
3.2: Let The Hunt Begin

It took Rina some time getting to Jeongguk's school, the gps on her phone kinda glitched. And if Rina gets there, she needs a good excuse to check him out. On the document she checked earlier, it says that Jeongguk likes something with 'flour'. So Rina went out to get him food, her inner noona, was activated. Not really sure what kind of food something with 'flour' he likes, she circled around food stands to find something in mind. She spent 20 minutes searching for it, gladly found a food she remembered, but she bought him Donkkaseu and Kkotppang and hoped that it will be worth it.

Rina wasn't sure if it'll lure him. But her guts says it will. She took off the bus and walked around the corner to check for signs. She found a gate with a guard standing by, she walked closer to, carrying a lunch box on her left hand.

"Umm, excuse me Sir. Is there a Jeon Jeongguk here?" Rina asked politely

"Yes, there is... Why would you look for him?" the guard asked

"Oh, I'm his colleague." Rina said, trying to act unsuspecting.

"And could you hand this to him."

"Yes, I will Miss." The guard replied smoothly.

"Thank you" Rina gave a bow then walks toward the street. She can't just go away without seeing the kid, she spotted a tree by the corner, then hides behind it. She settled herself and makes sure she doesn't get spotted.

Oh, what am I doing?

Why is she hiding anyway? What Rina had in mind is that  she doesn't want to be seen until she gathers all 7 of them together. It's her habit already, she often do this in her past job.

Rina heard a young voice by the gate, she peeked over her shoulder to check who it is. The guard was talking to a kid and he was smiling while looking at a lunchbox, she noticed it was the lunchbox she gave it to the guard, so that kid must be Jeongguk.

He looks like a Jeongguk

Jeongguk bowed slightly at the guard then the guard bowed in response. Jeongguk still has those smile in his face, the he turned until he was out of sight.

Her mission is complete. Time for Rina to go back to the company.

Walking to a bus stop isn't pretty bad, just a few blocks away from the school, Rina got to the stop just in time for the bus to arrive, glancing at pedestrians getting in and out of the bus. She was gonna step in, a faint gurgle growled in her stomach followed by an acid liquid flowing, she strained her abdomen so people can't hear the sound, she bit her lip and held her starving stomach. Rina remembered she didn't get breakfast, and the sun is at 90°, that tells her it's noon, she will miss the bus if she get herself some lunch, if she skip her meal, she'll collapse in a few minutes.

Rina turned her head then darted her eyes to find a food stall, she could go back to where she bought

Kkotppang and Donkkaseu.

Should have eaten one of those dumplings

Rina shaked her head and went her way to find food, before she collapses. It's one if the things why she hates herself.

After 25 minutes of eating street food, stomach bloated with food for having a feast in the street. Rina's on the bus, gripping a steel for balance, stomach stinging, bitting her lip to over power the pain in her belly and breathing through the mouth quietly so that people won't notice.

Her doctor once told her not to eat huge amounts of food at once if your stomach is empty for days, but Rina here is very hard headed, now look what she got, belly full of Odeng-guk, Dakgangjeong, Chapssal donuts, Odeng, Twigim, Tteokbokki mixtures rising to her throat tasting bitter acidic liquid, she might actually puke in the bus. The rising feeling in her esophagus is tingly, she swallowed a few times to push it back but kept rising, until it came to her throat, her hand on her mouth covering the soon give her public humiliation, she closed her eyes tightly praying for it to delay. Instead of a puke, a burp came out, it didn't get to be loud, thankfully her stomach pain went away, turns out a burp is all she needs to pop it away, she cleared her throat trying to blend in the environment.

The bus fell quiet, almost all of them staring down at their phones, looking around from person to person. Rina's mind been floating when the thought of the business card came in. How is she gonna recruit someone in the streets? She can't just approach to some random person and say 'hey come to bighit, I'll turn you into a famous idol', besides it's not like a perfect stranger could just walk in randomly in a bus.

Rina scoffed off the thought, time to stop dreaming, enough with the children's thoughts.

Suddenly, the bus stopped, opening the front door to some 3 college looking students in carrying those shabby bags. There was nowhere for them to sit, so they just held on to the steel bars to keep them from falling.

One of the three starts to talk, Rina heard them, ears activated then listened, didn't look at them.

"What a bummer man." the boy with blue shirt said.

Rina kept on spying on them, it's not her fault she's listening to them, the whole bus is quiet, even the driver.

Suddenly, her eyes glowed upon hearing one of the college kids.

"Yeah, don't worry, it's never easy to be recruited as an actor." said the other



Rina turned to see who the kid is, a broad shouldered tall kid wearing a polo, with that heart shaped lips bearing a glum on his face, head shooked.

That must be him

A feeling of deja vu flowed in her head, it's strange because of the similarities of the position of the people in the bus and the college boy's clothes and bags. What could thus mean?

It seems like it's been done before, but was cut off by something...

"Well, guess I'll see you around." the broad shouldered said, his two friends replied by slight bows.

The bus slowly stopped, the broad shouldered boy walked towards the door, still looking glum.

Well, I guess things are connected by fate

Rina quickly followed the boy off the bus, as soon as she got off, she checked her watch to blend in so she won't be suspected. When the bus left, she chased after him until she managed to catch up.

"Hey! Um, excuse me." Rina called, panting from running.

Broad shouldered turned, eyebrows raised. Rina came closer to him, her eyes scanned him from head to toe, and smiled between breaths.

"I'm Kyung Rina, I came from Bighit entertainment." Rina breathed, handing him a business card.

Broad shoulders reached for the business card and stared at it, flipping it sude by side.

He raised his eyes to Rina then parted his lips, instead of a bright reaction, Rina froze looking at his blank stare at her.