Chapter 85

Chapter 85

 Tristan was able to uncover a few more details about Zane automobiles. Ambrosio and Morgan jointly invested in this company that manufactured car engines. He did not find any problems with any of the projects they had except that the manager suspiciously died of a heart attack.

 PA Jack was chasing James Morgan and his assistant all week. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't get an appointment to see this guy. 

Tristan knew it was just an excuse. James seems to like the chase. He just wanted to wear Tristan down and lose his patience. 

Tristan was a patient man, he did not become successful in his business by jumping the gun. He will wait. 

After a few days, Tristan gets a call from an unknown number.

"Guess who?" said a rough male voice from the other side of the line.

"James Morgan finally decided to come out his shell," Tristan said coldly.