Chapter 89

Ava had fallen asleep in the car, and Tristan carried her to his room. He asked one of his housekeepers to change her into her sleepwear. She's been sleeping here a lot lately, so she had a few she had left behind.

Ava slowly opened her eyes. Her head was aching. She tried to close one eye to soften the pain and looked around the room. She found Tristan sitting on the sofa doing something on his laptop.

She sat up and leaned on the headboard.

"Tristan…," She called out softly. Tristan stopped what he was doing and handed her a drink.

"Drink this," he said. It was a glass of lemon juice, and they say it's a remedy for hangovers. He had the maids prepare it and have it on the bedside table so she can drink it as soon as she wakes up.

Ava felt so thirsty, so she drank the whole thing in one go. She noticed Tristan looked a little mad and detached. He didn't look like he was attentive to her today.