
4: Number 7

The next day, sitting on her chair, in her squeaky clean office, feeling very bummed out. Rina still can't forget what happened yesterday, she never felt the ways of rejection, until yesterday came. Her thoughts often wander around, going back to broad shoulders who she gave a business card. He definitely look perfect to add to the members, but what went wrong? She did her best to convince broad shoulders, but why did he reject her, and her business card?

Thinking about it so much, she have faint black circles around her eyes, she only slept for about two hours, plus a nap in the bus which she almost missed her stop.

Shaking her head to get the thoughts out, Rina reached for a mug beside a pile of magazines and books, she slowly sipped the strong coffee then scanned the trainees' documents once again. (this was the fifth time she read it)

Few minutes later, her thoughts began to drift away from the business card thing yesterday, getting prepared for today's company activity, an audition is coming up, this is one of her chances to pick a good trainee, if she's allowed to pick one, maybe a perfect teenager will appear before her eyes sent by the heavens with good quality of dance skills and a nice voice, or something...

Rina placed a pen in her pocket, bringing a clipboard, running straight out of her office to the audition's location.

Darting her eyes around busy staffs, putting cameras into place, judges waiting for auditioners looking bored, designers still designing the background, plus lots of people waiting outside for the audition to start. Irritated, Rina checked her watch, then lifted her eyes to the staffs, it already 9:15, supposedly the audition's ought to start 15 minutes ago, why did it took so long? The staffs must move faster or else the audition will start in one hundred years later.


Rina's blood began to boil, glaring at other staffs at the corner laughing over coffee, her eyebrows curved, one of them is quite suspicious, the shirt, the shoes, the slacks and stuff. She checked her watch once again, thought that she must do something.


What are those men doing? They're 16 minutes late! Dang it!

Rina tried to calm herself, trying to search for the director of videographers to chat about those lazy staffs.

But, she did not know who the director is, she can't just go there and peek for their IDs like a detective. The director is nowhere to be found, more like didn't know who.

An employee walked towards her, holding papers on her hand with four pieces of folders.

She caught up to the employee and try to ask if she knows the director of videographers.

"Excuse me," Rina said, the employee turned.

"Do you know the director of the uh, videographers?" asked Rina, hands on her back.

"Yeah, I do." the employee nodded.

"he's right.... There, with a group of people." the employee pointed at the group of men carrying coffee in their hands. Rina's eyes bulged.

"And he's wearing lime green shirt." continued the employee.

Rina gave her a small smile then bowed slightly at her.

When the employee turned her back, Rina's smile turned to a scowl.

No wonder that guy is suspicious.

Rina stomped her way towards the group of guys looking at them like her long lost nemesis.

Rina worked once in a entertainment industry and tgis is the first time for her to see the director of videography chilling out with coffee, it's because she was the boss in her past job.

She stood behind the videography director and cleared her throat.

The men stopped talking and turned to her in bewilderment.

"Can I help you?" The director asked smiling, Rina glared at the two guys, then she studied the director's face.

"Are you in charge here?" Rina snarled, arms crossed.

"Excuse me?" the director laughed,

"Yes, I am in charge here."

"Well, Mr. In charge, don't you know what time is it?" Rina asked, voice raised slightly.

"It's Adventure Time, I guess." the other guy teased, the three of them burst out a laughter while Rina stared at them coldly.

Oh they're getting on my nerves

Rina sighed in irritation, raised her hand to massage her head abit.

Her eyes lifted to them, now they stopped, studying Rina from head to toe. She clenched her jaw and blood boiling in her, anger rising up. Issues of Rina when is sets or filming like this, is that she doesn't want her temper to snap, caused by she hate the most when working.

Being LATE.

"Okay listen up you jerk!" Rina growled, pointing at the director.


" Hahaha, who do you think you are? " the director asked sarcastically.

"Better than you. " Rina shot back, making his two pals there frozen with her ice cold stare at the director.

"Haha, young lady--"

"The door is wide open. I'm in charge here until the end of the audition!." Rina cut in with aggressiveness in her voice. The director staring at her with face red as a tomato. She shot her cold stare at his two pals, their eyes wide then quickly grabbed the director by his arms and strolled out of the room. She rolled her eyes and breathed, feeling the pain in the neck go away.

Eyes furrowed seeing those pairs of eyes looking at her like lizards.

"What are you waiting for?! Get to work! Were 17 minutes LATE dammit!" Rina fired, hands on hips.

The staffs responded quickly at her order like ants being scolded by the queen.

Rina walked to one of the video cameras to inspect it, holding a camera steady against her eye, looking through it, her eyebrows curved, then pulls away from the camera.

"Are you zooming it in digital?" Rina shrieked, eyeing a videographer staring at her.

"Y-yes." the videographer stammered.

"Change it to optical, Hurry!" Rina shouted, making the videographer do quickly as she says.

"Digital zooming makes the image bigger, sure, but also blocky, fuzzy, and distorted. When It comes to zooming, better use optical." Rina said boldly, then went to another camera, the staff holding the camera backed away to give Rina some space.

"The white balance and exposure is good, but adjust the shutter speed and focus more." Said Rina stepping away from the camera to let the videographer do her orders.

Rina walked to the center of the little stage to check the whole area.

"Adjust the lights lower! Were filming here not doing a photo shoot!" Rina yelled, eyeing another staff checking at the lights.

"Faster people! Then get to your places!" Rina added, looking at the staffs like a tiger.

The staffs moved their butts quickly every time Rina shouts, feeling her unlimited anger flowing throughout the room, as the lights were adjusted back to normal, all the cameras controls are good. An emcee announced that the audition is starting, the auditioners breathed out deeply in frustration, like the audition finally started in a hundred years.

Rina settled herself in one of the videographers, having a video camera against her eye, this way she can focus in picking that perfect member on her own, the judges already know about it so they just let her be and trusted that she'll pick a good soon-to-be trainee.

Five auditioners came by, Rina haven't found her perfect trainee yet. That's her punishment for being so very picky when it comes to auditions. Rina saw number 4 auditioner sang a song with a nice voice, that one of the judges turned to her secretly, but Rina just shook her head in response then looked through the camera.

Rina exhaled heavily, observing the sixth one, who was singing. Runa narrowed her eyes to the sixth one sing, silencing the sound around her, focusing at a teenager singing in front.

Nice voice.... His breathing is good...

Rina waited for something more to come out of the teenager, something unique and unexpected and sincerity. But she shook her head again.

He sings pretty nice....

But.... I can't see himself while he sings... This is not the one...

The sixth auditioner exited the room after the judges gave a little comment. The emcee called the next number, which is the number 7. A teenager with angelic aura, that high school haircut, and body looking like a dancer entered the room then bowed at the judges before performing.

Rina immediately knew that the kid likes to dance since he entered the room.

A feeling of deja vu flowed in Rina as she witnessed the seventh kid dance on the stage, her eyes furrowed and narrowed her eyes, feeling that this audition had happened before. She silenced her surroundings, trying to focus on his dancing and his flow. Rina searched for his personality by his movements, when the chorus of the music arrived, Rina's eyes grew, she saw his feelings and his sincerity right in the chorus. However this is still very faint to recognize, it can still be developed with her help.

Rina managed to make a slight smile while watching the teenager finish his dance.

8 hours later, the audition is finished for the day and it shall resume tomorrow.

Rina peeked by the door to a judge talking to an auditioner.

She bit her lip while listening to them having a conversation with only the two of them. The staffs scooted out of the room to lighten up their heavy shoulders, some of them went home, others ate at food stands.

Rina heard the teenager thanking the judge in a delightful voice, bowing at the judge twice, exchanging smiles.

The kid walked out of the room holding a business card in his hand and tucked it in his pocket and went home.

Rina stood there, face softened while looking at the kid skipping in happiness until he was out of sight.

She carried a smile as she went back to her office, hugging a clipboard along the way.

I found you...

Number 7...