
6: A Weird Timing

Some say that if you are really excited about a special day, your hormones will wake you up in time to get ready for it.

However, Rina here just woke up from bed, drinking coffee, again.

Dark circles forming in her eyes, her hair is a complete mess, she fought for her heavy eyes lids to raise, whenever she does, just kept on going down.

From about 7 hours ago, when Rina arrived to her rented apartment, when she entered the door, slammed it hard to close it. She ate rice cake for dinner she bought around the corner. She finished it thoroughly then strolled her way to the bathroom groaning and moaning as if she was hit by a truk.

2 hours later, two empty bottles of soju standing on the table, and one rolling on the floor. Rina's expectations after she gulped all those soju is that she will go straight to bed, but the reality is that Rina did a lot of activities in her room, chanting weird sentences while strumming a guitar off tune, second was singing and cursing outside the window in the middle of the night. She almost got herself in trouble, a neighbor yelled at her for being so loud that he can't sleep, third one is that she pulled an umbrella behind her door and danced with it while laughing m along with those weird chants.

Now Rina is late for work. Bearing those dark circles, fuzzy hair, dry face and all, punishment for drinking 3 bottles, 30 minutes before midnight.

After drinking the coffee, she stomped her way to the bathroom taking a bath before going to work.

Turning on the shower, Rina shook her head to wait for the water to splash her head, but never happened. She twisted it over and over and over, but nothing came out of the shower.

A memory flashed in her head, remembering herself turn off the water activation, now realized why nothing came out.

Rina nodded in understanding then turned a knob at a box like figure over head. Now it is on, she stood below the shower and shook her head waiting for the water to hit her body.

Thinking about that warm feeling flowing through, and that smell of dew.

But still nothing came out. She groaned in frustration and and went out to get a screwdriver to fix this nuisance. Rina aimed for a screw glued in the box figure, she was gonna thrust the screwdriver in but paused and inch away, she wondered if the shower knob was twisted on, so she reached out to turn it on. A splash of water fell out of the shower, she then quickly twisted it back and nodded like an idiot. Rina threw the screwdriver away and positioned herself under the shower. When she turned it on, her eyes were wide as an owl, as if she saw a shark.

Rina was expecting a good and warm water to flow down on her, instead, it is a smoking water measured in 5 degrees celsius falling onto her, Rina squeaked and screamed in horror, voice reaching outside the apartment and made some pigeons fly away.

9 am on the clock, Rina took a quick rest in her office, arms crossed on the table and head pressed against it.

Thoughts drifting away to dream land with noodles, fried chicken floating around her.

In every action, there is a prize and Rina received her prize for drinking three bottles of soju straight. It wasn't her choice to drink such amount of alcohol, it was tempting, she thought and due to her euphoric moment yesterday, she decided to celebrate with soju.

I shouldn't have drank a lot of alcohol yesterday.

Producing a faint snore, enjoying the heavenly moment of sleeping and dreaming about her success of finally gathering 7 trainees.

"7....train---ees..." Rina mumbled, followed by a snort through her nose.

Rina felt the door open quietly, but she didn't care, she wants to sleep, she won't wake up if that were a tsunami, earthquake, hurricane, murderer or her knight in shining armor or whatever you call it just ti get a sweet sleep.

"Senior." a soft voice whispered, a little far.

"Senior." the voice continued, now getting closer.

"S-senior Kyung?" the voice repeated, Rina's ear started to tingle.

Why is that disembodied voice keep calling me... Senior?

"SENIOR!" the voice screamed, Rina jerked up glancing from corner to corner, heavy breaths, arms crossed over her chest.

"You again? You scared me to death!" Rina exclaimed, eyeing that female employee that she continues to cross paths.

"Nevertheless, you're standing in front of me, haha in the flesh. Senior." the female employee replied, pausing before speaking the last word.

Rina retracted back to herself, clearing her throat and stared at the employee.

"Okay, what do I call you?" Rina asked confidently.

"Oh yes, I haven't got the chance to introduce myself, now that you've mentioned it. I am Kim Da Young, the CEO told me to be your assistant or junior. And I will be handing your extra work incase if it goes out of hand." Da Young said with an appealing tone.

Rina just nodded to Da Young's explanation. To think that Mr. Bang gave her a very own junior and assistant is pretty suspicious, theories began to pop up in her head, either Mr. Bang thinks that Rina is weak, or Rina is lazy.

To her, having an assistant is pretty cool.

Rina shrugged off the thought and moved towards the door, checking her watch. She glanced at her back and saw Da young following her, holding a clipboard with a pile of documents.

Rina knows that she herself is very late for her schedule and needs to speed up her work in order to catch up.

All because of that stupid soju!

Rina blamed.

Inside the elevator, silence was in the air then silence turned into awkwardness, Rina became sick of the situation so she broke the silence.

"Ms. Kim, what is my schedule today?" Rina asked, pulling her sleeves into place.

"You're meeting with the trainees..."


"That's it. You'll be with them for the whole day, and onwards."

Rina froze, eyes grew wide.

Her head slowly turned to Da young who was reading the clipboard then noticed Rina fidget.

"That's that senior, It's your solid schedule." Da young smiled at Rina, then disappeared, wondering why Rina's eyes are wide.

"Are you okay senior?"

Rina's mind began to play the words she doesn't want to remember, it was the time when she suggested to maximize the number of members. That conversation with Mr. Bang.

Babysitter... Babysitter... Babysitter... The echo teased

I am not! Rina fought

Rina sighed lighly then looked at Da young.

"Yeah, I was thinking."

When the both of them got out of the elevator, Da young gave Rina the clipboard she was holding before. Da young told Rina about the trainee's meeting site she organized before Rina arrived, that it was at a cafe', 'I told them to exactly be there at 9, since you're going to be a bit late.'.

Impressed, Rina gave Da young a slight bow then went outside of the company to that cafe' to meet the new trainees.