
2: Trouble

Seoul, the address of K-actors in Korea. It's a busy capital, thousands of people come and go to work. Bus stops are full evry morning, some get caught by traffic. But still a beautiful capital.

Strolling through Big Hit's lobby, a tall and lean young boy rushed his way back to the studio to fetch his forgotten papers. Although this was a mistake from thinking so much.

He pushed the door and ran across the studio as he spotted the documents at the corner.

"Oh, Namjoon" a light voice called

Namjoon turned to his direction and him stretching his legs.

"yes Hoseok?" he replied

" 'that our papers?" Hoseok asked while reaching for his toes

"Yeah, and I need to pass it, gotta go" Namjoon answered quickly, ran out of the studio then to the foyer.

He was halfway there, he paused a moment to catch his breath, sweat running down from his back. He leveled his head, eyebrows furrowed when he heard someone quarrel like chipmunks. He stepped in to check it out, blending with one of the crowd, he saw a man facing the floor with a girl on top of him, cuffed his hands and foot stepped on his waist.

Namjoon knows this man, a man likely to cause trouble. And that man is his manager. This is not the first incident that happened to his manager. Probably the first to be beaten by a girl. The CEO's been planning to fire him, and says that he won't until he finds a replacement.

The girl pulled the man up, she eyed the floor where a folded stationery was. Namjoon flinched, his manager was about to hit the girl on her shoulder but was blocked by her reflex. The girl raised her hand and hammer stiked the manager in his left neck that made him drop to the floor out cold.

The girl snatched the stationery and walked away like nothing happened then disappears in the elevator.

Namjoon sighed to the commotion. He wanted something like this will not happen again, and hoped that the CEO to find a good manager for them. It's been 3 years, he and his fellow trainees didn't get to experience a good manager.

Namjoon walked to the elevator, eyebrows curved, thinking about his schedule.

Standing alone in the elevator, Rina's hand started to tremble due to the incident, she exhaled to ease her running heart. It's been years since she hit a person, but that's not the problem. Rina faced a physical trauma for hitting people. There was this time that she got into trouble and started to beat people for self defense, she thought that she was able to slip out of the fight, instead she was caught and the bad guys took her to a slaughter house. She still had those whip marks on her shoulders, good thing it's not that visible.

Rina walked out of the elevator, catching her breath, her mind is flying cannot focus on balancing. She found a floor map posted on the wall, she followed the directions of the lobby to the office.

"CE-O's off--ice" she said, fighting for air, slowly turned to the right direction.

As she kept on walking, a sudden chill began to surround her and her neck seemed to vibrate, every step she takes feels like traveling in slow motion, she gripped the stationery, eyes focused on the floor. Sudden flashed of that memory began to appear before eyes, trying to stop her. However, she knows that they're just illusions, and she needs to keep moving so she can hand over her stationery. Rina bit her lio and kept on going, echoes ofbher voice screaming in pain, pleading for mercy, is tempting.

I must endure this...

It'll pass... It'll... Pass

Rina's vision is going in circles, her head starting to hurt. She can't seem to walk on a straight path, tired controlling the pain in her head while balancing her self. The more she take a step the more she loses balance, her stomach squeezed, warm air rising to her mouth. She pushed herself to keep moving, until jer vision thickened and landed on the floor with a thud.

Bang Shi Hyuk, the CEO of Big Hit, strolled through the lobby with a glum on his face. He arrived a few seconds ago, and can't believe what she just heard.

Shi Hyuk twisted the door knob and found Rina sitting on the couch, rubbing her head with hands.

"Kyung Rina, you okay?" Shi hyuk asked, brows pulled together

"Kind of" Rina replied with a wan face

"Could you stop collapsing!" Shi hyuk yelled "you always get yourself in trouble!"

Rina's head still bent down, hands massaging. From Shi Hyuk's view, Rina didn't seem to listen, of course she can be hard headed sometimes.

She's not listening

Shi Hyuk stared at Rina with dilated nostrils. He just can't control this person, this....this.... Teenager here!

Rina and her sarcasm often make him freeze.

"H-how did I get here?" Rina asked in a croaky voice

Shi Hyuk studied Rina, he heard her deep breaths her breath faintly. His face darkened, he saw her actions before. Knowing Rina for nine years, is enough for him to understand her actions. He is the only family she had in Seoul since her late parents passed away.

"Ahhh---" Rina groaned in pain

Shi Hyuk poured a brownish liquid in a cup and handed it to her. Rina stared at it then to Shi Hyuk before she held the cup.

"It's peppermint tea, it will help ease your headache" Shi Hyuk said. He turned his back and went to his table then started to organize his table.

"Umm, here."

Shi hyuk turned his head at Rina and found her hand stretched to him holding a folded bond paper.

"it's a little crumpled" Rina said in a small voice

Shi hyuk reached for the paper and didn't know it was the contact before he unfolded it.

"I got into trouble today, and I hit someone." Rina said, avoiding eye contact

Let's hope that it's not one of my employees

Shi hyuk thought

"It's not that I--err, he took it from me, and I had to retrieve it somehow" She continued

"I'm...sorry... Mr. Bang"

Shi hyuk's eyes widened, its the first time for him to hear Rina admitted something in this manner, and apologizing? The Rina he knew isn't really into apologizes.

"Fine... I'll forgive you... This time." Shi hyuk warned, noticing the heavy atmosphere, he thought of a way to clear it. He picked up a document on the table and a pen then hands it over to Rina.

"Sign here" Shi hyuk said.

To his surprise, Rina quickly signed without noticing what he is up to.

Rina exhaled deeply and shook her head. Shi hyuk then quickly turned around to hide his sneaky smiling face from Rina. He pursed his lips the instant Rina said a word.

"Waiiiiiiit a sec"

Rina wondered

Shi hyuk peeked over his shoulder and swallowed.

"IS THAT THE CONTRACT?" Rina snapped, her bulging eyes and clenched fist made her look like nothing happened to her.

"Ehem, lucky guess" he stretched his smile into a frown

Shi hyuk knows that Rina didn't see that coming, she wasn't expecting that she would personally sign the real contract.

"But I thought - - -" Rina didn't finish

"The fake copies are signed by me. And the one and only original one is signed by you." Shi hyuk said with a sly smile

"Right now..."

Rina grimaced, unable to believe what she just put herself into.

"Okay, listen up here!" she stood up and stared at Shi hyuk aggressively

"I sacrificed my strength and power, traveling with blood sweat and tears from Japan to all the way over here, without stopping a millisecond!

You know what's worse?

I arrived here at 5 am sharp, I didn't get enough sleep and I didn't even get those fvking three meals a day!!!" Rina exploded, causing an eerie echo in the office with her high pitched voice

" You tricked me! " she continued

" You should be a rapper " Shi hyuk replied

" you TRICKED me!!! " Rina repeated

" I heard you"

"Waaaaaaaa!!!!!!" Rina screamed like a 9 year old pulling her hair.

Shi hyuk snickered, then stopped when Rina darted her eyes at him, looking like a tiger who got pissed

"Just give me my office keys and the trainees' documents" She demanded

Shi hyuk stretched for a white folder and Rina quickly snatched it from him.

"Do I need to explain them to you?" Shi Hyuk asked cooly

"No, I got this Mr. Bang" Rina answered

Shi hyuk smiled when she called her 'Mister'. It feels like victory, he finally caught Rina with his trap. He stared at the air, still wearing those wierd smile and made a quiet hum. He stopped when he noticed Rina was still there standing looking at him with a cold stare and a raised eyebrow.

"Oh well" Rina sighed, bending the folder

"I'll introduce you to the trainees in 30 minutes"

"Yes, Mr. Bang" Rina said, gave a slight bow and walked away.

"Your office is disarranged" he added before Rina left the room.

"I'll clean it." She said then slammed the door

Shi hyuk sighed in satisfaction. Be sat on his comfy chair replaying the look on her face when she realized she fot tricked... Shi hyuk tried to keep it down, instead he endup producing loud laugh.