Chapter 142

"Sis, why did you suddenly want to talk with me in private?" Blake asked in an impatient tone.

"Blake, your girlfriend will be safe in our house. You don't need to get worked up like that," Nina said, irritated by her brother's behavior.

"Let me guess, you don't like Sara," Blake stated matter of factly.

"You guessed it right. How can you fall in love so quickly and bring her to meet our parents?

I was absent for six months, and so much has happened. She is a model, and we both know how people from the entertainment industry can be, some of them have questionable backgrounds.

She might be with you only for your money," Nina said, unloading everything in her mind.

"Sis stop! You are my sister, but I cannot let you disrespect her like that. Since you don't know her, I will forgive you this time, but remember there are no second chances, I will not go easy on anyone, even you," Blake said sternly.