
3. 1: Let The Hunt Begin

"1...2...3...4" Rina counted the trainees' documents to scan for the details.

"Okay, let's start" Rina encouraged herself then starts to read the first document.

"Kim Namjoon"

She started reading his basic info, birthdate, address, hobbies, etc. Her head starts to nod while reading his works every bullet. Her eyes dazzled, Namjoon manages to join underground rappers and was able to produce and write songs. There is another that surprised her, it was Namjoon's IQ, 148. She grinned, Namjoon is pretty intelligent.

Rina flipped another page revealing the second document. She glanced at the profile, a warm smile was on the photo, it was so infectious that Rina found herself smiling back. The next page was pleasing, Rina immediately knew that Hoseok had the love for dancing, she read a bullet about his audition to a big entertainment industry. Rina's smile turned to a frown when she read that Hoseok's audition didn't went well in the end.

"Jeon Jeongguk" Reading the third document. She bit her lip when she started scanning the second page. Rina was impressed, at such a young age this kid was scouted by 7 companies and is very talented. To her surprise, she found out the reason why the kid chose Big Hit among the others, because he was impressed by Kim Namjoon's skills and rapping style.

Looks like someone's a good influence

"Lastly... Min... Yoongi" Rina's eyes widened while reading. Yoongi has interests in playing piano, though it says that he is a music student majored in piano. He is also like Namjoon, writing songs, underground rapper, and produced his own music.

Rina checked his basic info. Her eyes went big when she knew Yoongi is the same age as her.

She folded the folder and was pleased by each individuals background. All of a sudden, something began to bother her. The four of them are perfect, however there are still missing pieces to the puzzle.

"So Mr. Bang managed to gather four trainees"

Rina said, eyebrows curved

"4?" the number echoed in her mind, bouncing here and there like an eerie sound looking for a way out of the box. And it's the number she doesn't like.

"How about we make it... 7" Rina suggested... She quickly turned at the door when someone knocked.

"Manager Kyung?" Mr. Bang asked

"It's 30 minutes already, time to meet the boys"

Her eyes went wide, she almost forgot about it, and now is not the time for her to meet them. She barely made made a plan, and she wants to stick to it.

"Mr. Bang wait!" Rina called

"I have a suggestion"

"What is it?" Mr. Bang asked

"You gathered 4 trainees right? But I just thought that, four is... Err... Lacking... I mean, pretty few, so I kinda felt that they're missing something, not that they lack skill, the boys are good and their status are good, but it's bothering me. No! Something's floating around my head but I can't pinpoint it---" Rina rapped

" Okay, stop... What do you mean? "Mr. Bang asked bewildered

" Well, four is a little out of number you know? "Rina explained

" We need more members "

Feeling pretty weird, Rina isn't used to sharing suggestions to a high ranked colleague, since her rank in her past job is pretty high. Now she knows what it feels to share something that needs approval.

" It's the four of them. But why not make it 7?" What she said was a pretty good idea for her. Maybe she will have better luck to have 7 members, seven is her lucky number. But still she can't believe that she's doing this.

"Is your schedule full?" Mr. Bang redirected with a blank expression. Rina's heart starts to pound at his reaction, worried that he might not approve her suggestion.

"W-what?" She stammered

"No not really."

"Okay, since you're the trainees' manager, you have to take good care of them while keeping up with the company" Mr. Bang said

Rina's eyes clouded, was Mr. Bang referring to her suggestion or he was trying to change the subject. Rina did hear about the 'take care' thing Mr. Bang mentioned.

Take care?....

Did he mean... Babysitting?!

"I'm not a.... Babysitter" Rina gulped

"That's exactly what you will do." He  added

That's absurd!

Why would I babysit teenagers? t-t-t-trainees....

"If ever you have any good ideas to contribute, promote it... I'll give you my 100% support" Mr. Bang smiled

Rina didn't know what to say. Somewhere inside her exploded like a birthday popper, her heart somewhat skipped a beat, like she hit a piñata with one thousand dollar prize inside. Rina made a smile at what Mr. Bang said.

So this is what it feels to be approved by a superior.

"Thank you Mr. Bang." Rina bowed

"No need for thanking..." He laughed "Actually, I just remembered that we have a trainee that still in school."

Rina frowned in horror, a word suddenly popped out in her mind and started to echo.

Babysitter.... Babysitter.....babysitter....

Oh stop!

Rina shaked her head and looked at Mr. Bang.

" You mean.... Jeon Jeongguk? "

" I don't know... I guess it's him..." Mr. Bang wondered

Rina was stunned. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

What kind of CEO he is who doesn't know his own trainees?

"Manager Kyung, I want you to check him out."

Rina slowly raised her right hand and pointed herself.

"M-me?" she asked

"Of course, who else am I talking to?" Mr. Bang scoffed

Rina glanced to her left and right, turned her head to her back, then peeked at Mr. Bang's back. She doesn't want to do the babysitting, she had a schedule to catch and now she end up babysitting a fifteen year old high school student.

"Ahh, hehe... Yeah o-okay... I will be, taking-----care of them... Or should I say..... Babysitting" Rina paused in every gulp

"Right then... This will be handy." Mr. Bang handed Rina a business card with the company name and logo. Well they exactly look the same.

Rina took the business card as Mr. Bang walked out of the office.

"umm... Mr. Bang!" Rina called

"Does that mean, I can meet the boys another time?"

"No, well you can if you want to..."

He said then walks away.

Rina stared at the business card. She wiped the surface with her thumb, she pursed her lip.

She thought about how she dragged herself into. She is new to managing trainees. Well, she did get an experience on handling some actors in the set, looking out for them, giving them scripts, her hands was so full. Then all of a sudden, she end up in a hospital, she even lost a lot of weight. If being on the set made her go to the hospital a few times, what would happen to her in the industry?

Rina blinked. She picked her small backpack and heads outside of the industry.