
7: A Good Start

So this is the place...

Standing in front of the cafe', looking through the windows checking if 7 boys are waiting inside.

When meeting new people, your body would be running itself to the cafe' and throw those doors open with excitement.

However, Rina here is biting her nails while hovering like a dragonfly. She is used to working with old actors and staffs during her past job, but teenagers? Almost her age?How is she gonna act as a manager without knowing her identity? They might think that the company hired a fake manager!

She'd rather be editing films than talk to them, it scares her sometimes, didn't even know how to say.

Okay, just breathe, you can do this! Just be formal, you are Kyung Nara, you can do anything...

She convinced herself.

More or less...

Rina swallowed then moved herself in the café. Her heart is racing, hands getting cold looking preoccupied by flying thoughts like;

How will I introduce myself?

Will I activate my strict mode?

They're just teenagers, it's not like they are going to rip you apart and place your body parts into a huge cauldron full of tomatoes, chilli sauce and blood.

Rina laughed at the thought nervously as the distance between her and the 7 boys at the corner are getting closer. Rina gripped at the clipboard harder, her head starts to tingle like a 0° water temperature was poured over her.

Besides what could go wrong?

6 feet away from the boys, Rina studied each of them while walking towards their table.

First, she recognized Taehyung pouting his lips while glancing at the other trainees awkwardly.

Broad shoulders was very focused on licking his lollipop.

One was slouching and head shooked, wearing a striped jacket.

One that is wearing sunglasses, sliding it over his nose to peek.

A boy with porcelain skin was staring at the table blankly while holding a pencil.

And two others Rina didn't see their facial expression since their backs are facing to her.

Rina was a step away at last and she was trembling in nervousness, she bit a lip and breathed deeply.

The boy with sunglasses took his sunglass off, stood up and greeted her with a smile then the others jerked up and greeted too.

"Oh, Anneyonghaseyo!"


They greeted with a bow.

Rina stiffed and managed to smile at them, she swallowed faintly before she spoke.

Just act natural, just act natural.

"Anneyonghaseyo! You may sit down now." Said Rina while going to an empty seat between the boy with striped jacket and Taehyung.

Rina breathed.

"I hope you can forgive me for being late."

"It's already 9:30 and supposedly our meeting should start 30 minutes ago, but I'm 30 minutes late. Forgive me for letting you wait." Rina apologized.

Okay, Just keep it steady Nara. You're doing good, just do the usual. She thought

"No it's alright, we just arrived 15 minutes ago." Said a boy with an angelic voice, the rest of them nodded.

"So, let's start this off with a meal.

Anyone hungry?" Rina suggested.

Just after she said the last two words, she noticed broad shoulders quickly hid his lollipop behind him and Rina made a quiet snort, then suddenly heard a grumbling noise that sounded upset. She turned to that noise which leads to a slouching boy beside her, who slowly lifyed his face at Rina and made a shy smile.

"I guess I forgot to ate breakfast." He admitted in a small voice. Rina burst a small laugh.

"Haha, okay what would you guys like?" Rina offered, shy looks shooting at her that made her eyebrows furrow in bewilderment.

"What?" Rina asked. She noticed that Taehyung was smiling and raised his hand.

"Can I have umm, Bulgogi..."

Rina nodded then glanced at the others.

"Anything else?"

No response.

Rina sensed the awkward atmosphere and thought about the positives.

It's still their first meeting, this is normal, very normal. Rina went through tmin this kind of situations before, and the key to make them talk to each other is food.

As the meat is ready on the table, Rina noticed all of them swallow, and almost drooled. Rina ordered double Bulgogi and one order of sampe Samgyeopsal.

Rina ate a bite then all of them dug in the the food without hesitations afterwards, the heavy atmosphere grew lighter and the awkwardness between teenagers disappeared thanks to the food.

Works every time.

Now all of them are talking to each other normally like pals, having different topics about school, favorites, hobbies, ect.

Rina is having fun listening to them chitter while very focused on eating her food, she almost ate all of the Bulgogi, been years since she ate Bulgogi.

Rina lifted her head to them and was very pleased of them having a good meal.

"So, Mind if I ask your names individually? " Rina asked nicely, chewing a strip of meat.

"We'll just go random, starting from my right."

Rina looked to her right, which the first one to introduce is the shy kid.

The boy slowly raised his head and glance at Rina to the rest of the members.

"Oh, umm I am Jeon Jeongguk, I'm from Busan and I'm fifteen years old." Said Jeongguk in a shy voice.

Rina paused for a moment, the name triggered a memory that she just remembered about that lunch box errand.

Rina nodded, then a word appeared in her thoughts when the time that Mr. Bang and her having their last conversation.

Babysitter... Her brain teased

Stop it!

An angelic voice spoke up with enlightenment and a cute smile was printed on his face.

"Oh you're from Busan? So do I!"

The boy said, Jeongguk eyes sparkled never expected to have another member came from his hometown.

"Really?" Jeongguk asked happily.

"Yeah, my name is Park Jimin, I'm eighteen years old, nice to meet all of you!" Said Jimin.

Then another voice speaks up, this time it is deep.

" You're eighteen? So am I! I'm Kim Taehyung by the way," Taehyung smiled.

" And I'm from Daegu."

Rina was very interested in listening to each of their hometown and names, the awkward moments vanished as the introduction passed from person to another with those beautiful smiles on their faces.

" Daegu? " Said the porcelain skinned boy.

" Me too, I'm from there."

"Wah, cool I thought I was the one from Daegu." Taehyung shared.

"I'm Min Yoongi, 19 years old."

Upon hearing the age, Rina's ears snapped, her heart beated nervously and just remembered that one member is the same age as her. She reached for a glass of water then dranked a gulp.

"You're older than me." said the boy wearing sunglasses earlier eyeing porcelain Yoongi chewing Bulgogi.

"I am Kim Namjoon, from Ilsan and

18 years of age." Namjoon said smiling.

"Oh, me too!" said the bright faced boy sitting beside Jimin

"I am from Gwangju, name Jung Hoseok." Hoseok finished with a bright smile.

And lastly, it's broad shoulders turn.

He cleared his throat before speaking up.

"Good morning every one, I'm from Gwacheon, I'm 20 yearrrs old, the most handsome.... Kim Seokjin."

He paused forming a check with his index finger and thumb below his chin.


Rina laughed. "Now that's a nice entrance... Ehem, so I guess everyone knows each other now, ages are connected also almost have similar hometowns, feels like fate." Rina continued.

"So, since all of you know each other, do you have some questions you want to ask me? Just fire away" Rina said confidently, starting to get the hang of it.

"Introductions would be nice." Yoongi spatted, not looking at her, eating samgyeopsal.

Rina pursed her lip in response and rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, how rude of me..." Rina paused.

"I am Kyung Rina, I'm from around the corner, I don't live in my original house, I just got hired a few days ago and I will be your manager starting today and onwards."

"okay manager. " Jeongguk, Jimin and Taehyung said smiling brightly at their new manager.

"I've read about your individual documents, and all of them are very fascinating to me." Rina talked hands on the table, all of their eyes at her.

"As I have learned that each of you possesses such wonderful talents, and each individuals have their difficult past." All of them suddenly broke into sad faces.

"But lemme tell you, don't let those past of yours get in your way, keep moving forward until your dreams are held within your grasps. I understand your situations very well, but if ever you are tired of facing it, don't stop just rest." Rina continued, now their eyes lit up.

" Manager, are you Buddha?" Hoseok asked.

Rina grinned.

"Better than Buddha. "

All of them burst into funny faces.

"Now, I want to say that you can just act normally in front of me, just loose up a bit, hmm?"

"Okay if you say so." Seokjin replied representing all of them.

Now that all of them are getting along slowly, all Rina have to do is to find them a dorm. But first they must go back to the company to do their daily schedules.

Rina got up first and payed for the food, then all of them rode a taxi, since the eight of them didn't fit, Rina called 2 taxis, all the hyungs in the second taxi, while Rina riding with the maknaes, chit chatting with them as they traveled to the company.