Chapter 90

Kelly and Ava got to school almost at the same time and they spotted each other right away.

"Kelly, I'm so sorry I left you alone behind," Ava apologized. Tristan informed Ava that Jack took care of Kelly yesterday. Ava was relieved but she still felt bad for ditching her friend.

"It's fine, I know you were also drunk yesterday," Kelly consoled her.

"I hope Jack drooped you safely," Ava said. She had no idea about what had happened between them. She assumed Kelly came back to the dorm last night. She knew that Jack was a nice person and can be trusted.

"Yeah, why did Tristan Ambrosio come to see you yesterday? Did he take you home? Are you two together?" Kelly asked after seeing Ava being dropped off in a car she didn't recognize. It meant Ava was also not at the dorm last night.

"Tristan is my boyfriend," Ava confessed. She felt guilty for hiding their relationship from her best friend.

"What? Really? Tristan?" Kelly was totally shocked.