Chapter 143

Tristan just finished work and decided to call Ava so they could go out for dinner. But when he called her, she did not pick up any of his calls, and when he tried the landline, the maid said that Ava went out but did not tell her where she was going.

PA Jack was standing next to Tristan, so Jack suggested Ava might be with Kelly, but when he tried her phone, she was not picking it up either.

Tristan was on edge, he was not happy that Ava did not even text him her whereabouts.

It was very suspicious that both women were not responding to their phones, Tristan was about to tell Jack to track Ava's phone when Blake called on the other line, telling him that their wives were with Sara at the club. He told them to meet him there and to hurry. It sounded, bad and Tristan was getting mad at his little one.

How many times does he need to tell her not to break the rules? It seems like his little troublemaker needs to be taught an unforgettable lesson.