Chapter 49

Charles had been eyeing Ava ever since they got to the party, and he thought she was very beautiful, "I'm going to enjoy playing with her," he thought.

"Hi, It's nice to meet you," Ava said.

"You look really beautiful today," Charles compliments her, and it was not a lie. He had seen a lot of beautiful women abroad, but Ava was incomparable. He's never seen someone as innocent as her before.

Before she could say anything, Tristan stood beside her wearing a scowl on his face. His blood was boiling, he was hitting on her and it did not sit well with him.

He wanted to take her away from Charles right away. "Ava, I want to talk to you, and it's very urgent," Tristan said.

"What?" Ava asked, confused.

"Not here, let's go upstairs," he said, insistent.

"But the party's still going on," she said, it seemed like she did not want to be parted from Charles.

Tristan did not say anything and took Ava's hand and dragged her up the stairs. Charles had heard about Tristan's reputation and how he ruled the business industry. He did not want to offend Tristan and become his enemy because anybody that offended a member of the Aristocratic family never had an easy life.

So he did not say anything in front of Tristan and silently watched him take Ava by the hand and drag her upstairs.

"What are you doing?'' Ava asked, irritated by his behavior. 

"Ava, listen carefully, stay away from other men from now on. I do not like you talking with that boy downstairs, understood ", Tristan warned her.

Ava got a little scared seeing his serious expression. "I can talk with whomever I like," Ava replied back bravely. She did not like Tristan telling her what to do, he was a friend and nothing more, he shouldn't be commanding her as he did.

"No, you will not talk with other men who have bad intentions towards you," Tristan said in a cold tone leaving no room for arguments.

"You cannot tell me what I should or shouldn't do," Ava said. They have spent a lot of time together and she felt that Tristan was very trustworthy and he had good intentions and will not hurt her.

"That's where you are wrong. I can tell you what to do because you are mine," he declared possessively as he held her hand.

"You are crazy, let me go," she said as she pulled her hand away from him, but he will not let her go, so he held her waist.

"Yes, I'm crazy, crazy for you," Tristan continued to tighten his hold and did not bother that Ava was struggling to get out of his grip.

"Shh... keep quiet and listen to me," he coaxed her in a gentle tone, so she stopped struggling and listened to what he had to say.

"I love you, Ava. You are the only one who has touched my heart.

I promise to love you 'til my last dying breath. I am very serious about you, and I know that you are my only chance of happiness. I never knew I was missing something in my life until I met you, you made me see the possibility of a future with someone.

I never desired anything as I desire you. My life will never be complete without you. 

I promise to make you happy and never regret being with me," Tristan confessed out of frustration. He never thought he would confess this way, he had planned a big surprise, and now everything is shot.

He had hired the best team to make the venue beautiful, they chose the best flowers, food, and location. The place was supposed to be decorated like a fairyland. His plan was to give her the most romantic proposal. But sadly, everything was not happening according to his plan.

He confessed suddenly because of his anger. He was jealous when other men tried to court Ava.

She was shocked by his proposal. She never thought that Tristan Ambrosio, an aristocratic heir with a cold and aloof personality, would fall in love with her.

"Why?" Ava asked timidly.

"What why?" Tristan asked, not understanding what she meant.

"Why do you love me?" Ava asked.

"You are like a ray of light. So innocent and pure in this tainted world. I was living in darkness until you came. I never knew that I need light until I met you, now I want this light in my world. I want you very badly Ava," Tristan said hopelessly.

"But I do not love you," she blurted out without thinking, which made Tristan sad, it had reflected in his face for a moment, and then it was gone.

He already knew that Ava did not love him, but still hearing it straight from her made him sad.

"I know, but I will never give up. I will make you fall in love with me," he said confidently.

"What if I never fall in love with you?" she asked, and he gave her a cold look. 

Ava did not like seeing Tristan like this.

Tristan was feared in the business world, but he behaved differently with Ava because she was special to him.

"I am very persistent when I want something. I will fight until I get what I want. I will do anything to have you," Tristan said in a dangerous tone, but when he saw her scared expression he softened his face and started to play with her hair with one hand. He liked touching her soft and silky hair.

"Ava I may not be a good person, but I will never hurt you. Can you give me a chance?" Tristan asked softly.

Ava did not say anything and just looked at him.

"Okay, I will give you some time but don't make me wait too long, because I do not know when my patience will wear off, and I may end up doing something you may not like," Tristan said.

He was willing to give her some time to accept him but will not tolerate her being with anyone else other than him. He wanted to get her by hook or by crook.

Ava nodded her head.

"Good," Tristan said, caressing her cheek. He wanted to hold her longer, but knowing that other people may pass them and speculate, he stepped back.

Ava adjusted her hair and clothes.

"Remember what I said about staying away from other men," Tristan reminded her, "Ava?" he called her attention when she did not say anything.

"I'll remember," Ava said. She needed some time to process his confession, it confused her, now she did not know what to do or how to behave with him.

She cannot even talk with other men. Tristan's dominating presence stopped her from completely rejecting him, but she was relieved that Tristan gave her some time so that she could think about his proposal.

Tristan was satisfied with her answer, so he left her to join the party.