Chapter 50

At the airport, behind two bodyguards was a tall man who was dressed in all black. His long windbreaker depicts that he had just come from a very cold place. It was summer, yet he was still wearing multiple layers of clothes.

When he walked, he had the gait of a prominent person. His face was very handsome, and his looks were comparable to a celebrity.

People looking at him could not gauge from his eyes what he was thinking because they were covered in shades.

His assistant was talking on the phone next to him. "Sir I got the information that some people from the entertainment industry wanted you to come directly to their office as soon as you landed," his assistant said as he relayed the information.

"Didn't I tell you to keep my arrival secret? How did they know I got here today?" the mysterious man got angry.

"Sir, someone in the flight recognized you, and it's posted on social media," the assistant said.

"You go to the front entrance and divert the people, get me a separate car. I need to be alone," the mysterious man said.

"Sir, how can you protect yourself without the bodyguards, and this is a foreign country, you'll get lost navigating the streets," the assistant was concerned.

"I can protect myself, and this country is not new to me. I've been here before," the mysterious man said.

"Sir, tomorrow you have an appointment. You can't afford to miss it," the assistant reminded him.

"I know. I will be there at the agreed time," the mysterious man said.

"But….," the assistant was interrupted.

"Just do as I say," the mysterious man said, leaving no room for arguments.

"Yes sir," the assistant agreed as his boss left him behind. He was worried that his boss would be troubled by the fans if he went about without any bodyguards.

 His boss was a very famous and renowned pianist abroad. All his shows were very popular and got sold out within minutes of their announcement.

His shows were arranged in very big stadiums and would always be the talk of the town. Being famous, he got a lot of advertisement contracts and was always invited to many events.

But his boss was very choosy and strict regarding his work. He did not play the piano anywhere and everywhere. He respected his art a lot and chose only a few places to show his talent.

Even if the big shots paid him a lot of money to give private shows, he would always decline it. He did not promote his work like other celebrities. People only had to hear him play once, and they became his fans forever. His promotions came in the form of word of mouth recommendations.

Many big entertainment industries wanted to sign him, but he rejected everyone, it was because when he was an amateur pianist a small company signed him, and he was very loyal to this company. 

Many other companies tried to poach him when he started getting famous, but he had been with the same company he first signed with because he was loyal to those who helped him.

Unfortunately, the company owner died recently, and his sons and grandsons started fighting for the property inheritance. There were a lot of internal issues that caused bankruptcy, and they would soon close down the company.

At the same time, he got a call from this country's biggest entertainment company. So his boss came to this country to see what they have in store for him. Tomorrow his boss had a meeting with the Anderson Company.

The people at the entrance were representatives from the other entertainment companies. They have come to set up an appointment with his boss, in hopes that he would sign with them.

He started working with his boss two years ago, aside from his musical talent he did not know much about his boss, he was very private and never shared any information with him. Nobody called or visited his boss, and he speculated that maybe he was an orphan.

As far as schedules go, his boss practiced for long periods, sometimes locking himself in his music room without even taking breaks for food or water. It felt like his boss was trying so hard to forget his sorrow by concentrating on his music.

His boss didn't trust anyone, even though he was his assistant, his boss did most of the things by himself. His boss checked and double-checked all his contracts himself.

As far as friends, he's never seen him associated with anybody, he had no friends or even a girlfriend. He felt pity for his boss, he had everything yet he was all alone. 

He had never seen his boss with any women and was very rude to the women who tried to flirt with him. Sometimes it even seemed like he hated women.

He was worried that his boss would not know how to navigate the streets in this country, but he did not know that his boss was born and brought up in this country, and he knew all the street better than anyone else.

He hoped that his boss would reach the penthouse safely. The mysterious man sat in the car, and instead of going to the penthouse. He went directly to an area that could be found just on the outskirts of town, a graveyard.

He went and kneeled down in front of a tombstone cleaning the dried leaves and branches that were gathered around it. It looked like no one ever came to visit in ages. He should have known that those people never cared about the person buried there.

"I did it, grandma, I fulfilled your dream for me," he said, removing his shades and wiping the tears from his eyes.

I am sorry that I am late, but I had promised myself that I will never step into this country without proving myself," the mysterious man said.

"I really wish you were here to see my success, grandma. But I know you can see me from up there, and I know that you are very happy," he said, not being able to stop the tears falling from his eyes.

"Only you and she cared about me. Now I have come to take her back with me. She is the only one missing in my life," he said in a determined tone.

The mysterious man spent the whole day sitting next to the tombstone until security asked him to leave.

Alaric Mendes is back.

Ava's childhood friend is back.