Chapter 84

Tristan was very busy the past few days. Work was very hectic, and no matter how much effort he put into it, the problem did not seem to get solved. Tristan and his whole team pulled so many all-nighters but still, there were so many issues.

All the projects were going to the rival company. When bidding for the projects, the rival company had underbid them several times. They were losing money, but they didn't seem to care. All they wanted was to beat the Ambrosio group at any cost.

They didn't know who this other company was. Every investigation led them to a dead end. They were covering their tracks very well. Were they trying to monopolize the market? Tristan was getting frustrated, trying to find out who was out there to get him. There was something he was missing, and he didn't know what.

It was 11 pm, and he decided to go home and rest. Maybe some sleep will help him clear his head. Make him look at the picture from a different angle.