Chapter 21

When Harry returned that evening, he called Snape in to the infirmary and had a meeting with him and Poppy.

"You're asking me to knowingly break the statute." Snape said, with a raised eyebrow.

"No." Harry said. "I'm asking you to make me a potion. I'll not officially tell you what I plan on using it for, nor will you know when I misplace it or who will find it and decide to feed it to her ailing mother."

"Of course, I'll simply be giving you advice on dosing suggestions for a hypothetical patient, as part of your private studies into healing." Poppy said, nodding along.

"Of course." Harry said, smiling gratefully at her.

"I'll get it ready for you." Snape nodded, before turning and walking toward the door. "Oh, and Black. This is the kind of thing I'll do for free, so long as you can restock the ingredients I use." he called behind him.

"I'll keep that in mind." Harry called after him. "Thank you, sir."

When Snape was gone, Poppy said, "I am proud of you for doing this."

"You're not going to complain about me breaking the statute or try and change my mind?" Harry asked.

"Would it work?" Poppy asked with a smile.

"No." Harry said honestly.

"I'll ask you to be careful, but besides that, I know you can take care of yourself. Just, protect the people that work for you as well." Poppy warned. "This Doctor Hawk seems like a good person to have in your corner. She'll need to be careful, too."

"I'll be sure to give her a warning." Harry allowed. Madam Pomfrey took the time to give him instructions on what he needed to do and then Harry went to dinner. On his walk to the Great Hall, Harry sent Doctor Hawk a message, stating that he'd be stopping by to bring the first shipment of materials the next morning. She'd know what he meant. She was arranging her mother visiting her for a few days and would be bringing her to the base, to 'see what she's been up to', but it would give them the chance to give her the first doses and get her signed into the contract.

On entering the hall, Harry spotted his girls all sitting at the Gryffindor table, surrounded by the students from the other schools. Apparently they were all interested in sticking close by, for undisclosed reasons. The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs had graciously (read, had no other choice) moved up space at their tables to allow the guests seats close by the spot where Harry normally sat.

"This isn't conspicuous at all." Harry muttered.

"What did you do?" Fred asked as he and George approached.

"They won't tell us." George explained.

"That would be a trade secret." Harry said aloud. Then he whispered, "I took them for a flight on a certain device of mine."

"Hey! Why weren't we invited?" Fred complained.

"Why are your devoted followers never invited?" George agreed.

"It was kind of a spur of the moment situation." Harry said, as they made it to his seat. He was happily surprised that someone had already dished up a plate for him. It even had all his usual picks. He wasn't a picky eater, but he was taking care not to over-indulge, even though he usually ate a bit more than was strictly necessary, just in case his body decided to go through a growth-spurt.

"How was your meeting?" Pansy asked. She was seated on the one side of the space they had kept open for him, with Susan on the other side, today.

"It went as expected." Harry said. "The new employees are going to start on the research and construction plans I suggested and I should have something to look into tomorrow. Unfortunately that means I'll likely be out of school for the majority of the day."

"Do you even do homework anymore these days?" Fred asked. They were still hanging around. Most of the people around them were quiet as they listened in.

"Sometimes." Harry allowed. "If it's something interesting or where I need to touch up on the concepts."

"So, not really ever, then." George mocked.

"Like I said, sometimes." Harry corrected. "I remember writing a paper on a potion for curing boils…" he trailed off.

"That was last year, Harry." Susan said with a bit of a smirk, as Harry dug into his food.

"Huh." Harry said. "I didn't realise."

"How is it not affecting your grades?" Fred asked.

"Grades don't matter, Fred." Harry said. "As long as you do well in the OWLs and NEWTS, it doesn't even matter if you're in Hogwarts the rest of the year. It's not like there's a scoring system that takes into consideration how well you do during classes. The entirety of your grade comes from only those tests."

"Brother, dear." Fred started.

"I think I know what you're thinking, Fred." Harry interrupted. "There is also one other factor you're not considering. As a member of staff, I don't get detention. If you're thinking of skipping class, you'll still need to go to detention, otherwise there is a chance of being suspended for ignoring school rules."

"But,-" George started.

"There's also the fact that the Professors all know he's already studied to NEWT level." Padma said.

"They tested me and everything." Harry agreed.

The Weasley twins stewed for a bit. It was just so damn tempting, but Harry had the convenient excuse of having already finished everything. They couldn't just skip class and still learn. Instead, Fred changed tactics. "Well then, Master. If we accompany you during your excursions from Hogwarts, surely you can give us instruction on what we'd need to learn."

"As an instructor, you do have the knowledge to teach us. We'd probably learn better from your personal instruction too." George added with a nod.

"He's not a qualified Professor, though." Hermione added.

"Technically, you'd learn better from Hermione." Harry agreed. "She's been trying to hide the fact that she's studying ahead from me, since she finished her muggle high school education."

"Hey!" Hermione objected. "That was meant to be a surprise!"

"Sorry, Hermione." Harry said. "I realised it when I saw you mouthing the Langlock curse the other day, while the rest of the girls were still on their herbology homework." Hermione crossed her arms and pouted. "Hey, I'm actually impressed. You're up to sixth-year level spells already and, knowing you, you've been studying the other subjects ahead as well."

"I'm only trying to catch up." Hermione defended.

"You keep on going at your current pace, and you'll finish school before the Twins here." Harry said pointing over his shoulder at the Weasley boys.

"That won't be difficult." Ginny piped up from next to Luna. "They'll likely take three years still to finish their NEWTs."

"Next year is their NEWT year." Harry nodded.

"We wouldn't want to finish before you." Fred said, with a smirk, not rising to the bait.

"What kind of Padawans would leave their Master alone?" George agreed.

"We still have much to learn." they said together.

"Vat is Padawan?" Victor asked.

"Blasphemy!" Harry exclaimed. "You need to be educated." he decided. He stood up then and announced. "Special screening of Star Wars in both the Cinemas, from tomorrow, for the next three nights, for students who gain permission from all their professors!"

There was a cheer from the students and many lightsabers made an appearance at this point. The popularity had never really decreased, since the lightsabers were still being produced and sold at the Cinemas.

"You're going to make me face a whole bunch of challengers again, aren't you?" Neville asked with a sigh, but a bit of a smile.

"You wanted to be the reigning champion." Harry countered. Neville had been hard at practice and had finally defeated the seventh-year who had been in the lead for the last year. It was no surprise to Harry that it had been Cedric. Harry suspected, though, that Neville had cheated some. "And it is only proper for the current leading Jedi in the school to set an example, since I am the undefeated leader of the dark side."

Neville did not mention cheating, since he had been doing some of that, recently, but mostly for intimidation. He'd used his wandless magic to propel himself through the air and do some spectacular, if nearly impossible, aerial acrobatics. He'd asked for permission from Harry to make it seem like he wielded The Force, for the sake of appearances, which Harry had easily allowed. He'd really enjoyed that show. Neville's duelling class was currently very popular and the boy had been gaining some muscle for all his exertions. Hannah was very proud of her boyfriend.

"Shouldn't you ask for permission before announcing things like that?" Neville asked, instead.

"Don't need to." Harry said. "Since students will need permission from their professors. Chances are, we'll be seeing more studious students for the next three days as everyone tries their best to prove to the professors that they are up-to-date enough to watch the movies. Those that like the movies anyway." There were some who didn't really like the movies, but those students would probably do the same, to spend time with their friends.

Harry looked up and saw a twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes. No doubt he'd either had the same thought, or overheard them using some monitoring charms. Professor McGonagall was sighing, but Harry thought he detected a bit of humour in her eyes. At least, she didn't look upset.

"I'll set up some forms." Hermione volunteered. "We can have the professors sign permission for the students that are eligible."

"We'll help handing them out tomorrow morning." Parvati volunteered.

"Isn't there an easier way?" Padma asked.

"Set up one form and then just copy them, or have the professors specify who isn't eligible." Harry offered. "I suspect it will be easier than having them sign so many forms."

There were a couple of nods around.

"'ow ees eet zat you can just do zees sings?" Fleur asked, from where she sat across the table at a neighbouring table, behind Hermione, who was across from Harry.

Harry shrugged. Hermione volunteered the answer. "Harry likes to do strange and unusual things. He finds routine boring, so he needs to blow off some steam every now and then."

"And ze Professors?" Fleur asked.

"Harry's considered staff." Daphne said. "He has some freedoms for that, as far as we can tell. Dumbledore never really told him what rights he has, since Harry refused to hear them, so he makes them up as he goes."

"I'm just the flying instructor." Harry corrected. "That's not really a professorial position."

"Still." Fleur said, in thought. "I can see why 'e placed you in zat position. Who could say zey 'ave a better understanding of ze subject?" There were some nods around. "Aren't all staff allowed staff rooms, zough?"

Harry looked up at that. "You know what? I never thought of that… Though, I'd likely never use them anyway. I could commute to school if I wanted to, after all."

The next morning, Harry went to pick up some scrap metal and repaired and transfigured said metal into solid blocks, so that he could more easily carry the shrunken block in his feather light and expanded backpack. Severus had given the potion to Madam Pomfrey and Harry had gone to fetch it after breakfast. Doctor Hawk had indicated that her mother would be at the Hangar for the day.

When Harry arrived, he placed the potion on a bench very openly, on top of some paper with dosage instructions. Then he went to go speak to the Mechanical Engineer, to see how she was coming along. Apparently Doctor Hawk was focussing on learning some runes, with which she hoped to negate the effect of magic on some machines she felt they'd need.

Doctor Pike was not anywhere near ready, but she explained some of her ideas to Harry, who took out the block of steel and started having Pike explain how he should make some sort of grid, which would allow free air movement but would also be able to be cleaned by a simple mechanical function, to rid the construct of the Carbon build-up which Harry had predicted. The whole thing would end up being magical, but Harry needed to learn the principles first.

Thomson was right there with them, trying to understand what they were doing, while Harry explained his hypothesis. By the end of the day, they had constructed what looked like a large antenna array, which had the mechanical function Doctor Pike would be trying to automate. Harry indulged the woman, since he wanted to learn about this, but he'd be making whatever device they ended up with, transport everything to a central location.

Doctor Hawk had been spending time with her mother, explaining to the basically mute, wheelchair bound woman, what they had been up to and what they were planning on doing. The woman could scarcely move when she arrived. By the end of the day, after her third dose, she had started speaking haltingly and had actually hugged her daughter. The process would take a week, but Doctor Hawk had taken the woman off the full-time nurse's hands, to keep the fact that she was being treated a secret.

Harry would be making quick stops at the hangar to deliver supplies and to transfigure parts for the excited Doctor Pike for the next while. At this point she was a glorified teacher, but she didn't care, as long as she could use Harry's power to build her large arrays, which she knew would end up being used differently than designed, because of the possibilities of magic. She'd be focussing on learning about his magic as he learned about the principles she was using.

The next three days were fun for Harry. Having seen the movies a few times now, Harry decided to add a little feature to the cinemas. Gravity runes. When the fast paced flying scenes happened, Harry would manipulate the runes to add a bit of g-force and turbulence, making the experience much more realistic for the students. He also manipulated the temperature at times and when large explosions happened, the rooms would shake slightly, making it a real experience for the students.

When the first movies were finished, the stock of lightsabers quickly sold out and a waiting list was written up. The morning of the second movie, there was a bit of an exhibition match between Neville and Harry, with Neville in traditional Jedi Robes and Harry in black ones. The match was choreographed a bit, but in the end, for the sake of suspense, it was decided to end things in a draw, with Harry using the Weasley twins as fodder, to distract Neville, while he made his escape, calling out behind him that Neville would one day join him on the Dark Side. Harry had even used some illusions, to make it seem like there were some lasers being fired at Neville and Neville used his wandless magic to block the shots deftly with the blade of his lightsaber, before the battle started.

The effect was quite a bit of awe at both Harry's and Neville's abilities and the Durmstrang students, who had scoffed at the swordplay practice in the duelling club, were the first to join on the next meeting. Neville was receiving quite a bit of attention these days, and Hannah had become a bit possessive, when other girls started flirting with the boy. She was not one to share.


That was the trend of things for the next few months. Harry was very sad to learn that his plans for Mars would not be as simple as he had first imagined. There were a whole slew of problems with his idea. While he could potentially terraform the planet's surface over the course many years, the lower gravity and relative lack of heat, along with the lack of atmospheric pressure, would make it very difficult to breathe, even if the correct levels of oxygen and other noble gasses were achieved. The best he could hope for, was to build large domes where he could build settlements and then, using magic, create connections between the domes, so that people could travel between them.

Either way, his plans were adjusted and he'd be putting some work into those, since he still intended to reach the planet and start work on establishing a large plot of land, which could be used to start supporting a modest settlement. If he could establish a large enough area, he could start a bit of a forest and start getting the life there to work in a sustainable ecosystem.

Doctor Hawk was very happy to help him plan the bio dome, since it would be possible to study Mars on a whole different level, if there was a proper location established on the planet. It was a dream-come-true for someone like her. The fact that her mother had made a full, miraculous recovery, had gone completely under the radar, which was fortunate. Doctor Hawk's daughter was still working out of Africa, but she'd finally returned home to visit her family.

As a result of Harry's effort, he was now on a first name basis with the entire crew.

When the day of the final task arrived a few months after the second, Harry had almost forgotten to prepare for it, since he was so busy working on stocking the now slightly expanded space-ship, with the required materials for the new location of their Martian base. The task would take place on the evening of the 24th of June. Harry spent the day quickly putting a plan together, which it turned out he had more than enough skills and preparation for, when the evening finally fell upon them.

The champions gathered by the entrance to the maze and Harry was informed that he had quite a lead. He had refused to hear of the standings, since he still maintained that he was not supposed to even be in the tournament. He decided to do as he had initially intended. When the tournament started, Harry walked in and brute-forced his way through every challenge.

The boggart had to choice but to flee, when Harry destroyed the antique dresser it had been hiding in. Harry found it funny that it still thought his greatest fear was a Dementor. The Sphinx tried to give him a riddle, but Harry walked straight to the creature, which shrugged and attacked back. It stood no chance, and Harry soon had it grappled into submission.

Harry took a bit of time with the spider, ripping off all its legs and kicking it so hard, it's torso shot off into the distance… At least, that's what it looked like. He'd actually given it a telekinetic push, to get it all the way into the forbidden forest. Hopefully it survived and told its brothers and sisters about its ordeal, as it slowly regrew its legs. Acromantula could do that, right? Maybe the legs could be used for potions ingredients? Harry banished them back to the entrance of the maze.

There were a couple of other traps and inconveniences, like Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts. Harry knew the trick with them though and simply disabled the poor thing. Harry seriously contemplated killing it. It was the last of its kind, though, so Harry wouldn't do that to Hagrid.

It took him all of ten minutes to reach the cup, but he erected a ward to hide it and left a duplicate close-by, which was stuck to a conjured pedestal of pure gold. It would be unmovable until the pedestal vanished in an hour or so. Then Harry went down another path, to go look for his friends.

He found Victor moving slowly through an enchanted field which blinded the person that entered it. Harry summoned Victor through it. "Hey, Victor." Harry said, helping the boy up. "Mind coming to look for Fleur with me?"

"Vhy are you lookingk for her?" Victor asked.

"I already know where the cup is." Harry said. "Hid it. Now I want us all to get to it together."

"You vant a draw?" Victor asked.

"Yeah, sure." Harry said as he turned around, back the way he had come. "You guys did face the challenges too, after all." Victor noted a few disabled traps and an unconscious mountain troll. Harry didn't even look at the thing. It had been as simple to disable as first year. Harry wouldn't even be surprised if it was the same troll as from the third floor.

When they reached the fake cup, Harry was pleased when Victor didn't even look at it twice. Rather he followed Harry down the other path.

Fleur had done quite well and had almost made it to the end of the maze. She had just bowed to the hippogriff and it bowed back, when Harry and Victor joined her.

"Hey Fleur." Harry called, as he walked right up to Buckbeak and stroked his feathers. "You seem to have gotten the easy path." He looked at Buckbeak, then. "Hey Buckbeak. I'll make sure Hagrid feeds you an extra bit tonight. Thanks for helping out."

"'arry? Victor? What are you two doing 'ere?" Fleur asked.

"Harry vants us to finish together." Victor said with a shake of his head and a defeated smile.

"'e should 'ave just finished." Fleur argued, even as a bit of a smile tugged at her lips.

"Where would be the fun in that?" Harry asked, as he finally turned around and headed back to where the cup was hidden.

When they reached the location, Harry told them to wait for a bit, while he went to the cup. He scanned it and found only one portkey spell on the cup, but still not trusting it, he dispelled the portkey and cast his own, knowing where it was supposed to take them. Then he cancelled the concealment magic.

"You ready?" Harry asked them.

"Ve take together?" Victor asked.

"That's the idea." Harry agreed, as the other two moved around the cup. "On three. One, two, three!" As he said three, he made an illusion grab the cup along with them, and they were whisked away to the winner's circle. Harry smirked, as he lifted himself up and flew back to where he knew they were. It took him only a couple of seconds to join them again, flying past the monitors which had shown their progress to the crowds.

"You tricked us!" Fleur exclaimed, angrily.

"You vere dere first!" Victor agreed.

"But you two actually wanted to take part." Harry said, even as the two champions were being congratulated on their victory and led off to be presented with the prizes. Dumbledore needed to preside, so he couldn't speak to Harry about what he had done. Harry simply stood there and watched as they were presented with their prize, which they claimed together.

His girls and friends soon joined him. All of them wore smiles. He hadn't told them what he would do, but a few of them suspected he was setting something up.

"You know some people will say they cheated and took the cup before you, right?" Pansy asked.

"They can say that if they want." Harry said. "I'll simply say that I did it on purpose, which is the truth."

The schools had all cheered when the champions grabbed it together. When Harry didn't arrive with the rest, Harry's girls continued clapping and laughing, so the rest of the school assumed they were in on it and clapped along. The fact was, everyone knew Harry could have finished first, but he had openly and very publicly declared that he didn't want to participate. This was in character for him.

Harry was surprised when he was called onto the stage, because they knew he didn't want the attention, but sighed and went up, at the insistence of his girls. When he was handed a small replica of the Triwizard cup, as a participation award, he scanned it first and found no portkeys. The heads from each school were smiling at him. Smiling did not look good on Karkaroff. When Dumbledore was done speaking about his character and stuff (Harry wasn't really listening), Madam Maxime surprised everyone by stepping forward and handing Harry an envelope.

"For your ready protection of my students, when you were not required to do so, you 'ave been awarded with the 'onorary title of Chevalier of Beauxbatons. You may visit ze palace whenever you please and will be considered an instructor in our 'alls." she said with a beaming smile at him.

Not to be outdone, Karkaroff stepped forward, as well. "I don't have any fancy titles for you, but Victor tells me you don't like the fame, so I'll just say that you are welcome at Durmstrang whenever you need a change. We'll have private rooms ready for you and anyone you want to bring along." he added, before smirking at the French headmistress. She'd not made quite the same offer and it seemed he thought his offer was the better one.

Harry graciously accepted, and stood back to allow Fudge to make his own speech. Harry was mentioned in the speech more than once and he realised the man seldom had the chance to be seen standing so close to him. Harry cast his spells again to create glare on any picture of him, but when Fudge's speech went on too long Harry sighed and lifted up, floating down to go stand by his girlfriends and friends. Fleur and Victor were still standing by their Headmistress and Headmaster, but they looked like they were enjoying the spotlight, or at least could tolerate it.

"Fudge loves the attention, doesn't he?" Harry asked.

"He's a politician." Pansy said. "He's supposed to."

"You'll have to get used to it at some point, as well." Daphne said. "You'll likely need to stand in front of people one day and address them."

"Nah, you two can handle that for me." Harry said. "I'd much rather stand in the background and support you."

"Us?" Pansy asked.

"Yes, you." Harry confirmed. "I'll need press representatives and public relations officials. I can't be expected to handle every part of the company."

"So, you'll be employing us?" Daphne asked.

"Already have." Harry said. "It's just for the purposes of adding another layer of security at this point, but all my friends, family and close acquaintances are on the books as employed by Marauders Inc."

"I claim personal assistant." Daphne said instantly.

There was a pop, as Dobby appeared. "Miss Greengrass can't be personal astant. Dobby is being Harry Potter's personal astant."

"Please learn to say assistant, Dobby?" Harry asked. "The way you're saying it makes it sound dirty."

Dobby smirked at him and just disappeared.

"Secretary then." Daphne grumbled.

"I can have more than one of either of those, you know." Harry said.

"It's not the same." Daphne said. "At least as your secretary, I can wear inappropriately short skirts and drop my pen, so I can bend down to pick them up and keep you distracted."

The other girls blushed at that, except for Pansy, who decided that she'd rather be a personal assistant as well. It sounded like it would be much more intimate and she had similar leanings as Daphne, about distracting Harry, though she'd not do so if it interfered with business.

"Whatever you want, my dear." Harry said. Then he smirked, "Though, as your boss, I'll have to insist that you only wear scandalous clothing when there's nobody around to see it, but me."

"I do hope you are not planning on taking advantage of your employees?" Daphne smirked back.

"Are there sexual harassment laws in the magical world?" Hermione asked interestedly. The girls had started flirting with Harry quite openly these days. She still blushed, but was able to do so herself, when they were alone. Not in public like this, though.

"Not like the muggles have." Luna said, surprising the rest, since she seldom volunteered information like this. "Flirting is usually considered a convenient way of asking for a raise or promotion."

"What about you, Luna?" Harry asked. "Had any ideas of what job you want to do when you're done with your studies?"

"I intend to work with Daddy." Luna said. "The Quibbler is our paper after all."

"So you won't be working for Harry?" Susan asked. She was thinking of following her parents and aunt into law enforcement, herself.

"Oh, the Quibbler has already been employed by Marauders Inc." Luna denied.

"You have?" Harry asked.

"Your godfather likes the articles, apparently." Luna confirmed. "Likes them so much, he paid us to become a partner and set up a distribution in all your resorts for us. Daddy is very excited. We'll be going on the hunt for the crumple-horned Snorkack in Africa this holiday, thanks to the extra income. Mummy has even taken some time off to join us."

"Good for you.�� Harry said. He kept on forgetting that the woman was in the picture. Every time Luna mentioned her, he had this strange sense that he was missing something.

"Be careful." Hermione said.

"We will be." Luna agreed easily.

"How long is this speech?" Harry asked. The Minister was still just rattling on about cooperation and the effort that the Ministry had had to put in, to arrange everything, from bringing in the dragons, to increased security. Harry scoffed at that. The ministry had sent a few Aurors along to help keep the audience safe, but that hadn't cost a thing. Bringing in the Dragons had been costly, though.

"There are no other big events coming up." Padma said. "He's just taking the opportunity to get in the spotlight."

"Isn't there a point at which the length of the speech becomes too much and starts breaking the image he's trying for?" Harry countered.

"He's winding down." Hermione said. "He probably realised it himself." Harry's Comm, which was with Hermione, pinged just then. She took it out and held it out to Harry.

Harry checked the message and his mood fell. "Azkaban has had a mass break-out." he announced.

"Who told you?" Pansy asked, her own attention leaving the speech as she turned to Harry. The rest of the group also gave up all pretence of listening to the man.

"Daniels is the head of security for Marauders Inc. Since he's in charge of Lupin Penitentiary, he's kept in the know about these things." Harry said. "This will affect our lives, I suspect."

Convicted and proud Death Eaters, murderers, rapists and all manner of evil men and women were on the loose. Then there was the question about what happened to the Dementors. If they were in place, doing their jobs, there'd be no chance of anyone escaping.

"No shit." Neville said. "The Lestrange family will likely try to continue where they left off." He had lost a bit of colour, but his eyes held a spark of danger. His increased skill and confidence had turned his fear into righteous anger and he was actually hoping to meet the people who had tortured his parents into insanity. He'd cut their heads off with his lightsaber or simply crush their heads in with his wandless telekinetic ability.

"For now, I think it's time we informed the right people." Harry said as he turned and walked away. He called the Prime Minister.

It took a minute, but John finally answered. "Mister Black?" he asked. "Weren't we scheduled for a call tomorrow?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your evening Mister Minister." Harry apologised. "I have just received some distressing news. It seems there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban. I don't have all the details now, but you should expect people from our security force to show up soon."

"What?!" John whispered hoarsely. There was a moment's silence as John contemplated this. "What's being done?" he asked.

"Like I said, I just found out, so I don't have all the details." Harry said. "But I know the protocols. Our people will be accounted for and everyone will be informed to be on the lookout. The ministry will likely drag their heels, so I intend to get all my friends and family together and send them to one of the resorts until we can round the prisoners up."

"You'll be part of that?" John asked.

"I'll likely not be allowed to take part personally, but I'll lend a hand in the planning phase." Harry admitted. No doubt the security forces were already at Azkaban, getting the scent of the escapees. "There were quite a few loyal Death Eaters in prison. They'd stop at nothing to see their master again."

"Then get your people to safety." John insisted. "If they somehow find out that you have their master, they'll likely try to abduct them to get to you."

"Only people I trust are in the know." Harry said, thinking he'd likely need to invite Karkaroff to a secure location as well. "Though some of them will still want vengeance on me for defeating him when I was a baby."

"Someone has just arrived." John said. There was silence for a moment and Harry stayed quiet as he waited. Then John finally said, "It's the wolves. They apparently already have orders."

"Good." Harry said, sighing in relief. "I need to go now. The wolves can inform you of the status going forward."

"Good luck, Mister Black." John said. "And thank you for letting me know."

"Thank you, sir." Harry said. "Goodbye."

"Did you just call the Muggle Prime Minister directly?" Neville asked, in shock.

"Oh, that's right." Harry said. "I haven't told you that I'm working with the Prime Minister, have I?" he asked with a bit of a smirk.

"I think I'd remember that conversation." Neville said. "I mean, I know I can be slow, but I'm almost positive I'd be able to remember you mentioning that, even in passing."

"Well, it's not something I advertise." Harry said. "In fact, I'm almost certain it's a state secret, so please keep it to yourselves." he said, looking around his friends, who all nodded sombrely. That was about the time that many pings started being heard around the crowd and people started pulling out their Comms. "Okay, I suggest you call your families and have them get ready. I'm relocating the lot of you to a safe location."

"You're taking all our families away from their lives?" Hermione asked.

"My friends and family will be the first targets of Death Eaters out for vengeance." Harry said. "I'll need to protect you." There were a few more nods about as nearly everyone pulled out their Comms, except for a few who quickly walked to the crowd to go speak to their relatives, who were watching the speech. There had already been a couple of exclamations of both fear and objection as the news broke and word started to spread.

Harry walked back to the stage and approached the other two champions. "Vat is goingk on?" Victor asked. He'd noted the reaction of the people who were all on their Comms.

"Azkaban has had a breakout." Harry said aloud, not caring that everyone had gone quiet at his approach. "I'm afraid we'll need to arrange a safe location for all my friends, since you'll be targeted, simply because you are publicly my friends."

"And our friends and family?" Fleur asked, even as Madam Maxime stood behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Your families will be welcome to join us." Harry said. "We have secure resorts and housing for allies of Marauders Inc., while our security forces make plans to recapture the criminals."

"What about me?" Cornelius Fudge exclaimed, having heard the situation and having received an update on his own Comm. "Surely they'll come for me! I demand the protection of Marauders Inc.!"

"You have no right to make demands." Harry said, turning to the man. "What about the Aurors?"

Cornelius Fudge was sweating bullets, now. Since the Wolves had been doing such a good job, he'd cut funding for the Aurors, stating that there was no need for such a large force. The fact that the dismissed Aurors had all been recruited by the Wolves, was something he had been made blatantly aware of. The fact that the ministry didn't support the Wolves, was also very publicly known. "But…" he tried, not being able to come up with a good enough reason.

"Ask Professor Dumbledore." Harry said. "I've got other things on my mind." He indicated to all the foreign officials and waved them along. The French and Bulgarian Ministers stood up and followed Harry without even questioning it. "If you don't have secure transport, I'll arrange it for you this evening still. Headmaster Karkaroff, Headmistress Maxime, I'll need you to call your students. I suggest we get everyone back to your schools. I'd prefer you don't use your current transports, since I can get you home much quicker.

"Get your students to gather their belongings and wait by the Coach and Ship. I'll be taking you all home on The Saucer, tonight still." Harry finished.

"Chances are, the breakout was planned for tonight, since so many of the remaining Aurors were brought here to make a false impression of their numbers." Hermione piped up. Her parents were informed and were packing already. Apparently Daniels had already started making plans to collect and house the families of Harry's friends and girlfriends.

Harry, not knowing this, asked about it, as Karkaroff and Maxime went off to go inform their students. His other friends soon came back to the group and they all confirmed that their families were also getting ready for the security forces to pick up. "Is everyone in agreement about the plan?" Harry asked looking around at the large gathered group. When everyone nodded, Harry summoned his trunk from his bedroom and took out the box, from which he pulled out The Saucer.

���Harry?" Dumbledore asked as he approached. "What's the plan?"

"I'm taking the guests back home, and we'll be offering all of my friends or family safe places to stay at one of the resorts." Harry said, as The Saucer was enlarged and opened up. "Mind getting the seats ready for the guests?"

Dumbledore nodded at this. It was a good idea to get everyone back home. The majority of the prisoners in Azkaban were British, after all. It was best to be seen doing something to safeguard the foreign dignitaries first. "Of course." he said as he went in, leading the foreign dignitaries into the strange contraption. He immediately started telling them that The Saucer was a properly tested and secure device.

"'arry?" Fleur asked, as her sister, who had come for the final task ran over to them, followed by her father. "What about my mozzer?" she asked. Her mother was still back home.

"We can pick her up." Harry said. "I'm thinking we start with Durmstrang first and finish up with Beauxbatons."

The rest of the evening was a whirlwind of activity. Harry picked up all the students and guests and Dumbledore accompanied them, even though he was on his Comm most of the time, since they took off. He had many people calling on him for information and planning. The Minister of Magic had been offered sanctuary in Hogwarts, something Harry didn't necessarily approve of, but suspected Dumbledore did, to get the Minister in his debt. It was a smart move, politically.

Harry did just as he had planned. The Bulgarian contingent all disembarked at Durmstrang, which was located in the Northern parts of Norway. They could either make arrangements or apparate from there, apparently. The French all disembarked at Beauxbatons. All except for Fleur and her father and sister, since they were probably already targets, due to her close association with Harry.

Fleur was officially one of his girlfriends, even though they'd not kissed since that first time. She'd been giving him a look the last while though, that said she wouldn't wait forever, but Harry wouldn't make any moves without his girls bringing it up first. He'd learned from that first time. Even though they had arranged it, he had learned something new. He didn't like the idea of letting them down.

Fleur's father gave directions to their family home and Fleur's mother, a beautiful woman with blond hair and a figure that would likely have Sirius hump her leg, not to mention what he'd do in dog form, was waiting by the door with a few packed bags. The father had not necessarily liked the idea of his daughter being in a relationship with the younger boy, but having seen the ship and the command with which Harry had arranged the schools and dignitaries and their delivery to safety, had him starting to contemplate things. The boy was definitely more than he seemed.

Harry had then taken them to one of the French resorts. It had come as both shock and relief to them, to know they'd not needed to move too far. Their family house-elf could even come and go to and from their home, as needed. The resort was a beautiful place, resembling an upscale hotel on the outside, but the inside had features no other hotel could have. It had been one of the condemned buildings that would have been torn down, which Sirius had Harry 'commandeer'.

Everything had been repaired with magic. The lobby had been expanded to maximum capacity and there was an indoor pool with a large waterfall (silenced for obvious reasons), with an enchanted ceiling so people could still sunbathe. There was a bar off to the side, a family friendly restaurant and Harry knew for a fact there was a strip-club in the Penthouse suite. There was also a cinema in this resort, which Harry would be surprised to find played both French and English films. Bill had been a busy man, probably to accommodate his girlfriend, Bella, Fleur's Aunt.

Harry showed everyone around, since he'd brought all his friends. Dumbledore was also there, but he was looking around in wonder. The size of the place was impressive and he could feel the wards at work. He was almost certain he felt another Fidelius on the property. "When did you purchase this property?" he asked Harry.

"It was condemned, so we bought the plot and fixed the building." Harry said. It was easy to understand his smile this time. It was quite the crafty scheme. Muggles did the work, neglected the building and Marauders Inc. had swooped in and secured the place, paying much less than the property was worth. Harry had obviously been capitalizing on the muggle world, without breaking Magical or mundane laws.

"Sirius's scheme?" Dumbledore asked.

"Actually, this was the second building purchased in the area." Harry corrected. "The wolves saw the potential and brought it to our attention. We purchased it and they fixed it up. You'd be surprised what opportunities pop up when you work primarily in the mundane world." While the wolves explored in their free time, they often brought information of suspicious activity to the security forces, who passed it along to the muggle authorities. Enhanced senses were nothing to be scoffed at. Any potential gain was also acted on, so their reach had increased exponentially, as had their income.

"I think I'm seeing that." Dumbledore said. It was the start of summer, but the enchanted ceiling would likely show only warm summer's days all year long, and the feeling in the lobby with the few tropical trees and large open-plan design with well-manicured grass growing all around the large pool, with diving boards and underwater illumination, would likely make it feel like a tropical get-away, all year long. If it was open to the mundane world, this would likely be a very wealthy establishment.

Harry saw the Delacour family to their suite, before returning to the lobby with the rest of the people. Their evening was not done yet. They were now waiting for the other guests to arrive. It took an hour for everyone to show up and be settled in. Since it was a Saturday evening, Harry and his girls stayed at the resort as well. Harry could have gone home, but he'd had a suite designated to him on one of the top floors, since the building was first bought and the wolves had upgraded it on many occasions, so Harry decided to spend the night.

He was just sitting down in his personal hot-tub, which looked out over an impressive skyline, with a flute of champagne in hand, when there was a knock on the door. "Who's there?!" Harry called, not wanting to get out. He'd not had the opportunity to try champagne before and he suspected the wolves left it on purpose, considering the fact that they all considered him reasonably mature. Better to experiment where the wolves had a presence, than somewhere else.

Instead of answering, Harry heard only silence and then the sound of the door closing. "Eet eez moi." Fleur's voice called, softly.

"I'm in the hot-tub." Harry called out. He was fortunately wearing a bathing-suit. He didn't feel quite right bathing in the nude, when he could see such a view. He knew the property was hidden, but it still felt like he was in the open. "I'm decent, though." he added.

When Fleur entered the large living room, surrounded by windows and an open patio with a magnificent view, much like their own family's large suite, she smiled at him, from inside a dressing gown. "I see you 'ad much the same idea as moi, zough you 'ave obviously decided to indulge?" she asked looking at the glass in his hand.

"It's just a glass. I'm just trying it." Harry said, looking at her. "Why are you in a dressing gown?"

"For ze Jacuzzi." Fleur said as she let the gown slip from her body. She was not wearing a bathing suit. Instead she seemed to be wearing some kind of lingerie. Nearly transparent lingerie.

"Fleur!" Harry exclaimed, looking away. "What are you doing?!"

Fleur smirked at him as she walked over and got in. Harry kept his eyes diverted and felt the water-level change very slightly as she got in. "I'm just visiting my boyfriend." she said. Her tone, however, seemed to indicate that she had other plans for the evening. "Do you not like seeing me in zees?" she asked.

"I definitely like what I saw, Fleur." Harry corrected. "I'm just not sure if I should be looking." he admitted. "Last time we were alone in a bathroom, you had designs on me that you didn't tell me about."

"But last time, like today, I 'ad permission from your ozzer girlfriends." Fleur said as she shifted to sit next to Harry. Against him. "Are you going to offer me a glass?" she asked.

Harry finally looked at her. He had been happy to note that they were about the same length this time around. It seemed he had grown a bit taller than last time. Relaxing, now that she wasn't so blatantly showing off for him, he conjured her a flute and poured her a glass, before handing it to her. "Excuse my manners, Mademoiselle Delacour." Harry said with a bit of a smile, though he was still blushing at her being pressed up to his side. "Cheers." He offered his glass and she clinked with a smile at him.

"à Votre Santé." Fleur said. At his frown, she explained, "To your health."

"And to yours." Harry allowed, as they clinked again. Harry took his first sip then. "It's not bad." he allowed. Then he turned back to her. "Now, what exactly did you get permission for, for tonight, that you showed up in near sea-through lingerie?"

"Nossing more zan you 'ave been doing wis your ozzer girlfriends." Fleur answered as she sat back and looked at the lights of the city, Nice. It was a coastal city, and the resort was mostly above the city, so the lights below them were very prominent. "But if you feel zat you are not ready, I would be 'happy wis just a kiss."

"Why do you always have to surprise me with these things, though?" Harry asked, looking out at the view again. "I'm not complaining, you understand, I just want to know."

"Last time, I did it as a favour." Fleur explained. "Zees time, it is because I cannot stand ze idea of losing you after today."

"We could always be friends?" Harry offered lamely. It wasn't what he wanted, but he had to make the offer. He didn't want her to join, only to regret it later. She was fun and intelligent. The fact that she was beautiful, made a difference, but he didn't want to make any decisions based only off of that.

"Do you not want me?" Fleur asked. Harry heard the hesitation in her voice. She didn't often get rejected, he reckoned.

"I'm not saying that." Harry denied. "I'd be lucky to count you among my girlfriends, but we're moving very slowly with things. As I understand it, the rest of the girls aren't ready for things to go too far, and I'm happy to wait for them to all be ready before I take further steps with any of them, to avoid jealousy."

"And you are worried zat I would be more amorous zan zem?" Fleur asked. "Just because I'm part Veela, does not mean-" she stared, slightly angrily.

"Just because you are beautiful and flirtatious, doesn't mean that's all there is to you, I know." Harry interrupted holding up a hand. "But you are also of the age of consent. You'd likely have to wait a couple of years before we could take things as far as you'll likely want to, before long. Don't you want to have more experiences, or get married and have children at some point soon?" he asked, knowing that she and Bill had been going in that direction by the time he was sent back.

Fleur looked at him like she was seeing him for the first time. "'ow old are you, really?" she asked then.

"Why do you ask?" Harry returned. He wasn't certain he could answer her honestly just yet. It took him two years to trust his friends.

"You asked ze same question as papa." she said. "He also worries about ze future and asked me if I was willing to wait for you. I sought you were smart and 'ad a strong will, but you are speaking about sex like an adult, not blushing about it like a boy should."

"I'm more mature than boys my age." Harry allowed. It wasn't technically a lie. He was mentally more mature than even her.

"Non." Fleur denied. "Somesing else is 'appening 'ere. Are you keeping secrets?" she asked.

Harry sighed. He really didn't think he was ready to tell her this. "I am." he finally said. Then he took another sip of his champagne and looked out the window again.

"Is it 'orrible, or are you protecting someone?" she persisted.

"Yes." Harry said. "I'm not trying to be difficult, Fleur. I am protecting people, including myself. My closest friends all know my biggest secret, but I could only trust them with that after they really knew me."

Fleur looked at him calculatingly. Then she spoke again. "What eef I make ze unbreakable promise?" she offered. She needed to know this. She'd rather not think that he'd tricked her somehow, but right now she was starting to worry what horrible thing she may be exposing her family too, as worst case scenarios started flying through her mind. What if he was some sort of dark lord? What if he planned to do horrible things? What if he was just keeping the girls to perform some sort ritual that required the blood of willing virgins?

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Eef I must." Fleur agreed.

"That's good enough for me, then." Harry said with a sigh. "I won't require the Vow from you Fleur. I despise the unbreakable vow. So many secrets that could help in many situations, hidden behind the veil of one stupid magically binding promise. I just needed to know that you were willing to promise. I think I know you well enough to know who you are."

Fleur looked slightly relieved at that. For a moment, she had also wondered if he was playing along. If he didn't really know her, it could explain his hesitance as well. "So you will tell me?" she asked.

"What I am about to tell you, will need to stay between us." Harry started.

He told her a story, of a boy coming to the magical world for the first time at age eleven, who he met, what he discovered, what friendships he made, what hopes he had. Then he told her of how quickly the world had become a dark place, who he had lost, what he had seen and how he had died for everyone he cared for, including her and her new husband, Bill Weasley.

Then he told her about waking up, re-learning his magic, as he had begun teaching her, arranging his own freedom by arranging Sirius's release, coming to school, starting his plans to protect his girls, their insistence on making it something real and then, finally, arranging everything from getting to the moon, to trapping Voldemort there. He did not tell her about his plans for the upcoming holiday. If she was still around, she could find out when they left, or she could go along. The ship was now large enough to sleep and feed fifty people for a few years, with enough stock to do so.

"So you are, what, twenty-six?" she asked.

"Physically and emotionally, I'm fourteen. Mentally, I'm twenty-seven, or at least as mentally mature as any normal man that age." Harry corrected. "I have the experience of that many years of life, but not of living as someone that age. Madam Pomfrey suspects that that is why I haven't had problems seeing my friends as peers. That and the fact that they are more mature this time around, likely due to my influence."

Fleur sighed then. "You 'ad me worried. I sought I was making a mistake."

"Are you feeling better?" Harry asked, slightly uncertainly. Wasn't she supposed to be worried even more? "I did technically stop you from meeting a man you married in a past life, you know?"

"I did hear you, 'arry." Fleur assured him, a smile on her face. "Ze fact zat you told me, when you really didn't need to, means zat you are being 'onest. You are probably just as afraid as I was about you rejecting me, zat I would reject you. It is a good sing for us to be on ze same ground. We can build up our relationship better if we 'ave similar fears and insecurities."

"So, you're really okay with my situation? You're not going to call the Unspeakables on me?" Harry asked. Harry had thought a boggart would take that shape. The Unspeakables were the boogiemen that he worried about the most. With how many people knew his secrets, there was always a chance that they'd catch on and come for him and the people who knew.

"Why would I do zat?" Fleur asked. "You 'ave not destroyed ze world, yet. I suspect zat 'owever you were send back, must 'ave not just been time travel. Perhaps eet was somesing else? You could 'ave come to a different dimension?"

"I really don't hope so." Harry said. "That would mean that there is another dimension out there that still has a monster on the loose. Or maybe they killed him? He should have been mortal as long as someone took care of his snake… I'm sure they sorted him out." he decided. Better not to ponder the possibilities of that too much. "Refill?" he asked as he poured himself another drink, when he discovered his glass was empty and he was suddenly thirsty.

Fleur giggled and held her glass out, for the magically floating bottle. "'ow long did eet take for you to master ze levitation magique?" she asked interestedly. It was very subtle, yet very controlled, precise.

"It was one of the first things I learned." Harry said. "Levitation, summoning and banishing were some of the first spells I focussed on when I started practicing my wandless magic, and it turned into a form of telekinesis, with all of them active at once. I found it dead useful to unlock my cupboard so I could go sneak something to eat."

"Zat story was true?!" she asked in shock. "I sought you were exaggerating?"

"No, they really did lock me in a cupboard and punish me for not doing my chores properly." Harry said. "They went to prison, though Aunt Petunia was released last year. As I understand it, she's still trying to get custody of Dudley. Aunt Marge apparently started caring for the boy, but she was strict. He obviously turned out better for it, though he still hates all things magical."

"'ow do you know?" Fleur asked.

"I had someone go check on him." Harry admitted. "Aunt Marge was never my favourite. She loved to have her dogs attack and bite me. I was worried he was receiving the same."

"Monstrueuse!" Fleur exclaimed. "Zoze relatives of yours deserve much worse zan zey got!" she fumed.

"It's in the past." Harry shrugged. "I don't think of them much these days. I just make sure that they are still alive on occasion. Sirius actually bought Aunt Petunia a small apartment. She hates magicals and has to be grateful to Sirius for allowing her to live on his dime. He finds it hilarious, because she has no choice."

Fleur smiled at that. Harry made the favour sound like a curse the way he explained it. "Your family ees stange. I look forward to meeting zem." She leaned into Harry again and brought her face to his. "Now, enough about zees troubling sings. I 'ave permission from your girlfriends, but not from you. I'll not kiss you again wisout your permission."

Harry looked her in the eyes and leaned the last inch forward, to kiss her. It was a couple of minutes before they stopped. Fleur really put the French, in French-kissing. "Wow." he said.

Fleur smiled prettily at him, from where she had basically mounted him as she kissed him. He looked down and realised her almost-see-through lingerie, was now completely see-through. In fact… "Where did your underwear go?" Harry asked.

"Over zere." Fleur said, pointing to where the garments were drifting in the middle of the hot-tub. "Zere are some sings, zat are true for all Veela. We love ze attention."

"Did you get permission for that?" Harry asked as he blushed, when he realised his eyes had not strayed from her gravity-defying breasts, before going up to her eyes. She seemed to get a thrill out of it.

"Zey know my nature." Fleur scoffed, before she stood up. "Are you offended by seeing me like zees?" she asked, smirking all the while, as Harry kept his eyes on hers, with some effort this time.

"I'm definitely a fan of your form, Fleur, but I don't want you to think that I said 'yes', only because you are beautiful." Harry said.

"You don't need to apologise for looking 'arry." Fleur said. "I am yours, but only when you are ready. Until zen, I believe our evening is not done, yet, and I would like to see your bedroom still." She walked out of the tub, completely naked, and picked up the bucket, with the champagne bottle still in the ice. "If you don't 'urry, I'll be finishing zees on my own."

Harry smiled after her, not able to resist looking at her sculpted rear, swaying as she went.


The next morning, he awoke in an empty bed. He looked next to him, to find Fleur had left a note.

'I can't be found here in the morning. Mother and father would not approve. See you soon.


Harry smiled. His smile however, did fade slightly, when he realised he was now naked. He didn't get drunk, though, and after a moment, he realise he had fallen asleep with pants on. She must have decided to either take a look or play a prank on him. He smirked then. He had only good memories of the previous evening, but he was glad he had stayed in control. There was a moment or two, where he almost went too far, in the heat of the moment, but they stayed within the pre-determined limits, for which he was very happy. She, however had not put her clothes back on, and really appreciated his attention, especially when he started playing with his wandless magic.

Drawing himself away from those memories with a bit of effort, he went to go catch a shower, before he got dressed and left the apartment, when he realised it was almost time for breakfast. He did note a couple of messages on his Comm as he walked, and read through them as he made his way to the elevator, which had been retrofitted to magical standards.

The messages were mostly just updates on what the security forces had found. There were apparently already a few arrests. Not many, but the wolves had been fanning out around the coast to pick up on any scents that they had picked up from Azkaban. The Dementors were still completely unaccounted for, which was worrying. Muggles would not be able to see them coming or even be able to defend from them.

"Morning Harry." A voice interrupted his thoughts. Remus had apparently been on his way up and met him in the elevator. "Did you have a good evening?" he asked with a knowing smirk.

"Oh, sod off." Harry said. He knew the old wolf could probably smell Fleur all over him. "And not one word about this." he warned.

"About what?" Remus asked, even as his smirk stayed in place. The fact that Harry still had all his hair and no burns, meant he'd not tried anything he shouldn't, like Sirius often did. Veela were not pretty when angered. "Anything I should know?" he asked, then.

"Fleur is now officially one of my girlfriends. She knows my secrets." Harry said.

"All of them, or just the big one." Remus asked, suddenly serious.

"The big one, and a few others." Harry confirmed. "She visited last night. Thanks for the champagne, by the way. It was appreciated."

"Is that where Dobby disappeared off to with that?" Remus asked, conversationally. "I was wondering if he was developing a bad habit."

"Only a habit of spoiling me, it seems." Harry said with a smile, as he realised it wasn't the wolves after all. "It's probably best that I had company. Champagne is strong."

"Not as strong as some of the other stuff gets." Remus corrected. "You're still a bit young for firewhiskey, I suspect. Don't let your Aunty Poppy find out, though. She'll be all over me about my being irresponsible."

"Speaking of which, how is your love-life doing these days?" Harry asked with a mischievous smile.

"Bad Harry!" Remus admonished. "She was my school nurse too, you know. I actually think she's interested in Daniels, to be honest."

"Really?" Harry asked in shock. "She doesn't seem the type."

"It takes all sorts." Remus shrugged. "At least you know Daniels will be respectful. Poppy is family."

Harry thought about it, then. On the few times they had met, Poppy did seem to send the big wolf a smile or two. He liked the idea of them together as well, for some reason. "They do seem the right ages for each other." Harry allowed.

"Age isn't all that matters Harry." Remus chided. "If they do decide to go out or something, I'll be happy for Poppy. He's a good man."

"And she's a good woman." Harry agreed. "How many people are already at breakfast?" he asked changing the subject.

"Most are down there already." Remus said. "I was on my way to get you, when they started dishing up. They serve breakfast buffet-style, here."

"Better get in there before it's all gone, then." Harry agreed as the elevator opened.

Harry was greeted with smiles all around, and a few blushes from his girlfriends. No doubt Fleur had been added to the group on the Comms and she'd likely given a recitation of the events from the previous evening. None of his girls had been naked with him, yet, so they were likely responding to that. Fleur was smiling calmly, like nothing had happened. She'd definitely be in Slytherin, Harry decided. Her face was far too innocent. He supposed his was too, considering he was keeping his own emotions in check.

After breakfast was over, there was a quick discussion about what would follow. Harry and the other students would be returning to Hogwarts for the day, but Harry would be dropping Fleur off at Beauxbatons, to finish out her term. She still had one of her NEWTs to sit, while the Hogwarts students had basically finished the year. Harry didn't envy her that after the year she just had, but had no doubt she'd do well. She was studying with them most of the time and it seemed like she was a bit ahead of her peerage.

Susan's Aunt had come with them, as well. Amelia would be flying back with them, since she had not yet arranged permanent international portkeys. Harry would set something up for her, though, likely at the Bones estate. She'd need to be sworn to secrecy, or a vanishing cabinet placed under Fidelius, so that only she could use, or find it to come and go between the two locations, but Harry didn't see that being a problem. He told Remus to get started on that, when he had a moment. Remus just smiled and told Harry they had extra already. The bikers used them after all. He'd just need to add the Fidelius and place one at the Bones estate.

The other parents would be staying at the resort, and enjoying the activities that were hosted there. The television was a new addition to all the resorts, although there weren't many, yet, and you'd need to know to ask for them. Harry would send a message to Bill, to try and create a remote, for the muggles in residence. Until then, they'd have to contend themselves with the cinema and maybe taking a tour of the city. Summer was just arriving in France and the tourist season was in full swing, so that would probably keep them busy for a while.

Harry was slightly worried about all the families openly discussing the fact that Harry was already betrothed with five of the girls and seemingly dating Hermione, Luna and now Fleur too. With nine families represented, including Neville's Gran, he had no doubt some interesting subjects would come up. That couldn't be helped however, since it would eventually come to light, anyway.

The adults seemed quite nervous about the students going back, but Amelia assured them that it was only for a day, to say goodbye to their friends and they would be completely safe with her and Harry. The fact that she had called him 'Harry' and not 'Mister Black', had also carried a bit of weight. They were soon on their way, taking off from the underground parking of the resort, where all the drop locations for the bikers were. Many long boxes with doors on hinges with bikes parked in front of them, their doors propped open, since they didn't want someone, somehow, accidentally transporting themselves away. The wolves had already gone to their rooms for the 'evening'.

The trip wasn't a long one, considering the max speed of the current craft. They took it rather slowly and made it there in half an hour, after dropping Fleur off at Beauxbatons. It still impressed all the passengers. When they disembarked, it was to a couple of quick farewells to Amelia Bones and then a lot of greetings. It seemed most of the student body had been waiting for them, though it turned out that it was just a nice day out, and since the end-of-year feast was the last thing they were waiting for, except for the seventh-years, who still had an exam to write, it was mostly just a coincidence.

Except for the twins. The twins were waiting for their master. The next year would be their final one, and they fully intended to start working for Marauders Inc., until they had enough money to buy a joke shop, which was still their dream. Now, though, they fully intended on working part time for the Marauders as well.

"Welcome back, Harry." Fred said.

"You left so quickly yesterday, we had no chance to say goodbye." George said.

"Or sneak aboard." Fred said.

"And stow away." George said.

"To visit far off galaxies." Fred said.

"And take them over." George said.

"And rule them with an iron fist." they finished together.

"Ah, but you are at least two years too early for that." Harry said sagely. "We really should finish taking over this galaxy, don't you think?"

"Quite right." Fred said.

"Wise plan, master." George added.

Then they all laughed. Well, Harry and his friends did. There were a few students, who had gathered, who looked speculatively between Harry, the twins, his girlfriends and The Saucer. None of them worried, but many of them didn't think it outside the realm of possibility for Harry Black.

"Ah, it's good to see you safe." Dumbledore said as he walked up to them. He had taken a Portkey Remus had provided, back to Grimmauld Place the previous evening. "The people you collected are all in good health, I take it?"

"Safe and sound, Albus." Harry said.

"You could have told me that Remus would be assisting me back. Before I knew it, you were nowhere to be found." Dumbledore reprimanded, ignoring Harry's smirk at the familiar address.

"You were in capable hands." Harry said. "I was tired and needed a bath, after the tournament."

"Madam Maxime has sent me a message." Dumbledore said, changing the subject. "She thinks very highly of you, which is why she requested you to return the coach and the ship to their rightful owners."

"Sure." Harry said. "I just need to go fetch my other ship for that."

"Other ship?" Dumbledore asked.

"Sure." Harry said easily. "The Saucer was never meant for anything more than a short-range transport vehicle. The Prometheus is the real long distance ship I've been making." He turned to the Weasley twins. "That's the ship I intend to take to visit other stars and Galaxies." he explained.

The twins were dumbstruck, as were most of the students. "Galaxies?" Dumbledore finally asked.

"Sure." Harry said, before he shrunk The Saucer and starting off toward the castle. "Coming girls?" he asked, the girls all quickly followed, leaving stunned people behind.

"Why did you tell them that?" Hermione asked.

"The best lie is the truth." Harry said easily. "They'll start thinking of the absurdity of the statement and start assuming it was a joke. When I really do find a viable way of travelling the stars, many years from now, most likely, people will be more willing to accept it, because the idea will have had time to settle in."

"You really should have been in Slytherin." Pansy said proudly.

"The sorting hat wanted to put me there, you know." Harry admitted. "I told it that I didn't want to have the stigma that went with it. You all know my story. Imagine all that, and being sorted into Slytherin on top of it?"

There were a few nods in understanding. "Still. It would have been nice to have you around." Daphne grumbled.

"It's not like we see him a lot more than you do." Parvati piped up. "He's so busy these days, we barely see him as it is."

"You might end up seeing less of me after fifth year." Harry said. "Once I've got my OWLs, I can technically leave Hogwarts to start on my other studies full time."

"WHAT?!" was the communal response. "You'll be leaving Hogwarts?" Hermione asked.

"I never said that." Harry corrected. "I said I could leave Hogwarts, not that I would. I've come up with a plan to help me advance my own studies, without needing to actually go to College or University."

"The recordings!" Hermione exclaimed, in realisation. Harry had been having the Hogwarts teachers record all of their classes for almost two years. He already had copies of everything as it was. He could likely give his friends all the classes they intended to sit through for the next three years and have them practice at home, giving them a massive advantage in the next three years.

"Got it in one, Hermione." Harry smiled at her. "I'll be going to a couple of places and set up recording devices so that I can sit in on any college class I want to from this holiday. I'll likely record everything so that I have those classes on record, for in-case anyone wants to go through the studies as well, in the future."

"So, you'll be able to host any Hogwarts and any college class in the privacy of your home?" Hermione asked. Her eyes were shining in an unholy gleam. Harry basically planned to have anything he could or wanted to learn on record. If he succeeded, he'd have the most comprehensive course options on the planet… or off it. "And University?" she asked.

"We'll have to get there first." Harry said. "Remember, while I have greater recall due to the mental arts, I'm not a genius like you. I'll likely need a couple of years to study what you can in one year."

Hermione blushed and smiled prettily at him. "Don't worry, Harry. I'll help you study if you struggle." she promised.

"And what about the rest of us?" Parvati asked.

"What did you want to learn?" Harry asked easily. "I've got no problem setting something up for the rest of you as well."

"So, anything we want to learn?" Padma asked. "Even in the magical world?"

"Just let me know." Harry said. "I fully intend on having anything and everything I may need one day, with me, when I start exploring the infinite cosmos."

"Wouldn't that take forever, though?" Luna asked. "Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I just wonder where you'll find the time."

"I'll figure that out later." Harry said, with a shrug. "Who knows, maybe I'll figure out a way to travel faster than light one-day and actually be able to go to other stars. There are many issues with that concept at this time, though."

"So, you're not planning on leaving your family behind in the next couple of years?" Susan asked.

"Of course not." Harry said, stopping in his tracks, to turn and smile at them. "When my preparations are done, I intend to take all of you with me."

The fact that he had just called them family, had sent a certain thrill up most of their spines.

"What about me, and Hannah?" Neville asked. "And the Weasley Twins, for that matter."

"The more the merrier." Harry said easily as he continued on his way. He hadn't even realised he was on his way to the seventh floor, toward the Room of Requirement, until he was standing in front of it.

"Why are we here?" Neville asked. "The common room is that way." he said pointing off to the side.

"Neville, I want you to walk back and forth right there, three times, and think about something you really want or need." Harry said, indicating the spot. Neville, not knowing what to expect, did as instructed. On the third pass, a door appeared. Neville stopped and looked at the door. "Go on, look inside." Harry encouraged.

Neville reached out and slowly opened the door. "Whoa. There's a pool in Hogwarts?" he asked.

"Were you thinking of Hannah in her bathing costume?" Harry asked, with a bit of a smirk.

Neville, having been the butt end of these kinds of jokes since they started going out, was used to it. "Well, I am now." he said easily. Then he smiled, "I wonder if she brought hers along?"

"Harry, is this the Room of Requirement?" Hermione asked.

"You read about it, in Hogwarts, a History." Harry said for her. "And yes, this is the Come-And-Go Room, otherwise known as the Room of Requirement. It's also where I do most of my work, when I'm not with you."

"Damn!" Pansy said, then. "My bathing suit is at the resort."

"If you require it…" Harry said, as he led them in, and a dressing room appeared. "There's a likelihood that the room can provide it."

The girls wasted no time in running off to the changing room. Delighted exclamations were soon heard.

"Do you want to go fetch Hannah?" Harry asked. "Just remember, I'm trying to keep this place secret. It's too much of an advantage to share it around too much."

"As long as you don't mind my using it every now and then." Neville countered. "I can see myself coming here to see what the room can really do. Do you think the room can make one of those large bubbling bath things from the Resort? I really liked using that last night. Gran had me get out after a short bit. I wanted to enjoy it."

"A Jacuzzi is made for relaxation. Your gran should have let you enjoy it." Harry said.

"I think she wanted me to go to bed so she could enjoy it herself, to be honest." Neville said, shaking his head.

"I'll sort you out with a private room, if there's one to spare." Harry promised. "Just, don't talk about your gran in a hot-tub again, please? It's a mental image I don't need."

"You and me both, mate. You and me both." Neville said as he spotted another changing room appear, when Harry though about it. Neville soon went to fetch Hannah. He couldn't tell her in a message where to come, in case she was around her friends, so he went to go meet her.

Three hours later, they were all tired of playing in the pool and were just relaxing in the artificial sunlight.

"You know, I really need to find out how this room works." Harry said conversationally. "If I can have one of these on Prometheus, it would mean that there would never need to be a dull moment."

"Do you think we can find out instructions on how to make one?" Hermione asked. "The room was likely created by the founders."

"I honestly don't have the foggiest idea of how one would make something like this." Harry said.

"Finally! Something he doesn't know!" Padma exclaimed.

"Hey! That doesn't mean I can't eventually figure it out." Harry defended himself. "I'm just too busy with other things."

"I'll see if there is any mention somewhere in the library." Hermione said. "Any chance you've worked out a way to search for information through the library?"

"Actually, I had an idea about that." Harry said. "But I'll have to tell you later." He said apologetically. Hannah wasn't in on his secrets after all. They didn't have a problem with Neville having his girlfriend around, after all, Hannah was a nice girl. Her practice with Neville had started sculpting her into a bit of an athletic form. She really wanted to be the best female swordfighter in the school, to stand next to her boyfriend at the top.

She wasn't an idiot either, though. "Do you want me to leave?" Hannah asked.

"Most certainly not, Hannah." Harry said. "Though I do appreciate your thoughtfulness, I have no issue waiting till a bit later. The fact that it will bug my most brilliant girlfriends to no end, will just be a bonus." he smirked at her.

Hannah giggled. It was common knowledge that Harry had many girlfriends. "As long as they don't blame me."

"Why would they blame you?" Neville asked. "Harry knows what he's doing. They'd likely rather blame him."

"He's not wrong." Hermione said with narrowed eyes at Harry, who smirked back unrepentantly.

"I'll show you later." Harry said. "After all, you're all staying at the resort. Since it's protected, you'll be able to train your magic all you want."

"That's right!" Hermione said in realisation. "The resort is all magical!"

Hermione instantly started adapting her plans for the holiday. By the time they left the Room of Requirement, Hermione had a couple of ideas she wanted to try and she asked for the rest to leave her there, so that she could try them. Pansy and Daphne elected to stay with her on the off chance that something happened. Chances were small, but they were still there.

Harry had received a message for a quick discussion, from Dumbledore, so he went to meet him by the Great Hall, where the seventh-year students were almost finished with their final exams. Those that were not writing the exam, were also gathered. Dumbledore saw Harry and walked over to him.

"Ah, Harry my boy, I was hoping to ask you a favour." he said as he walked past Harry, indicating for him to follow. When they were out of earshot, even though the rest of Harry's girls had followed, he continued. "I was thinking, since you intend to offer opportunities to muggleborn students and those not of the elite houses," he said delicately, "what do you think of taking the graduates on the same trip you did with the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students? It would show them the possibilities of what your company may offer, and open your recruitment options some."

Harry considered that. Dumbledore seemed to be making a real effort to not be part of the problem anymore. "That's not a bad idea, Professor Dumbledore." he said respectfully, trying to use the opportunity to encourage such thoughtfulness.

Dumbledore didn't know how he felt at the obvious attempt to manipulate him. On one hand, he liked the personal relationship the boy was fostering by being more familiar, but he also liked the fact that Harry was showing him respect in front of the other students. He completely refused to listen to the little voice that said he was actually happy that the lad had endorsed the thought.

"If we leave after the exam, we'll be late for the feast." Harry warned, though.

"I was thinking we could wait for the students to depart, and then take the seventh-years on the trip, before arranging to be back at the Platform, when the train arrives?" Dumbledore offered.

"I was actually hoping to take The Saucer to the resort, with my friends, when the other students left." Harry said.

"Oh." Dumbledore said, slightly downcast. "Well… Maybe we can make it a short trip?" he tried.

"I'll sort something out." Harry said with a sigh. "How long do I have?" he asked.

"About half an hour." Dumbledore said.

"That should be fine, I suppose." Harry allowed. "I'll be leaving the school, while I set things up. Will you let Professor McGonagall know?"

"I'll do that, Harry." Luna said. "I know Daphne is your secretary, but she's not here and I wanted to talk to Professor McGonagall anyway."

"Thank you, Luna." Harry smiled at her, as she skipped off. "Girls, stick together, okay? And please inform Hermione, Daphne and Pansy?"

"Already done." Padma said with a smile, as her Comm went back into her pocket. "I may not want to be your personal assistant or secretary, but I'm not a Ravenclaw for nothing."

"Ten points to Ravenclaw." Harry called, jokingly, after her.

"Well said." Dumbledore said. "You haven't been giving your girls too many points, I hope?" he asked.

"I can give points?" Harry asked.

"You didn't know?" Dumbledore asked, slightly smugly. "You really should have listened to me back when I tried to tell you, don't you think?"

Harry just smirked. "Five thousand points from Gryffindor." he said, then.

Dumbledore sighed. "I suppose I should have seen that coming." he lamented. No doubt Minerva would blame him for this. Gryffindor was set to win the cup this year around, as well.