Gyn gave took me aback. Any normal person would see how unjust this is right?

"All citizens should be treated fairly without discrimination! Isn't that how it's supposed to be?"

"Ahhh you really have the mind of a trash." He said in reply.

"Do you know what a hierarchy is used for? It is used for order you dimwit. If everyone has the same privilege as the Count, who would listen to his orders? Who would follow him? Who would govern? Hell, do you even know what would happen to all the products in the marketplace if all vendors were of the same value as the Count? That's right pea brain; they won't sell anymore. They won't sell the things that people do not have the leisure of making on their own."

"I.." The sound came out of my mouth almost automatically. I wanted to prove her wrong but everything she just stated sounded completely right.

"You." Gyn continued where I left off. Cutting out whatever words I was trying to say. "Should use your brain; if you even have one."

"We'll leave the discussion at that. I'll explain all the other details once were done buying you new clothes and feeding that shameless stomach of yours that keeps on rumbling." Gyn finished, walking inside a store and motioning me to follow his lead.


"Men! Please assist sir Gyn and his lackey on what they need."

"Yes sir!"

As soon as we entered the store, the owner started giving commands to everyone. It looks like Gyn is quite the distinguished person in Crystal. Well, the other guards did salute him and paid their respect.

"Thank you Gimmly. Please pick out some suitable clothes for Sir Horan." That's the first time he ever mentioned my name. I guess he doesn't want other people to know how much of an asshole he is when we're alone.

"Of course! Anything for you Sir Gyn." The man named Gimmly replied. He has neatly trimmed blonde hair and eyes with the same luster as an emerald. He wore a yellow colored long - sleeve. The sleeves are rolled up neatly just bellow his elbows and a fine green vest is worn on top of it. His pants are dark green with socks of the same bright yellow. His shoes also seem to be a shade of green, but too dark to distinguish.

*Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.*

As soon as Gimmly made this sound, a number of employees came to me, with a wide variety of clothes.

"Well what are you waiting for? Strip down and leave your underwear, those men will dress you up one by one." He told me, as if stripping is such a normal thing to do in a clothing store. If this was earth, I'd either get internet famous for this or I'd get detained in prison overnight.

"Oh. Right." Was my short answer.

I then took off my clothes for everyone to see. The men who brought the clothes then started dressing me up one by one. This is exactly the same thing that I see in those movies where royalty is involved. The prince or princess always gets dressed by their attendants. Honestly, I thought it would be a happy experience but seeing as how my crotch has been touched one too many times already, I'd say I was wrong with my expectations.

The clothes varied from a lot of 17th century European looking clothes. I did see Count Dreyfus wearing the same kind of clothing. Maybe this is what the nobles and higher-ups in crystal wear. They put layer after layer of clothing on me, which felt heavy and suffocating.

"Wait." Gyn said, halting the men with what they are doing. He's been observing all this time. I don't know why but his stare gets me embarrassed for some reason.

"That's too much Gimmly. Just make him wear a long sleeve and partner it with a coat. I can't have him looking as regal as the Count." Gyn said in a lighthearted tone. He's might actually be a nice person, well that may be the case for everyone excluding me.

"Goodness me, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know that it is for that occasion." Gimmly said. He then made another set of claps. I'm guessing the number of claps decides what kind of clothes would be brought by the store's assistants. This time he only made two claps, and the assistants quickly changed the clothes they are holding to something less exaggerated than the first set.

Gyn glanced at the array of clothes brought and made an approving smile.

"Good!" He told Gimmly. "Now all that's needed is to fix that awful hairstyle of his. Can your men also do that?"

"Of course Sir!" Gimmly replied quickly.

"Borris!" As soon as he shouted this name, a person came forward bringing a pair of shears.

"Well Horan, I'll leave you here for a while. I need to discuss some things with Gimmly." Gyn said.

He didn't wait for me to reply and went inside a room together with Gimmly. All these things are very weird but then, I can't expect every town to have the same culture. The haze, after all, hinders that with its ability to make people forget.

I looked at the mirror in front of me. The image of another person, a dead one, appearing on the reflection is as difficult to get used to.

"Well Horan." I told myself.

"I hope you don't mind me borrowing this body for a while."