
1: That 7 year contract

"Oww, why do I have a headache?" Rina growled, massaging the left side of her head with fingers.

She started having headaches since this morning and didn't know the reason, it's was pretty confusing, she just came out of the hospital two days ago then after her headaches started to hurt. She did took the medications seriously, most of the time.

Rina scrambled to the kitchen to get some water, she doesn't drink from the faucet, you don't know that it's contaminated or so. She drank a whole bottle from the fridge the paused a moment to feel her head, when the numbness disappeared she made a goofy smile then refills the bottle from the dispenser.

Returning the bottle in the freezer, her stomach rumbled, she bent down and scanned for something to eat, and gladly found a piece of apple in the corner. Rina should think about shopping, her food is already declared the endangered species in her rented house.

Forgotten the freezer door was open, she stood up and bumped her head, which triggered her head to hurt again.

"Ah no, not again!" Rina cried in pain

She closed the fridge and took steps to the table. Her phone suddenly vibrated then checks to see a message. As expected, Rina received a text from a doctor, saying that she needs to take the medications for a week. To be honest in her part, Rina's oit of medicine, she haven't got any time to buy them at the pharmacy, she also need money. Rina is somehow broke, she used her monthly pay for her tuition from her 4 part time jobs which helped her to keep going. She had a stack of money left by her late parents at Seoul, unfortunately she forgot to bring them.

Rina did not reply to the text, she put her phone on the table and started chomping the apple. Thoughts have been floating round about her plans when she graduate nursing. Rina just took nursing last year, and went to a university, here Japan. Studying nursing isn't really her decision, she just picked it from the air and set her mind to it, just to take a break from her past job.

Then all of a sudden, her phone vibrated again with a name flashed on the screen.

Rina read the name with an indolent expression, she picks up the phone and answers.

"What?" Rina gruffed

"Oh hey there Kyung Rina! How's my sister going?"

"I'm not your sister" rolled her eyes then took a bite from an apple

"eyy, don't be mean, you're throwing tantrums again right?"

The phone asked sneakyly, leaves Rina grinding her teeth.

It was weird for this guy calling Rina his sister, coz he never called her that. Unless it is to convince her into helping him, or to praise her to get something from Rina.

She feel for that trick a couple of times, but not today, oh no! She already knows that this guy is up to something.

"tsk okay spit it out!" Rina grumbled, taking another bite from the apple. "What---shu---yu---wan" talking in every chomp making out the words.

"huh, well, hehehe" the phone said "I mean, I need nothing."

Rina raised an eyebrow

"Oh really ?" she clarified "Well to my observations, you always call me 'sister' when you need my help or you want something from ME!"

Rina barked, hits the table with her fist

"okay, okay, just calm down, I really need your help though"

"you should have said that from the start" She sighed, placing an arm across the table

"okay, listen carefully - -" the phone said in a bold voice

"This better be good" she uttered

"oh it will be. HAHAHA"

"GET ON WITH IT" she squawked

"you know I'm running a company now right?"


"and I'm kinda short on staffs, and I need to hire a manager like you"

Rina blinked, hearing those words from him is pretty weird, Rina know this guy, he has this cool personality that doesn't want anyone to get a hint of his problems. But not Rina, from the tone of his voice, he really meant what he said.

Rina hesitated for a moment, but went on after.

"What company are you running" She asked

"An entertainment industry"

Rina's eyes grew, and refused.

"Enter-tainment? No."

"but hear me ou-"


"Oh come on--"





"N-huh, did you just say please? It's a miracle" Rina said cunningly

"Does that mean you agree? "

"No and No!" She repeated

"I already filed you a contract, it's a waste if you don't accept it"

"Who told you to file a contract?" Rina asked sarcastically

"Well, that's - - -" he paused for a moment trying to think what to say next

"What's the reason why you don't want to return to filming anyway?" changes the subject

"it's not filming its entertainment" Rina corrected

"they're... Different"

"whatever!" Rina let out a heavy sigh and stared at the ceiling.

"I was sent to the hospital 5 times a month because of that!" Rina yelled, throwing her unhappiness away.

"you know why?"

"Why?" Rina asked puzzled

"You never took care of yourself, you selfless jerk!"

"Now look who's talking" She rebutted sarcastically

"Well I--" he sighed

"Just come to my industry, I know your tired of your past job, but it's gonna be different from filming, trust me." he persuaded

"Stop stressing about the past Rina, this could be your new start"

Rina sighed, she seemd to notice his hard work in convincing her. Part of her wants to go, but the other seems to refuse. Maybe it is a good opportunity to go there. It's not that easy, Rina had to make up her mind.

She pursed a lip then took small paces here and there with a slight frown.

"Come on Rina, what's the decision?" he asked breaking the silence

"I'm thinking"

"What?" he replied impatiently "what do you mean think? Just answer yes or no"

"Okay! Okay! Yes, I will"

"Are you sure?"

" Yeah"

"you'll sign the contract?"



"I swear OKAY?!" Rina howled, irritated by his continuous questions

"if that's the case, a package will arrive in 60 seconds"

"Huh?, how'd you know my---" Rina paused, hearing her high pitched door bell.

It's unusual for someone to ring the door bell at weekends, well maybe it's the mail man delivering the package. That was pretty quick.

Rina ended the call and placed the phone on the table then heads to the front door. She turned the door knob and peeked at the small opening, her eyes scanned the area. A brown box with stamp was in the floor, she stepped out of the door, looking at both sides to check for the mail man. Rina shrugged, she picked up the box and heads inside.

The tape was hard to open with bare hands, she then carefully tore the tape with a sharp cutter. She folded up the covers, her eyebrow raised when she saw a stack of papers in it, what's worse is that it's plain.

Rina took out the useless papers to look for something worth checking. At least there might be something good in this stupid box that the stupid guy sent.

Scanning through the papers, she is astonished to see that her old resume and her certificate is among these useless papers. She set aside her certificates in case if it gets mixed up with the others. She continues to scan for something else, and gladly found a contract.

"Big Hit" her eyes lit up, browsing through the details.

"So this is where he works"

Reading the heading, she began to seek interest for this deal. Well, the guy who runs this thing, she knows is a bit of a nerd and a little careless at times. But hey, people change.

The contact has two pages. Rina flipped the page and saw her name printed there. Her eyebrows narrowed and eyes magnified, she blinked a couple of times to check is she's imaging. Eyes moved to the bottom-right corner of the contact. Her jaw dropped. The contact is already signed.

Blood racing through, she dialed her phone and ask to clear her questions and suspicions.

"BANG SHI HYUK!!!" Rina boomed

"Ehem... Yes?"

"why is the contact signed?" Rina started to argue "You even managed to copy my signature perfectly!"

" uh-huh, about that. I know that you won't sign the contract even though you promised... Because you are not fond of keeping promises"


"However, I did not expect the sincerity when you agreed earlier. So let's just call it.... Making sure"

"Ugh" Rina groaned "Even if I signed the contract, I can't go there immediately" She continued "I have school remember?"

"Already taken care of that"

"What do you mean?"

"I canceled your semester enrollment, you'll find an envelope with your school stuff in it"

"What the--" before Rina could finish her sentence, Shi hyuk cut in.

"Additionally, If you managed to burn the contract and the envelope don't worry, I have dozens of copies in my office" he said

"I guess I don't have much of a choice huh?" said Rina

"Your first day starts tomorrow, now get your butt to an airport and fly here now!" Shi hyuk snarled

"Very funny Shi hyuk, I don't have a ticket" Rina responded "Plus, my other passport is at Seoul"

"That's why I sent the package" he grumbled

"Huh?!" Rina exclaimed in confusion, she spread the papers across the table rashly looking above and under to spot for an envelope. She felt something thick at the bottom right of the table and anxiously grabbed it.

"From now on, you'll be listening to me... Manager Kyung"

Rina didn't listen to the phone. She stood there frozen staring at the ticket and pass.

Lord help me

"This-this is..." She stammered, not being able to speak a normal voice "The flight is at... 5 pm... And it's already..." her stomach curled, goosebumps transmitted throughout her body, scanning the date and time then eyes darted at the clock.

"Oh crap!"

"Does that mean you'll call me soon?" he teased, but there's no response


"Oi, SHI HYUK! I'm packing! Call you later" adrenaline rushed, Rina blasted here and there to gather her stuff in a baggage, her house is in a complete mess, never resting until she arrived at the airport.

Dang! It's gonna be a long day