Chapter 26

AN: Last chapter. I can't focus on this anymore, and it is complete, but reading through this last one was torturous for me, since I'm swimming with ideas for the sequel: Origins.

When Harry awoke the next day, he was shocked to realise his girls were still with him. Fleur had thrown a leg over him at some point, trapping his arm between their bodies, his hand clutched between her legs. It seemed like she was still fast asleep though, and he worried about her reaction, should he move. He also didn't feel anything but skin.

His fears seemed unfounded, when her eyes opened a moment later. She focussed on him and winked, before releasing his hand, after squeezing it for a moment, between her legs. He realised then, that she had likely decided that it was time for him to wake up and had done it intentionally.

Tempted as he was to take advantage of the situation, he realised he had other priorities, the first of which was getting to the bathroom. The girls were all under the same large blanket with him, though, and getting up would be a difficult trick, without waking the rest.

He was spared the need to worry about it, when the other girls all started waking up, with yawns and movement, each of them waking the others. The room was still dark, but the cornices by the ceiling emitted a light, to indicate their normal daytime hours, as well as lights in the halls lighting up for those hours.

"Good morning, 'arry." Fleur said, as she smiled just for him.

"Good morning, Fleur." he said, as he sat up and shifted himself in preparation to get out of bed, only to realise he was naked again. He turned to Fleur. "Did you do this?" he asked.

Fleur looked innocently at him. "I don't know what you are speaking of." she said, smirking then even while her words sounded completely innocent.

"What did she do?" Hermione asked, in a croaky voice. She'd heard that tone before.

"Fleur has a habit of relieving me of my clothing, while I sleep." Harry said sternly, at the still smirking girl.

Pansy, who was instantly fully awake, got a mischievous look in her eye, before she ducked under the covers.

"Hey!" Harry exclaimed, as Fleur joined her. He shot up, covering his modesty in the dim light, jumped from the bed and ran to the bathroom.

"Come back!" Pansy called after him, as she looked up, after the bedding was ripped from her, at Harry's escape. Then she looked down, and realised that she was also in her birthday suit. "Fleur!" she exclaimed as she pulled the bedding back to cover up.

"It's in my nature." Fleur defended herself, even as she summoned her own, neatly folded clothing from next to the bed and started putting her underwear on.

The other girls were all noticing similar states of undress, and made their objections known, but quickly got up and started getting dressed as well. They were all still in their underwear, when a partially clothed Harry joined them, from his bathroom, having conjured some boxers for himself.

When he noticed their states, he stopped in his tracks and just looked at them.

Fleur was just lying on the bed in her underwear, in a relaxed position, having taken the position, knowing what she'd look like when Harry came back, and asked, "Like what you see?" She asked in a sultry voice, her eyebrow lifted, as she played with the edge of her panty, suggestively.

"Um." Harry said, intelligently.

The Patil twins decided to take full advantage of the situation, though, and walked up to Harry, hugging him, even though they were still only wearing their underwear. "You could always climb back in bed with us?" they offered in unison.

Hermione was blushing, while Luna smiled at the idea. She was feeling a little left out these days. She wasn't a little girl anymore, after all. She may be the youngest, but she was only human, and her betrothed was looking pretty good to her these days. Deciding to act on the thought, she walked up to Harry to hug him as well, also still only in her underwear. "This feels nice." she whispered.

Harry swallowed at feeling the skin-on-skin contact and he had the natural reaction, for someone his physical age.

"Is this for me?" Luna asked as she felt his passion rise.

That was about as much as Harry could take, before he about-faced and walked into the bathroom, again, closing the door firmly behind himself.

"Why did you do that, Fleur?" Hermione asked, as she finished getting dressed.

"I sought it would be a nice surprise for our man." Fleur said as she finally got up, to get dressed herself. "We should establish a seraglio. You are too shy, for a girl in a 'arem." She had noticed that Hermione was covering herself, even while it was just the girls in the room. "You 'ave nossing to be ashamed of. You are well endowed. I sink you are even bigger zan I was at your age." she said as she held her bra-clad breasts.

Fleur's frank assessment of her attributes, sent her into another blush, knowing Harry was likely listening. "Fleur!" she exclaimed. She didn't have any reproachful words for the older girl, actually being pleased at hearing it, but not really happy at being ogled by the Veela, who had been blatantly assessing all of the girls, who she hadn't seen in the buff, having undressed them magically, after they had all fallen asleep.

"Yes?" said Veela asked, with an upturned lip. Hermione didn't reply to that, as she finished putting on her shoes. Fleur walked to the bathroom door, then. "Are you alright in zere?" she asked. "We can always come help you wis ze situation?" she offered.

Harry, having heard everything, was blushing like mad, his blood not knowing where to flow, as it was drawn to two different places. "Witch!" he exclaimed through the door.

Fleur just smiled and winked at the other girls, before turning to Pansy. "Zat is 'ow you do it." she said. Harry had told her that the girl liked to get him all worked up.

Pansy nodded approvingly. The older girl was a skilled temptress. She could learn from her. She had not been bothered to find out she had been sleeping next to Harry naked. She just wished she had known, to take advantage of the situation, like any good Slytherin would. "You're good, I'll give you that." she admitted.

"Are you dressed, yet?" Harry asked finally.

"Non, we are all naked and waiting for you." Fleur called.

"Stop that!" Susan finally spoke up. "You can come out, Harry." she called.

"Give me another minute." Harry called. Fleur's last comment had given him a mental picture and his hormones were making themselves known again.

"Could you stop tempting him?" Hermione asked Fleur. "He's likely hungry and you're not making his life any easier."

"It's just part of my charm." Fleur said. She couldn't wait for the day that she could help him in the mornings with his frustrations, but she knew what she was getting into when she joined this group. She could always sneak into his room in the mornings, when the other girls resumed using their own rooms. For the moment, she relented, nodding in acceptance.


When Harry and his girls entered the Lido deck, intent on breakfast, it was to find that Dobby had already dished up for all of them, having taken note of all his future mistresses' preferences since he started being Harry's elf. The food was preserved magically, so that it would be fresh when they decided to join them.

The rest of the crew and guests were already sitting around, eating breakfast, having woken up only a short while ago. They had stayed up late, discussing the happenings of the previous evening. Even Madam Pomfrey had had a drink or two from Sirius's bar, while they discussed the ramifications of what they had seen and heard.

She was very worried about Harry, which was why she had told the parents, when they discovered their daughters had snuck off in the night to go to Harry's room, that they were just worried for him and that they should rather discuss it in private if they felt the need to, if at all. It wasn't like they would do anything inappropriate with Dobby keeping watch. The elf had stood sentinel, appearing when the parents came out looking for their girls, informing them that they were all sleeping in Harry's room and that nothing else was happening.

The Delacour mother had smiled a knowing smile at that, but had not spoken about her suspicions. Her daughter told her everything about their relationship and she knew she had a mischievous side. It would be good for the boy, if she could get his mind off of his troubles for a while. She had no reservations about their relationship. She was just sad that her daughter had to wait for the rest of the girls to be ready to take things further. It wasn't in the Veela nature to wait to express their passions.

Harry greeted the people in the room, with a blanket morning greeting and went to sit down at the table, in his usual spot, the girls following to join him. As they sat down the plates swapped around as Dobby made their picks go to the correct recipient. He usually tried to guess who would sit where, but he'd not gotten it right yet. Maybe he could ask them at some point how they planned the seating, since he realised there was an order to it, with nobody ever taking the same spot next to Harry twice in a row.

Breakfast was a quiet affair, except for a television projection above the bar, where the morning news was playing. Nothing was mentioned about the event outside Geneva, obviously, since the wolves had placed wards to keep the event from being noticed. It was standard practice for them, since they often worked in the Muggle world.

Seeing the news, Susan had an idea and spoke up. "What about a magical news program?" she offered. "We don't have magical television stations, but that shouldn't stop us, should it?"

"That's a wonderful idea!" Pansy enthused, the idea catching on instantly with her. "We could use it to advertise as well, like the muggles do."

"And sporting events, like Quiddich." Bill added, from where he sat. He was already planning how he'd set something like that up. He'd need to do some research… Perhaps he could go to where they broadcast other events from, so that he could see how it was done.

"Interviews and emergency service notifications as well." Hermione added. The idea had merit. The wolves were already reaching every corner of the world, and with Sirius's plans to upgrade the bikes into disillusioned flying machines, and their ability to go anywhere in the world, they could get any footage, with only a few dedicated crews. The Comms would be invaluable for letting people know of things that were going on, as well. Perhaps they could use Harry's plans for recording capabilities on the Comms to get footage from anyone with a Comm?

"Ooh!" Luna said. "Maybe there can be a Quibbler series? Mummy, Daddy and I can document our search for the Crumple-horned Snorkack!"

"Education could be a good thing as well?" Flitwick offered. "I could see myself enjoying a show hosted by masters in their fields, discussing the capabilities of magic and sharing ideas on recent developments."

"And a music channel for the wizarding bands." Padma said.

"That was a good idea, Susan." Harry said, smiling at her. "If you want, since it's your idea, we can work on it together?"

"We can all plan it, if you want." Susan said, indicating around the table. She'd only had a thought and shared it. She wasn't usually the one to plan such things. Her contribution to the group was mostly moral support and her limited knowledge of the law, which she had gotten through her aunt. She was glad that she had contributed something, though.

"I like it." Padma said. "A group project. Maybe we can spend more time with Harry this way?"

"We'll have to start after our Mars settlement is done taking shape." Harry countered. His mood fell again then, as he realised he'd be there, at that moment, if not for what had happened the previous evening.

"Hey, don't start moping, pup!" Sirius said, then. He'd been watching as Harry's girls kept his attention on plans for the future. He wondered if Madam Pomfrey or Remus had told them about how they were treating his depression, since they were doing a marvellous job, but his mind was inevitably going to go back to the recent events. "The wolves and Remus are handling everything. Even the old goat is covering for you. We should just go back and start working on my new pad. How many rooms should I add? Do you think all your girls will need their own, or are you sharing, now?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at Harry.

Harry looked up incredulously at the man, talking so openly about what had happened the previous night. He was therefore happily surprised, when Remus decided to walk into the room, just then. "Good morning!" he said happily.

"Good news?" Sirius asked, changing gears quickly at Harry's look.

"Better than I thought I'd have." Remus continued, even as Dobby appeared.

"Breakfast?" the elf asked.

"Please, Dobby." Remus agreed. "I've had a long night. Some coffee too, if you don't mind?" The elf simply popped away, as Remus took a seat nearby.

"What's the news?" Flitwick asked. He was worried about the international repercussions of seeing everything Marauders Inc. and Harry himself had done the previous evening.

"The ICW and its members are still conferring, after the revelations last night." Remus started. "I'm pleased to say, the news looks promising. Dumbledore is still keeping things from spilling into demands on Harry's technology. Someone tried to confiscate Hagrid's Problem Solver, but the Wolves escorted him and Madam Maxime away, to keep it from them. We'll need to add some protections, so that it can't be taken from him. There was also a push for the wolves to turn over Project Black Light, but it was overruled, by a majority vote. It seems having Harry show up personally to handle the situation worked in our favour, as we had hoped."

"If they are still in session, how do you know what's going on?" McGonagall asked.

Remus smiled a wolfish grin at that. "The wolves are a resourceful group." he said, in explanation.

"You're using the Cacodaemon to spy on them." Hermione said bluntly.

"And maybe a spy or two." Remus allowed. Tonks may be one of the new 'Aurors' on guard duty. "It was for the protection of the pack. As alpha, it is my duty to keep an eye on anything that might threaten my pack." He looked over at Harry, then. "The cub is also well respected. If I didn't look out for him, I may be challenged. There were already a few that needed reprimanding. Bellatrix Lestrange lost her wand-hand."

"You're not mistreating prisoners, are you?" McGonagall asked, with her strict face #5.

Remus looked like he wanted to duck for a moment, before he realised he was not a student anymore. He straightened. "The healers were able to re-attach it. It's not pretty, but it's functional." he said.

"Couldn't happen to a nicer psychopath." Harry said. Bellatrix would never be one of his favourite people. Dobby's original death still came up in his dreams at times. When he woke up from those dreams, the elf was usually standing there, with a concerned look. He didn't doubt that he still spoke in his sleep, especially after the first time that had happened.

"Doesn't Lupin Penitentiary have the highest standards in treating their prisoners?" Flitwick asked. That's what he had heard.

"We do, but if a prisoner should show up with a wound, received beforehand, it's treated and left off the books." Remus said. "The Goblins send reports on every single scratch after they arrive. It's insulting the amount of documents they expect me to sign on a daily basis!"

"Percy." Harry said.

"What?" Remus asked.

"Percy Weasley." Harry elaborated.

"Oh, that's a good idea." Bill chimed in. "My brother, Percy. He loves bureaucracy. Keeping things in order and following rules. He's currently an intern at the Ministry. I've not heard from him in a while, now that I think about it."

"Get him." Harry said emphatically. "He'd make the best assistant. I can't tell you how I know, but do it. You'll never find a more hard-working, goal-oriented person to take care of your interests."

"Done." Remus said. He knew what Harry wouldn't talk about in a group of people, like the current gathering. "I really need the help, and Tonks has been telling me to get an assistant. Apparently I don't get enough time to relax and rest."

"How many hours did you sleep last night, again?" Harry asked, with a raised eyebrow, interrupting Sirius from saying something that would likely gain him some sort of retribution.

"Shut up, Harry." Remus said, as a cup of coffee and a plate of food appeared in front of him.

"You've not been neglecting your health, have you?" Madam Pomfrey asked, sternly.

"Why does there need to be two of you in the room right now?" Remus asked, looking between McGonagall and Pomfrey. He'd never felt quite as judged as he felt when those two were together in the room with him, with their focus squarely on him.

"So, your bodyguard-" Sirius tried again, before all sound stopped coming from his mouth.

"Don't interfere in my business, Padfoot." Remus said, his own stern warning in his voice. The wolf wouldn't allow a mongrel dog to speak down to him, the low grumble of the wolf's voice barely audible as he spoke. Sirius had not yet gotten used to the new, assertive, dominant personality laying just beneath the surface of Remus's normal, calm personality.

"I don't know." Harry said. "Tonks is a fun sort of person. She may just want to get to know you better, in a less formal environment."

Remus narrowed his eyes at Harry, but turned his attention to a person he could deflect the conversation onto. "So, Poppy, I hear you've got a date lined up with Daniels next week, just before the term starts? How's that going?"

"That is none of your business." Madam Pomfrey said, lifting her chin. "Don't try and deflect on me, young man. I've been around long enough to know things that you don't want getting out." she threatened.

"But-" Remus started.

"Things I heard outside my role as healer." she elaborated.

Remus actually paled at that. "Sorry, Madam Pomfrey." he said, looking like a scolded school-boy.

"You have to teach me how to do that!" Sirius exclaimed, having easily countered the silencing spell. "That wolf has been thinking he's the boss of me, since the moment he emerged!"

"That's because you're a dog." McGonagall said. "Obviously he thinks he's better than you." Remus was about to object, but she just sent a look his way, and he turned away, focussing on his breakfast, instead.

"But you're a cat!" Sirius exclaimed again, having noticed the by-play.

"No, I'm a person." McGonagall said. "And I basically raised you children. His wolf knows better than to look down on me."

"She probably also knows the same stuff Aunty Poppy knows and more." Harry added.

"Damn straight." McGonagall said, shocking most who knew her at her words, even as she smirked like a Marauder.

"As you were saying?" Filius reminded everyone. "Something about good news?"

"Oh, right." Remus remembered. "Turns out, all the kissed escaped prisoners had their souls returned, when the Dementors were destroyed. Most of them made a full recovery."

"What?" Harry asked.

"What do you mean, most?" Hermione asked.

"There were a few that died during the event. Heart attacks and such." Remus said, with a shrug.

"How is that good?" Sirius asked. Dead Death Eaters were good, right?

Remus gave Sirius a look. He knew Harry would be carrying guilt over all the deaths and saw the fact that they were still alive, even if they were bad people, as a win. Sirius wouldn't bring it up again. "The fact that we have many witnesses to corroborate the fact that Cornelius Fudge arranged the escape of Madam Umbridge, with the goal of leading a team of convicts to kill Harry, is why it's good news."

"That BASTARD!!" Sirius exclaimed, his confusion vanishing as his rarely seen paternal instinct kicked in. "I'm going to kill him!"

"Get in line." Remus said. "The Minister faces the Tribunal first. Then he goes to Azkaban. I can't imagine he'll have many friends there." he finished with a vicious smile.

"Now I'm regretting that all the Dementors are dead. He deserves Azkaban and a lifetime of torture." Sirius fumed.

"All the Dementors that were there, were killed." Remus corrected. "A few dozen showed up at Azkaban shortly after the rest were killed. There was a reserve force stationed elsewhere, in-case someone launched a successful counter-attack, to blindside us. They have since refused to come out of their designated areas. Apparently they are afraid of what will happen to them if they ever turn on their duties again."

"Then Fudge goes to Azkaban." Sirius agreed, emphatically.

There was silence in the room as the last bit of information sunk in. Remus was not finished, though. "Cornelius was unaware of the events of last night, and showed up for work this morning. The wolves took some delight in walking him through the entire ministry in his soiled underwear. They didn't want to risk that he had an emergency portkey on him, apparently."

"What about his Auror Guards?" Susan asked.

"They took a look at the wolves and realised they weren't supposed to be on duty, all at once. Strange coincidence." Remus smirked. "Or so I hear."

"Their self-preservation instinct must be strong." Filius said, also smiling. "You really should get your magical television station on its feet, before the trial. I'm thinking his hearing will be a wonderful thing for the entire wizarding world to witness."

"So, when are you going back to Mars?" Remus asked, changing the subject.


They had needed to wait a day, before they could leave for Mars again. Harry was requested to appear for a private function at Buckingham Palace, where he was knighted, along with Remus. Apparently their most recent exploits had been relayed to the PM, who had, in turn, relayed them to the Queen. She had apparently heard that Harry was being nominated for an Order of Merlin, and didn't want the award ceremony taking place before she could bestow honours upon him, herself. The fact that Remus wasn't being considered for an award in the wizarding world was insulting, in her opinion.

Remus had surprised Harry, by dressing in a military uniform. He explained that as a branch of the British army, even a civilian branch, they had needed to create a formal uniform. Remus was apparently a Major, meaning he would normally have people he reported to, if not for the fact that his branch was highly classified. The name appeared on the records, but only in the sense that people knew they existed, not what they did. Not even the people they turned over to the muggle authorities knew that they were involved, with the PM having people from MI5 retrieving them when the need arose.

It was a private affair, because most didn't know of the magical world, but the Queen expressed her personal gratitude for all they were doing, having taken note of both their achievements to date. She even added a personal note for Harry, having heard of the death of the Death Eater. She told him that he was brave for doing what he had done and that she was saddened that he had had to go through such an ordeal, but that she was proud of him for doing it, in the defence of others. It didn't relieve Harry's guilt, but it did help a bit.

When they returned to Prometheus, where Harry was staying with all his guests (considering all the protections and facilities available to them there), they were hit by a wall of cheering, as everyone cheered at the newly knighted pair.

"Sir Black!" Sirius exclaimed. "No wait! The Black Knight!" he corrected excitedly.

"Personally, I'm thinking Lieutenant-Colonel Remus Lupin, Wolf Knight, Commander of the Wolf Brigade, sounds much cooler." Harry said, looking at Remus.

"When you're older." Remus chided mildly. It was still considered a big life choice. It turned out that people under the influence of the curse, now called being part of the pack, could only transform into a wolf during the full moon. Choosing to become a wolf would be giving up the ability to become an Animagus and turning into an animal at will, for enhanced senses, reflexes and strength and the ability to turn into a wolf only during the evening of the full moon. Since you were giving up something to gain something, it was considered a worthwhile trade, but still an adult choice.

"Yeah, yeah." Harry allowed, as his girls started hugging and kissing him.

"Lieutenant-Colonel?" Sirius asked. He didn't know how these things worked, but knew of the fact that people may be promoted, based on their records.

"It's mostly just ceremonial, but I have been promoted, yes." Remus said, with a small smile. "My name is on the books, though it's classified so heavily that there is no record of what I do, only stating that I'm the commander of the Wolf Brigade. If you looked for me in the records, you'd find my rank, my name and a photo of me, with nothing else."

"That's so cool." Harry said. "So, you have identification then?" he asked.

Remus smiled at him and produced an ID from an inner pocket. It identified him as a Major still, but it clearly identified him as a ranking active member of Her Majesties' armed forces. "The Prime Minister will be arranging my new documentation for me over the next week."

The celebration was heart-felt, but short-lived. Being knighted, didn't affect Harry's plans to return to Mars at all. The celebration lasted two hours, before Harry was tired of it and went back to his lab, where he was working on a secure transport device, which would connect to their connected system, but wouldn't kill a person if the transport between Earth and Mars somehow failed, even with all the redundancies in place.

It needed to be air-tight and have multiple redundant protections and portkeys, should the transport somehow be dropped mid-transport. It also needed to show the connected system, now called the Extra-Planetary Network, or EPN, so that you didn't somehow activate the transport while the connection was down. His girls had gone with him, since they seldom had the chance to see him work.

It only took him a couple of hours to finish the device, having been making items of this sort for a while now. It worked exactly like his transport rooms, but this one was both much larger and much more secure. The security was a must, since Harry had realised that he didn't want to advertise Prometheus, but he did want to bring people to Mars at some point and he didn't want to have to bring people to his ship, before taking them there.

When the device was finished, he looked at his finished product with pride. It looked like a tunnel, and when used, it would function like one, too. Hopefully, it would work as designed and people wouldn't even feel the transition, since the Martian base had the same gravity as Earth. It was also large enough that a vehicle could slowly drive through it, never stopping, and exit the other side on the other planet.

When the devices were done, they were shrunken down and placed in Harry's box, where he'd be able to retrieve them. The box had recently been given an upgrade by Bill, as proof of concept for something he had been working on. Harry's box now had a dial which he could turn to switch between multiple other boxes, making the box infinitely more useful.

Bill was working on a new Index, a device of his own design, which would allow people to purchase a box and share items between locations, using much of the same functionality of the Comm Index. If it worked out, Bill would own a large percentage of the product and earn a larger percentage of the profits for himself. If he found a way to pair the functionality with the Comms, Harry had promised him a larger profit share in them as well, realising the functionality would be priceless.

Bill had taught some of the wolves how to use the magic he used to produce the devices that they sold, since their loyalty was undoubtable. Since then, he'd been able to focus on his own projects. His first project had failed, though. He had tried to make a device that created a magic exclusion field, which would allow muggle devices to work, without needing to inscribe runes. Unfortunately, every time the device was activated, any muggle technology it was meant to protect, was destroyed by the field going up. It was still on his books, but he'd put the project on hold until he found inspiration to continue it.

Harry placed the first Transport Tunnel on their Texas plot, since the security wolves had recently purchased most of the land around their property and it was the safest place besides off-world, since the security wolves basically lived there now. He would move it to another location, only once he could secure it with more magical protections.

Once Harry and the girls returned from placing the Tunnel, he informed them that they would be going back to Mars. Harry didn't want to lose another day, since the next school term was fast approaching, being only a bit more than a week off. Having had a successful test, Neville's Gran consented and allowed him to join them this time, while she went back to Longbottom Manor, since the last of the escaped prisoners were either dead, or in custody.

Harry was disappointed when he found out that most of the parents would be going home as well, taking their children with them. He could understand it, of course, but he had liked having such a large group on the ship. The Greengrass and Parkinson matriarchs, however, had decided that they had nothing better to do, and stayed with their daughters. Astoria was very excited to be one of the first and youngest people to actually visit another planet, but knew that it would need to be kept a secret.

There were a few long goodbyes, even though they'd still be able to talk, using the Comms. It was with a bit of sadness that Harry returned to the ship, noticing how empty it suddenly felt.

The Prometheus was soon stationed over Mars again and Harry took the on-board Transport down to Mars, into the building that they had erected the previous day. Then he confirmed that everything was still functional outside before exiting and placing the Martian Transport Tunnel.

Then he continued with his work, with the scientists, including Robert Edwards, or Bobby, who was finally being let in on what they were really doing. The man had been shocked at seeing the Saucer. Then Prometheus blew his mind all over again. When he was told that they'd be going to Mars, Harry thought the man was going to spontaneously combust, with how excited he became. When they exited the building, the man needed to sit down, as he was suddenly feeling faint.

Bobby was a friendly sort of fellow, always taking things with a bit of humour and a smile. When he was originally told that he'd be allowed to work with magical devices, he was over the moon. When he was told that he was going to be working for a fourteen, now fifteen-year old boy, he was concerned. At that moment, as he sat and looked out into the large sun-lit crevice, he was a believer.

He had thought the boy was ambitious, trying new things with magic and coming up with nifty techniques that used principles that didn't exist in science, but relied upon it. At that moment, as he sat there breathing magically breathable air, in sunlight that felt so much like he was experiencing a warm summers day, he realised that the future had arrived. He saw the CITA devices he had been studying and trying to understand the principles of, already filling deep tanks with water and carbon, as the carbon dioxide was being converted, using principles he only recently started understanding.

The rest of the team was already at their tasks, apparently putting in the groundwork for both a magical and mundane settlement, with planned stations for necessities. Harry was off working magical manure into a part of the crevice, which he apparently intended to turn into a forest, filled with trees that would be magically grown in a very short amount of time, with another fifteen-year old boy, Neville, and his supermodel of a seventeen-year old girlfriend, Fleur.

Doctor Pike was working with two adult witches and their three daughters, to Transfigure large sandy spaces into contained areas, with solid foundations, so that buildings could be safely constructed. Doctor Hawk was using magically protected equipment, to test for radioactive particles, as was apparently her duty for the time-being. She didn't look too happy with the job and he suspected he'd be assigned that duty shortly. He'd accept it easily, but for the moment, he basked in the knowledge that he was one of the first humans to ever see and experience what was probably the start of an empire of magical and scientific research. He could play his part in history, and help bring this new settlement into being.

He wasn't wrong either. After a short while, Doctor Hawk looked at him speculatively and he got up and started lending a hand, so that she could start working with the magicals, who had already constructed not only firm ground to build on, but had started laying foundations for some of the facilities that they would need, all on designs that Doctor Pike had apparently been working on for months, taking into consideration what was possible with magic, to assist and upgrade modern standards and to bring it into a new modern age.


By the end of that day, the people returned to Prometheus tired and hungry. Dobby had learned how the transport systems worked and had brought them refreshments as the need arose, but working out in the sun, even protected as they were, was still tiring work. Neville was excited, since he'd been the first person to plant something on Mars. Harry had insisted that he be the first, since it would likely turn into his own private project to start the forest, which would take strain off of their magical devices, which produced most of their necessities for the time being.

The CITA devices didn't really take a lot of magical power, but they didn't function on their own indefinitely either. Harry needed to feed them power often enough, that he'd need to re-apply his magic at least once a month, at this point. If their plans worked out, though, breathable air would not be something that they needed to supply forever. Water, on the other hand, was still a precious commodity, and using the CITA to isolate the correct elements out of the air, and combining them into clean water was even more power-hungry.

That would be Sam and Bobby's next project. Either finding a more efficient way of doing things or working out a way to use the Sun's light to generate or power the CITA, which worked on producing their most precious resources. Plants needed water, too, after all. Fortunately Mars had nitrogen in its atmosphere and Doctor Hawk had a suspicion that that would assist in the growth of the plants, if they found a way to get it to the plants, since they needed that for photosynthesis.

The crew all sat down to eat dinner together, and while Dobby refused to join them, saying he had already eaten, as he always did, he had listened as they discussed the next part of the plans to bring life to the barren planet. That night, they slept well, knowing there would be more work in the morning and more things to make to start the small town, which would likely grow into something much larger if their plans worked out.


The next morning, Fleur acted on her plans to help Harry with his morning needs and they ended up being late for breakfast, as one thing had led to another, ending with them both in the shower again. Daphne and Pansy were aware, as were the rest of the group, but they allowed it, since Fleur would not be joining them at school, when the holiday ended.

Harry and Fleur had both enjoyed the experience and she resolved to make sure that she spent as much time as she could with him, before he returned to Hogwarts. She would stay with the scientists and help where she could, for a while at least. She still wanted to catch up on her Muggle education, since it would be a big part of her life, going forward. The scientists had even offered to help her, so she'd stay around and help.

The week of work paid off, though. By the end of the week, there was a large green area, where Neville's plants had already grown knee-high. Doctor Pike had helped create a sprinkler system that would emulate semi-regular rainfall, along with a bit of the needed elements for plants to flourish in. They'd needed to set up a whole system for just the plants, and Harry would end up needing to come back on a bi-monthly basis to re-power the system, since it was only partially electrical.

The solar panels that they had set up as their power-plant, along with giant batteries, which had been modified with some interesting magics to last longer and increase their capacity and output, was all they would need for quite a bit of power. Multiple city blocks could already run off them for months, even if the sun was completely blocked out for the entire time. Doctor Pike theorised with how thin the atmosphere was and how efficient the solar panels were, that even when the inevitable sand storm did happen, that they'd still be producing more power than they could use.

There were a few buildings up as well, with things like irrigation, water-supply and even waste disposal already accounted for. Power lines would need to still be put in place, if Harry's plan to figure out a way to transport power via light ended up not working out. It would be very cool though, if that did end up working out, since it would cut down on their need to purchase or supply copper-wiring. That was still in planning phase though, and Harry would need to work with Doctor Pike on it, since she knew the most about such things and had the required knowledge and experience with magic to adapt a whole new distribution system, along with a way to measure usage, output and loss.

There was a winding road as well, which was transfigured from the rocky sand, which went from the top of the crevice and went all the way down to the edge of the wards, which went down a few kilometres at that point. The idea being that the production facilities would be at the top, along with their main buildings and research facilities. Harry was excited to one-day be able to look down and see all the life that had come to join them, all using techniques and technologies that they would develop to simplify and elevate the people who joined them.

There was also an air quality and production facility, with monitoring devices spread out throughout the entire place, which would be able to adjust the levels in any area, should they stray from the ideal ratios. Then there was a rain production plant, dedicated to creating rainfall, using invisible magical sprinkler systems, to emulate rain and supply water to plants that would be planted throughout the place. Trees and parks were all in the plans, even if they were nowhere near ready to start on those plans.

For the sake of familiarity, the sky was blue and there was a plan for them to put illusions of clouds in place for when the rain-system started kicking in. It would act as an early-warning system to tell people that there was rain scheduled. They also needed to think of things like wind and possibly seasons, since plants needed the seasons to grow properly. Wind-pollination was also something that needed to be considered along with bringing insects. No matter how irritating they could be, they still performed vital functions in the circle of life. Fortunately there were wards against pests in the home.

There would need to be farm-land and places to keep cattle, when people started coming here, since they would want to be self-sustaining. Perhaps somewhere down the line, they could put in a zoo, or theme-park. Their plans just kept on growing with every discussion. People didn't just work, eat and sleep after all. They needed activities for pastimes. People had hobbies and passions, and for all of that, they'd need space. Fortunately, they had a lot of space for expansion, and hopefully, somewhere down the line there would be something for everyone.

They would likely need production facilities and mines, lakes and rivers. They could produce much on their own, but they'd still need things to be grown for everything from food to clothing. Harry didn't doubt that with all they had planned, there'd still be a need to expand many times over, since one couldn't consider all the needs and wants of a civilization, based off of the thoughts of such a small group.

There was also the difficult subject of currency. When people came here, they'd need to have some way of purchasing the things they needed and wanted. It was just another form of control, but some people needed that. People have different drives and unfortunately, money was sometimes a big part of that. Harry doubted people would appreciate going back to a barter system. He couldn't make everything free, either. Perhaps a credit system, with values placed on things, depending on the perceived value, like what job you do. More stressful jobs pay better, for example.

Harry had to admit that he was no economist though, so he had decided that he'd simply have to make some of the first people he brought to Mars, be those who could understand such things and put a system in place. Perhaps a couple of anthropologists as well, since they studied and understood different cultures and their needs. He'd not be interested in doing such things himself, after all. That road led to paperwork and paperwork was evil, in his humble opinion.

By the time Harry left for school, the plans had expanded quite a bit and there would be years of work ahead of them, before they could call themselves self-sufficient. That thought didn't bother Harry at all, though. It was the promise of the freedom that their burgeoning little town represented, which Harry had named Harmony, for the hope of what it would become, that drove him to continue his plans and expand on it.

It would likely be a while before Harmony was up to the point where people would prefer to live there, rather than on Earth, but those who joined before the town was thriving, would be considered the founders, and they would go down in history as the people who started their new civilization.


The next school year promised to be rather dull, with everything Harry had changed. The Ministry had their own problems, and couldn't afford to try and discredit himself, Hogwarts, Dumbledore or the wolves, so they didn't put any pressure on the Board of Governors to add people to the faculty, who would do as Umbridge had done in his previous life. Severus Snape finally went back to teaching Defence, while Slughorn was once again pulled from retirement, with Harry promising to attend some of his events, as long as he wasn't the sole focus. He could use someone like Slughorn, though, with his many connections in all the different areas in the Magical world, so he didn't object too heavily.

Classes were still a bore to Harry, who had stopped attending them altogether, while he sometimes left school to go place his monitoring discs at colleges and universities. What surprised him, was when Hermione started skipping classes, with all of their friends. Apparently they had pushed themselves over the holiday and had worked through their entire next year of schooling, with Hermione's help and a bit of sly support from the Professors, who had been informed of their plan to do extra work, to catch up on other things during the next school year.

So it was that they spent their days working on their other studies in the Room of Requirement, while Harry worked at that and on a new project, inspired by their sudden need to learn all they could, so that they could find a place in Harry's future. Even Neville was excited about the idea of studying botany and some of the other natural sciences in the Muggle world. The new project hadn't been something he had considered before, but it made sense to him, since they had all the needed information, but not the mechanism.

Harry spent every weekend away from the school, to spend time with Fleur on Mars, helping with whatever the Prometheus Crew needed help with and bringing new residents as space became available. It had been Remus's suggestion to bring more magicals and some of the wolves who were nearing retirement age to come help on Mars and many had volunteered for the highly classified mission, knowing little more than that there was a need for secrecy and that it would take either labour or magic to join the groups that were going.

Harry had even resettled an entire family who wanted a new start. They were Japanese, so they didn't understand each other very well, with the little English one of the two children knew, but Bill's translation magic on the Comms had started making a change, with written text being able to change between languages, even if the translation system couldn't always make sense of everything.

Since different languages used a different order in their structure, it made sense that there'd still be a need to upgrade and change the system as time went. It was looking promising though, since Bill had hired translators to help him with that particular project. He theorised that once the written languages were all set up and working correctly, he'd be able to use that system to expand to spoken word, besides the dictation function, that is. Real-time translation would one-day be a real possibility. And as their database of languages grew, it would become simpler to add new ones, since many of them had similar roots.

The Goblins had also jumped at the chance, once it was offered, with Bill loving being in those talks with them, seeing as how the little monsters were very willing to supply their own magic to the project, along with labour, for the chance to mine on a different planet. There was also the fact that they had an instinctual need to expand down, and a supernatural knowledge of how to keep things like cave-ins from happening.

It took them only a short few weeks to establish a place for themselves and to start finding precious metals and minerals, which Harry was told would form the backbone of their economy. The Goblin Leader, an older male by the name of Longtooth, of the Blood-Axe clan, was apparently an expert in economics and was happily assigned as the Martian Minister of Finance, with some oversight. The Martian bank, also named Gringotts, would not use physical currency, but had worked out a system using bank cards that were magically connected to a new Index of Bill's design, which would keep track of transactions and bring everything at the new bank into the twentieth century.

The bank cards, unlike their Muggle equivalent, were made of platinum and would display their bank totals on a holographic display, but only at the owner's discretion. This development was both useful and had made Longtooth smile, when he realised how useful it would be. He had loved it even more, when he was shown the other functions, all connected to the Index, which was under Goblin control, locked in a secure vault. The first, most secure vault which had been made.

The holder of the card could request information and a goblin that they put in charge could then send a report on people's finances to their Comms. It was a wonderful system, since the Goblins would only ever need to see people to open new accounts or if they wanted to visit their Vaults to see what was physically in there. Goblins weren't a very social people though, and not needing to see people would suit them just fine.

Another impact that the Goblins had, was their expansion magic, which was much more efficient than the wizarding kind, even being able to apply it on-top of wizarding expansion charms. It was a well-kept secret how it was done, but they were assured that the change was permanent and wouldn't unravel over time, if left unchecked. This had increased the space available for Harmony's expansion tremendously and the small forest Neville had started was looking like a tiny garden, when compared to the space suddenly available around it.

Neville would likely demand to stay there, once he saw it, to work on his own expansion plans. The only downside to that expansion was that the sprinkler system needed to be reworked and once Neville had started using all the available space, it would take much more water to keep it all going. Fortunately the goblins had found a large underground lake, which had already started defrosting due to the increased heat on the surface, above it.

Doctor Hawk had just smiled at the discovery. Apparently she had chosen the location for its obvious likelihood of having one of the theoretical frozen deposits of water under it, knowing that water would be one of their most valuable resources.

They were planning on using the lake as a reservoir for Harmony and suddenly water wasn't such a large concern anymore, as long as they ensured to keep the water from escaping the wards and being lost into the atmosphere. A large, underground sewage and water treatment plant was in the works, which would use magical and mundane methods to clean used water and sewage and transport the resultant resources to where they could be used.

The goblins had started excavating large areas for crops to be grown underground for both their own needs and those of the town. The magical light they enchanted the ceilings with would supply sunlight and Doctor Pike would be in charge of erecting more sprinkler systems for watering those crops.

A hospital was also being built, since it wouldn't do to have to transport patients to Earth to have their ailments treated. An entire area was planned for magical plants to be grown for ingredients for potions. The other ingredients would need to be brought from Earth for the time being, until the town was more established and the need to have magical animals became urgent enough.

Harry was just happy that he didn't have to have a hand in everything that was going on. There was simply too much for any one person to keep track of, and the magical inhabitants were handling things as they became necessary, in an order that was planned out by Doctor Pike, who was basically the architect designing the entire settlement at that point.

It was on one Saturday, two months after school started, that Harry and Fleur were sitting on a balcony of the large mansion he had just finished building the basic structure for, that he turned to the girl and asked, "Are you still struggling with your mathematics?"

"Oui." Fleur confirmed. "Zere is just so much to learn. I never knew ze muggles developed such strange ways of calculation. I don't know if I weel ever be able to understand it all." she said sadly.

"If you want, I have an idea that I want to test." Harry said. "It has to do with imparting knowledge and concepts to people. It is not completely untested, but it could be dangerous, if you try to learn too much, too quickly."

"Mind magics?" Fleur asked.

"Kind of." Harry said. "I'm not good at legilimency, so I came up with an idea. It works on other concepts and I was hoping you and I could go through my plans and maybe run a small test, to see if it works, if you are interested?" he offered.

"Eet weel teach me math?" Fleur asked. She hadn't heard of such a magic before.

"It isn't that simple." Harry said. "Do you remember when I accidentally overloaded my mind?"

"I weel not soon forget." Fleur said. "You could 'ave done serious 'arm to your mind."

"I know." Harry agreed. "But this time, we'll keep things simpler." he promised. "What the detection spell did that time, though, was get a bunch of information from the charm, but my mind couldn't handle all the information and the spell stored a lot of the information in my focus. It was still locked in it when I woke up and only when I focussed on the knowledge and looked at what I had found, did it sent me more specific information. That's why my headache kept on returning. It gives you an overall idea of what the spell detected and then you can focus on what you want to focus on.

"The spell would normally allow you to look for something specific, but would give you a general layout of things to start from. Being cast through the sun, however, somehow meant that its initial reading, which was supposed to be small in scope, was large due to the size of the sun and everything it touched. The initial feedback was too much for that reason.

"What I want to do, is use a modified spell, which uses my memories as what the detection spell focusses on. The spell has a triggered effect, meaning once the spell has gathered the specific information, it will only become available after the trigger is activated. You will then need to focus on the information, likely by studying the subject, to have the information become available. If it works as designed, it will make studying that specific subject much easier, since the information will become available to you as you study it." Harry finished his explanation.

"And you want me to test zees magic?" Fleur asked.

"Only if you want to help me test it out." Harry said. "I'd have someone else test it, but it requires access to something I don't want anyone outside the family to have." he explained.

"So your blue diamond ees ze only way to do zees?" she asked and Harry nodded. That made a bit of sense. If someone had developed a way to do this in the past, she'd likely have heard about it. It would be the achievement of a lifetime. "'ow safe ees eet?" she asked.

"I've not been able to test it, since I'm trying to keep this from everyone for now, but I'm fairly certain it is safe. It's all based on intent-based wandless magic, though, so I can't teach it to someone else at this point." Harry admitted. He'd offer to do it himself, but he didn't know how to use the spell to get information from someone else. He'd specifically designed the spell to use willingly given information. He couldn't teach the spell to someone else yet either, since he hadn't worked the spell into something he could cast verbally. It was rooted in his wandless magic.

Fleur didn't think about it too long. She trusted Harry. "I would love to 'elp you test zees new magic." she said, smiling at him again.

"Thank you, Fleur." Harry said, smiling at her as well. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a small box. "You may have noticed that my girls all wear a ring. You won't know this, but their rings have a special kind of magic on it." Harry then explained how the promise ring (so named by the girls) worked. He'd added the EMF for Fleur as well, but hers had a tiny imbedded blue diamond as well, completely hidden under the currently black mood-ring stone.

Explaining to her the functionality of the EMF emitter went very quickly, and Fleur seemed to be shocked at the speed at which she was taking the concept in, until she spotted Harry's smirk. "Zere was already somesing stored in ze ring, wasn't zere?" Harry's smile just grew until he was sporting a full, happy smile. "Your ozzer girlfriends are right. You are sneaky." Fleur said, smiling back at him.

As a proof of concept, he had used a simple idea to test his theory. Understanding of how an electromagnet worked was one of the things he had taught his friends. He had known that it would be a good test too, since all his friends had learned the magitech device's one function at different speeds, allowing him to test the efficacy of his idea's potential by gauging her learning speed. She had the concept down and was using the EMF emitter faster than even Hermione had been able to both grasp the concept and apply the theory.

"Well done, Fleur!" Harry congratulated, when Fleur started effortlessly adding embellishments to the railing of the balcony, with just a look and a bit of concentration.

"Zees is wonderful!" Fleur exclaimed as she looked over the leaf and flower embellishments she had added to the mostly stone railing. "I feel so powerful!"

"You've always been a powerful witch, Fleur." Harry reminded her. "With this, you're just more able to express it. The ring doesn't make you more powerful, it only makes you able to affect things more easily. It's all still just your power."

Fleur didn't seem to be listening anymore, as her face had locked on his with a hungry look. Her hand was suddenly in a pocket and she pulled out her Comm, even as she refused to look away from Harry. "Call Hermione Granger." she said. It rang for a few moments, before he heard Hermione speak. "I need to make love to our man, right now." she said, instead of greeting.


Harry's girls were taking a bit of time to relax in the Room of Requirement, around the pool. Neville was off doing couple things with Hannah. They were all chatting and discussing the latest developments on Mars when Hermione's Comm rang.

"Fleur?" Hermione asked. There was silence and then Hermione blushed crimson, even as a concerned look crossed her face. "What happened?" she asked. There was silence for a moment, before Hermione sighed. They had known it was an inevitability and that it would be unfair to make the older girl wait until all of them were ready, but she didn't know that she could have this conversation on her own. "Let me ask the others." she said, before muting the Comm.

She turned to her friends, then. "Fleur wants to take the next step with Harry." she said.

They all knew that they had no real right to deprive Harry and Fleur of expressing their passions. Harry was mentally old enough and Fleur was of age. It just felt unfair to them that the girl had only recently joined them and that she was already going there, while none of them were ready.

"It's up to you Hermione." Luna said.

"Why me?" Hermione asked.

"You're the head wife." Susan said. At Hermione's incredulous look, she just lifted her eyebrow. "He started sharing his secrets with you first. He even told you he's loved you since his previous life. You are obviously the one he would want to make this choice."

"If it helps you decide, I can accept this, even if I don't like thinking about it." Pansy said.

"Me too." Daphne said.

"Us too." Padma said, Parvati nodding along.

"I was hoping that they would wait, but I can understand it." Susan said. "But Harry needs to promise us all some alone time when he comes back." she countered. The other girls liked that idea, and nodded along, thinking it was a good idea to get a concession from it.

Hermione sighed again, before she put the Comm to her ear after un-muting it again. "Agreed, but Harry needs to take us all on dates when he comes back. We want to spend alone time with him as well."


"Deal." Fleur said, before she hung up.

Harry didn't know what was said, and Fleur didn't look like she was in the mood to talk. She simply took him by the hand and apparated them both to the transport room, taking them back to Prometheus, and took him to bed.

It was several hours later, before they fell asleep, with Fleur practically purring in satisfaction, still attached to her man. Harry's physical fitness regime had given him a lot of stamina and she'd tested the limits of said stamina. Her own magical gifts and heritage allowing for a much more vigorous time. Veela had the ability to restore a spent libido after all, something that the other girls hoped to take advantage of one day.


Suffice it to say, when Harry returned to school, he had a few gifts to give out. Or, more accurately, he had some upgrades to make. After the upgrade, Harry helped his friends with their magical studies. It took them a grand total of six weeks before they were finished with their entire Hogwarts curriculum. Harry then shared his knowledge of his high school studies and, while it was easier than it might have been, some of the subjects still took a lot longer to learn.

It took four months of dedicated study, with Harry's help, before his friends, including Luna, were up to scratch on their basic education. Luna was excited to be the only fourth-year who could likely take her OWLs and NEWTs all before the end of her fourth-year.

"So, we're done?" Pansy asked. "But, now that I know all this, I know for a fact that most of what you do isn't covered by it."

"Now I have some bad news for you." Harry said.

"You can't teach us everything you know." Hermione said. She wasn't happy about it, but she understood.

"You also can't teach us what you don't know." Susan said. Harry had explained how his magic was helping them after all. It was his knowledge that was giving them the advantage. The magic was quite unique and likely couldn't even be claimed as family magic, since Harry couldn't give people his ability to use magic exactly like him.

Harry nodded. "While these last few months have been fun, to see you all shoot through the information I spent a long time working on to achieve myself, I can't help you focus on what you want to become. It would be like me trying to teach Neville how to be a gardener."

"Fat chance." Neville said. "But I understand."

"Couldn't you use Legilimency to get more information from willing people?" Hermione asked.

"If I were a Legilimens, maybe." Harry allowed. "Unfortunately I only have a small amount of talent along those lines. I never wanted to be able to read minds. I can't even help you enhance your Occlumency. You'll need to organise your minds yourselves, so there's no shortcut for that, besides learning the basics, and you already have that."

"I've not been practicing it for a while." Neville admitted.

"Well, you'll have to start again." Harry insisted. "Where we go from here, is going to take a lot of studying. You all need to know what you want to do with your lives and then we'll arrange everything you need to achieve your goal."

"I've not changed my mind." Hermione said. "I want to be on Prometheus or Mars, helping you advance the magical world."

"I've already said I'll be your secretary." Daphne said, with a smirk. "That way I can keep you on your toes, while Pansy helps you plan your day and arranges your schedule as your personal assistant."

"I've actually given that some thought." Pansy said. "I was thinking I'd like to be a healer. If I could learn the muggle way of understanding things, I could likely use that to do things even normal healers can't do." She smiled at Harry after that. It had been an idea she couldn't shake and Harry's offer to help her had never left. She would need to spend some time on her occlumency, though. She didn't want to have to spend years studying, as doctors did.

"I was actually thinking about that as well." Harry said. "If you just wanted to know about muggle medical science, there might be a different option for you."

"Oh?" Pansy asked.

"You studied biology, for high school, which means you already know more than most healers about the human body." Harry explained. "Cells and cell-division. Blood and muscle-tissue. The senses and the organs. If you went for normal healer training, you'd likely already be the best healer around. You just need to bone up on some extra studies, expanding on the muggle knowledge you currently have. Most of my advancements were made from a little bit of extra studying, after finishing my high school education."

"Could it be that simple?" Pansy asked.

"I suggest you try it." Harry nodded. "I think you'll be surprised. I find that with wandless magic, once I understand something fully, the magic is capable of things normally not achievable, because the limitations change for you. Remember the corundum?" he asked, pulling out one of the staves he'd made the previous year, passing it to Padma. It was the same pink one she'd failed to transfigure. "Remember the elements that make this?" he asked her.

"You said this is made from Oxygen and Aluminium." Padma said. Harry produced an illusion of the two molecules and formed the hexagonal shapes with them. Padma inspected the illusion for a moment, before focussing on the staff of pink ruby. It took only a few seconds, before it changed shape into a heart. "But that was so easy!" Padma exclaimed. She remembered that it wouldn't change at all for her before.

"Structural manipulation on a molecular level." Harry nodded, with a smile. "It wasn't the power that you lacked. It was the knowledge." He turned to Pansy. "How many healers do you know that are aware of DNA and the other stuff you learned in biology?"

"Probably none of them know about DNA, excluding maybe Madam Pomfrey." Pansy said, finally understanding.

"Exactly." Harry said. "In fact, let's try the theory, but let's also discuss it first. What happens when wounds heal normally?"

"The cells divide and replicate, taking the place of the damaged ones?" Pansy said/asked.

"There is more to it I'm sure, but that should be enough, since your magic will be able to facilitate that which you know." Harry allowed, before running a finger over the back of his off hand and cutting a small shallow cut in it with magic.

"Harry!" Susan objected. "Don't hurt yourself to prove a point!"

"I would rather it be me than one of you girls, or having to wait for an emergency." Harry said, uncaringly. "Now, Pansy, without focussing on the spell we all know that would heal this scrape, I want you to focus your wandless magic on it and think about how I've just damaged the cells and torn them apart. First, make the cells come back together. Will them to the correct location. Then, either try and fix the broken cells, keeping in mind what they should look like, or have the broken ones disappear and replicate the replacements."

"Don't make them disappear." Hermione interjected. "You might hurt Harry."

Pansy nodded and focussed on his wound. Before their eyes and seemingly shocking Pansy herself, the wound closed up and the cut completely vanished, leaving a couple of drops of blood behind, which Harry wiped away easily. "See?" he asked, with a smile. "No spells, just knowledge."

"The caster shapes the magic." Hermione said, remembering what Harry had said, the previous year, when they were talking about the Comms and the way someone who knew a different language could cast the dictation spell and have it work for that language.

"Exactly." Harry said. "Knowledge is power. By that standard, you are all the most powerful students at Hogwarts."

"I still can't believe that worked." Pansy said. She was already learning the basics of being a healer and she'd not needed to use a spell. "Do you think Madam Pomfrey would mind starting me out on my training?" she asked, suddenly excited.

"I don't see why not." Harry said, grinning at her, before he turned to the Patil Twins. "And you girls?" he asked.

"I was hoping to start studying with you and Hermione." Padma said. "If you don't mind."

"Why would I mind? I was hoping for a few more magical researchers." Harry smirked.

"I was thinking of going into fashion actually." Parvati said, with a faint blush. "I know it's not glamorous, or worthy of all the skills I've learned, but I still love fashion and would love to learn a bit more about making clothes and shoes and anything that makes people look and feel good about themselves."

"Of course you're going into fashion." Susan said. "Did you think we'd forget how good you made us look last year for the ball?"

"There's no shame in pursuing your dreams." Harry said. "If you want to do that, that's what you'll do." He turned to Susan, then.

"I'm joining the wolves." she said. "The Aurors are nothing compared to them, and I want to follow in my family's footsteps, helping people who need protection."

"I was actually thinking of doing that as well." Neville agreed. When Harry looked at him in question, he elaborated. "I can be good with plants and still want to help people, you know. It's not like you do only one thing. You're basically a wolf already, along with being an astronaut, a scientist, an inventor and probably the best teacher we've had."

"I'm going to help with your magical television station and then I'm thinking a show dedicated to teaching about misunderstood magical creatures." Luna said. "That or go to live on a living island of magic with magical creatures, elves, nymphs, gods and superheroes." she whispered to herself.

"What was that?" Harry asked.

"Oh, nothing." Luna smiled dreamily at him. "Blame the Nargles." she winked at him.

"O-kay." Harry said, not knowing what to make of her latest statement, which he had partially heard and mostly not understood. He turned to Neville, rather, and asked, "What about Hannah? Does she know what she wants to do?"

"I don't think she knows, but she's still got a couple of years to decide, when she finishes at Hogwarts." Neville said. Harry looked apologetic, as he had often when that particular subject came up. "Don't apologise again." Neville instructed. "We all know why she couldn't study ahead like the rest of us. Frankly, I'm liking being able to help her with her studies."

"So we all know what we want to do?" Hermione asked. She received only nods. "Good. I'll arrange to get you all some options. If you need further studies, Harry can get you what you need." Ever since she was told she was the head of the group, she had taken it up as her responsibility. She looked out for her friends, as she normally would have, but now she felt the need to look out for their personal happiness. She wasn't overbearing about it and knew it wasn't her responsibility, but ensured everyone received enough attention and never felt left out of things.

Fifth year was a big one for the group. They worked hard, but made time for friends and Harry inevitably got drawn into his experiments, needing his girls to distract him and keep him grounded. Not needing a bodyguard at school was nice and allowed Harry to sneak around a bit for the inevitable bit of prankster fun with the twins, while Cooper got to go do what he loved.

That year he finally made time for the paintball invention that had been on his books for a while. It turned into quite the popular activity too, with a field with obstacles and gear that emulated the original game, but with different tactics and slightly better gear. For those who were not a fan of the sting of being shot by the paintball guns, which were powered by the players, which in turn meant limitless ammo in some games, there was gear that protected from pain, but for those games there were penalties applied and a scoreboard kept score of everything that went on, along with monitoring plates showing what the students were doing, for the spectators.

There were games where everyone had the same amount of ammo, all controlled by the scoreboard and a referee, which was Hagrid most of the time. The conjured pellets would eventually disappear, but coloured overalls were still supplied, to keep track of teams. The guns and gear was obviously made in such a way as to keep people's faces from being hit, to protect their eyes, which meant no headgear or goggles. Harry had not enjoyed that, when he went for the game of paintball with Cooper and Daniels.

The wolves simply loved the game and the security wolves finally had their combat training environment. Their paintball guns were more painful, since their pellets moved almost as quick as real bullets, while magical effects like disabling limbs, when they were shot, gave a certain sense of authenticity. The wolves' reflexes meant that they learned to dodge and stay behind cover quickly and their goals and objectives became more and more difficult and complicated with time, until even Harry wondered if he'd be able to succeed at them, without cheating.

The end of the fifth year was soon upon them, and Harry revealed his plans to finish his Hogwarts education, along with most of his group. Neville would be staying, but the reasons for that were obvious. He'd be staying for his girl, while he continued to study his botany classes in the Room of Requirement. Hermione had informed Harry that she was unsuccessful in working out the magics of the room, unfortunately. She'd hoped asking for the room to give her information on its creation would reveal its secrets, but it seemed the founders had protected the magic, much like Harry would have.

He told her not to worry about it. He'd already had an idea or two, which might allow him to emulate its effects. It would not be a quick thing, but he already had an idea of some of the things he'd do to make something that might work.

They had needed to get Luna special permission to finish school early, but in the end the new Minister of Magic, who really wanted to stay in Harry's good books, arranged that they could sit their NEWTs after the OWLs were completed. Harry suspected Hermione and one or two of the girls would actually do better than him in these tests, since he hadn't studied much further than finishing the subjects to seventh-year. He had a bit more information on Potions, Charms, Runes, Arithmancy and one or two of the core subjects, but that was specialised information, going down very specific branches of those magics.


It was the day of the leaving feast and Harry had taken the Saucer up with the seventh-years again, as he had done the previous year. This time, a few of the professors had joined, Slughorn among them, along with McGonagall, who had overridden Dumbledore when he wanted to join again, Babbling, Flitwick, Snape and Sprout. All of Harry's group was there as well, of course.

The seventh-years were standing around, looking out at the surface of the moon as they enjoyed a snack and a drink.

"So what are your plans, now that you've finished Hogwarts?" Babbling asked, as she stood with the other Professors and Harry.

"I'll continue my work, but now I can dedicate myself to working and studying full-time with my friends." Harry said.

"But you could do that here." McGonagall said. She was not happy that Harry was leaving, of course. She'd hoped that she could spend a bit more time with him, before he left school. He'd never explained to her how he'd helped his friends learn so quickly, but she suspected it was something new and amazing that he couldn't tell anyone about.

"There's much we can't do here." Harry argued. "I need to be at our other base, where things have been taking shape for ten months now. I really want to go help there."

"Other base?" Snape asked.

"It's… Actually, I suppose I could tell you." Harry realised. It's not like they'd be able to go there on their own, after all. "We've established a town on Mars." he shrugged. "There has been a lot of expansion and I want to be there to help implement things only I understand."

"So, you've finally done it?" Babbling asked. To her it was just the natural next step for Harry. He'd done so much since showing up at school that she'd wondered when he'd get tired of all the Magical world's bullshit. "Will we ever see you again?" she asked.

"Oh, I've set things up so that I can come and go as I see fit." Harry said, smirking at her.

"Just like that?" Babbling asked. "You can travel that far on a whim?"

"I can travel there whenever I want." Harry confirmed.

"Why aren't we there now?" Snape asked. Why be on the moon, when what they were doing on Mars sounded more impressive. "Surely you want to show the students another option before they leave school?"

"You're just hoping to see what we've done." Harry countered smirking at the man. Severus didn't deign to humour that with a response. "I can show you, Severus, but I don't plan to show it to people who will go back home and tell their parents and then have the whole magical world demand a place, so that they can bring their problems with them. We're doing something new there. We don't want bigots and blood purists deciding to gum up the works."

"Have you got everything in place for such an expansion?" Flitwick asked. He was definitely planning on joining Harry when the school year ended, to go help and see the new town.

"We've got space, but we don't have the infrastructure yet." Harry said. "There is just so much to do. We've finished creating space where many people can live, but I'm working on supplying power, magic and transportation when we return to Harmony."

"That's the town's name?" Flitwick asked in understanding. "Good choice."

"What do you mean supplying magic?" Babbling asked.

"We understand a bit more about magic now." Harry said. "We're working on a way to gather and spread magic in a specific area, since Harmony doesn't have everything it needs to be considered a highly-magical environment." They were planning on finding a way to draw magic through some kind of solar-panel system, but research was going slowly, considering Harry could only spend a few hours on it at a time, when he was on Mars. The rest of the time, Fleur was trying to turn him into some sort of sex-god, so that he didn't have problems satisfying all his girls, when the time came.

"So you'll be turning your town into a high-density magic environment?" Babbling asked. "What about the muggles and their equipment. Isn't that going to affect them negatively?"

"We have solved that, mostly." Harry said. "Bill and I will obviously also be working on replacing tools and creating things that work on magic rather than electricity. That way, we can one day stop protecting Muggle tools and only need to worry about magical supply. There will always still be a need for electricity-bases systems, like with computers, but for the rest, there will be magic."

"Couldn't you make a computer that works with magic?" Flitwick asked.

"I don't understand nearly enough about computers to make a magical one." Harry denied. "You obviously don't know how complicated those things are. They've got so many inter-connected systems and functions that it would likely take me years to work it out, if I decided to try. One of my people were thinking of using some principles of magic to replace parts of a computer-system, though, which would allow us to set up what she calls a terminal system. If we can do that, we'll be bringing computing functionality to people who need it."

There was a contemplative silence at that. Flitwick was contemplating what he had just heard, and decided that he would take it as a challenge. Perhaps he could help with these computer things. Snape had a completely different thought. He was thinking that he may like to see the place for himself. If they were creating a place that could do everything the muggles could, it would be more advanced than anywhere on Earth.

"Could I join you this holiday?" Snape asked, even as Babbling said, "I'll be coming with you."

Harry looked between the two, as they regarded each other. "If you're coming with, you'll be working. That's currently the one rule in Harmony. We work together to build and expand."

"I will need to make sure that you have a school planned and will help there." McGonagall decided. She got a couple of looks for the statement. "You didn't think I'd be staying here, once something better came up, did you?" she asked.

"But, you're the deputy-head?" Sprout asked. She'd be going as well, considering she knew Neville would be there and she wanted, desperately, to see what he'd been able to manage on the plant-life there.

"The board of governors can simply assign new staff." McGonagall said. "It's their job. After all, who do you think will be in charge of this school? I know for a fact that Harry would not allow an all-magic school either, so whoever works there will need to understand the mundane side of things." She turned to Harry. "Miss Granger is still going to be working and studying with you, correct?"

"That's the idea." Harry said. "Along with Padma."

"Good idea." McGonagall said. "From what I saw, those two probably got better scores than you in the NEWTs and OWLs."

"How did they do that, anyway?" Babbling asked.

"Trade Secret." McGonagall said, with a scowl. She'd already asked more than once. Whatever it was, while it seemed to work, she was worried that they were messing with the mind magics. Harry himself had told her that he didn't have a firm grasp on Legilimency.

"You've not been practicing the mind arts on your betrothed, have you?" Snape asked.

"Nothing like it." Harry denied. "Speaking of which, however, I was wondering if you'd be interested in teaching me some Legilimency. I have a project that would benefit greatly from the skill."

"And you want me to teach you how to break into people's minds?" Snape asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"No." Harry said emphatically. "I specifically want you to teach me only how to read things that someone wants to share with me."

Snape looked at the boy with narrowed eyes. "You will need to tell me what you intend to do with the skill." he compromised. There was no such thing volunteering memories. A person could guide you to the correct information if they knew you were in there, but once you had access, you had access. The real skill came in with finding what you wanted and knowing how to look for it. If he taught the boy the skill, the unprotected minds of people without Occlumency would be open to him.

"We can discuss it." Harry allowed.

The conversation tapered off at that point, since there was much to contemplate. Harry walked over to where the students were still admiring the Earth. The sun was off to the side at this point, and the Earth was only illuminated on one side. Harry answered some questions and quite a few students asked who they could speak to about joining Marauders Inc. Percy Weasley had recently joined the company and Remus had placed him in charge of arranging interviews with prospective new employees, among other things (read paperwork), so they were told to contact him on his business Comm. You called it by calling 'Marauders Inc. HR'. Percy had insisted on having his personal Comm be used only for personal use.

The trip ended with a quick exit from the Texas Garage and then a bit of a flight, as was done previously, before they Portkeyd back to Hogsmeade, from where they flew back to Hogwarts.

The excited conversation followed the students back into the school. The Saucer itself wasn't a secret anymore, but the trip they had just taken was. It was explained as a rite of passage, much like the sorting hat was kept secret, or how students usually only tasted butterbeer in their third year. The, now adult, students easily agreed to keep the secret, since it was a very welcome surprise.

Harry had no doubt someone would eventually find out, but the wards, combined with the Fidelius on the Moon House would keep people from talking about exactly where they had gone. The moon could be mentioned, but not the house. It was tied into a ward on the property, which Bill had added recently. He'd upgraded quite a few of their wards for the purpose of security and their efficacy had been tested thoroughly.

At the leaving feast, Dumbledore had Harry's group, who had graduated, stand to be acknowledged. It had never been done before that six fifth-years and one fourth-year student sat both their OWLs and NEWTs. There was a murmur of disapproval and even a bit of fear running through the student body. There had been no attempts on the girls of the school, that year, and the success of the security at Hogwarts was placed squarely on Harry's presence there.

"Oh, don't worry friends." Harry said. "I'll still pop around sometimes. I'm the flying instructor after all. You don't have to worry about my leaving. Also, Neville has decided to stay behind to keep you all in line." He pointed at Neville. "Neville, show the people your face." he instructed.

Neville, having been prepared for this, activated his own flight harness and lifted up, flying a circuit around the great hall. "I'll be keeping an eye on all of you." he said with a smile, as he came in for a landing, assisted by his wandless magic. He wasn't as graceful as Harry, using the harness, but he was learning quickly, assisted by a new knowledge download in his ring. Harry had also given him the map, so that he could be more aware of the happenings at the school.

The professors were both sad to see the students leave, and proud of their achievements. Especially the Lovegood girl. She was the youngest graduate that they had ever had. Some students actually did leave Hogwarts after fifth year, for different reasons, but never a fourth-year, especially one with a full NEWT-level education. The Black Grimoire must have some really interesting family magics.

This time the farewells were more stirring, with many people thanking Harry and his friends for both establishing the study club and bringing everything they had to the school. Many of the girls had to say goodbye to their dorm-mates and other friends as well, since they didn't spend all their time at the study group and with Harry, after all.

They didn't take the train back either. Instead, they took the Saucer up to the Prometheus, where it was suspended in its usual location many miles above the Hangar, where its primary transport room was. Harry had arranged a surprise for his girls, and when they entered the transporter, to get to the dorm rooms, where they all intended to have a bit of fun with Harry, since he'd promised them something interesting, they were surprised with Harry pressing the button for the Lido deck.

When the door opened, it was to find all of their families waiting, with banners, confetti, cake, snacks and drinks. Remus had even gone to fetch Astoria from the train, to make it to the party. Imagine her surprise, when he and Tonks had shown up and flown them off the train, her trunk following behind them, using the same technique Harry tended to use to fly with people unassisted.

The party was a bit of a tearful one, when it was announced that they had finished their full curriculum and passed all their tests with very good marks, marking of their tests having been prioritised. Apparently they were considered adults in the magical world now. The trace on their wands would now need to be removed manually, but none of them planned to use them again anyway. They all used sticks these days, so that they could keep their advantage a secret.

"Finally." Harry had mumbled, even though some of the girls were happily surprised. He had waited long enough to be considered an adult. Even Amelia was shedding a tear or two for Susan being recognized as an adult. It was too soon in all the parents' opinion.

By the time that the party came to an end it was late and everyone went to their rooms. Harry had stepped into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When he stepped out, it was to a room with eight lingerie-clad girls.

-The End-

AN: I know. The story dragged on for you, but for me it was all about experiencing the possibilities. I loved writing this. I honestly don't care that most of you thought I lost the plot. It was never about the plot. It was always just because it was fun to write.

About the Harem: In my previous fic, Post-Apocalyptic Potter from a Parallel Universe (that got me chuckling when someone pointed out the acronym to me: PAPfaPU), people kept on pestering me for more girls with Harry. In some cases, I was seriously tempted. Sif and Harry would have made an awesome couple. So would Darcy and Harry, or Hill and Harry, or all the Veela and Nymphs and many others, but Natasha's agelessness and Scarlett Johansson's beauty (in my personal opinion, since I've always had a thing for red-heads) was simply too good for me to ignore.

Unfortunately I didn't think I could realistically write so many love interests, but this time I tried to do what I knew I couldn't, mostly for all of you. Hermione or Luna are always going to be my favourite love-interests for Harry, followed by Fleur and Tonks, but that last one would feel too much like masturbation material and I'd likely not be able to write her realistically anyway.

This is not the ending of this story, however. I will be continuing this work, after I've finished re-watching the first season of Stargate. I already have a few ideas, and I'm only up to episode 8 of 22 at this point, but fear not, for I am a prolific couch-potato and can get through the first season in two days or so.

What I will warn you about, however, is that the follow-up to this story will likely be short. With Harry discovering some very interesting tricks and adapting them with his magitech, things will not draw out very long. I'll likely start slowly, though, to allow the natural world-building to happen first. The inclusion of magic in a mostly science based world will definitely simplify things, rather than draw them out.

As you know, I like to do things that change what happens in the story. With the story changing from the get-go, the only way I could cover eleven seasons of the show, would be to have Harry just watch and do nothing, which would kind of ruin the idea. For that purpose, I might end up needing to watch all of the seasons, to be able to keep track of everything and not disappoint the fans of the show.

About Albus' curse: You don't know yet, since it's not come up yet. You'll have to wait and see…

About who Luna talks to: Here's a clue: It was referenced in the last chapter… kind of.

I changed the ending, which was completely written till one of the wives was about to have the first baby for Harry on Mars. I thought that was a good place to end this, but you people changed my mind and now there��s Stargate. I was going to have the two Harrys from my stories meet up and compare lives, probably on New Atlantis. I kept on getting images in my head of them fighting each other in an exhibition match and using their many skills to try and get the upper-hand. Oh well…

Lastly, thank you to all the reviewers who gave me positive feedback. I didn't need the encouragement, since I had most of this written before I posted chapter 1, but I love seeing a new message asking me questions and getting upset at the cliff-hangers. It's your love for the story that made you so upset, and that made my day every time.

As always my thanks go out to J.K. Rowling, for making the world in which I played.

Until next time!

Thanks for reading!