Divine Knights Of Eden Land

Moments before the encounter happened. . . 

Hakken exclaimed, "We've arrived! This is St. Agnes Academy."

"Wow, you're quite useful, Barbie!" replied Ayashiro, who followed behind Hakken.

As Hakken and Ayashiro made their way towards St. Agnes Academy, they relied on the smartphone they had obtained from the thugs to pinpoint the precise location of their destination. After traversing through the bustling city, they finally arrived at the entrance of the prestigious academy, marveling at its grand architecture and pristine grounds. The smartphone had proven to be an invaluable asset, guiding them through the labyrinthine streets and leading them straight to their destination.

Ayashiro turned his head to take a swift look at the environment around him. He then asked, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice, "What's the target's name again?"

Hakken's attention was fixed on the screen of his smartphone as he responded, "Fujino Shizuka. We have a letter that needs to be delivered to her. Then, we have to take her along with us for some reason that I am not yet aware of." His tone suggested that he was perplexed by the task at hand.

With a confident tone, Ayashiro exclaimed, "All right, let's go get her." His words conveyed his unwavering determination to accomplish the task at hand. His body language, too, reflected his eagerness as he took a step forward, signaling his readiness to embark on the mission. It was clear that Ayashiro was ready to take charge and lead the way to success.

As his eyes were glued to the smartphone screen, Hakken was taken aback by Ayashiro's sudden display of determination. He couldn't help but shift his gaze from his device to his fellow student.

"No, we need to wait for the right moment to talk to her alone since there are still people around her," replied Hakken in a serious tone.

Ayashiro's frustration was evident as he spoke sharply, "Screw it, nerdy! That's why I hate working with you! You make things unnecessarily complicated!" He knew he couldn't afford to waste any more time and his impatience was getting the better of him.

"Take a moment to compose yourself, dumbass. If you rush to talk to her now, she might feel overwhelmed and react negatively. It would be best to wait a little while for now." Hakken remained calm and acted accordingly.

The sun is at its peak, casting a bright light on the bustling city. Despite the high noon, a cool breeze blows through the streets, carrying with it the crispness of December. The people of the city bask in the warm glow of the sun and the coolness of the breeze, making for a comfortable atmosphere. In the playground, children run around and play, their laughter filling the air. The marketplaces are a hive of activity, with customers perusing the wares of the vendors, and bargaining for the best deals. Meanwhile, students catch up with their friends, chatting and laughing as they enjoy the company of one another. All in all, it's a beautiful day in the city, with a perfect blend of warmth and coolness that makes it just right.

Hakken and Ayashiro stealthily climbed up a tall tree situated near the school's backyard. They carefully positioned themselves on a sturdy branch, making sure not to make any noise. After retrieving their binoculars from their equipment, they gazed through the windows of the school building, meticulously examining the classrooms and hallways, in a quest to find the student who was portrayed in the picture.

Amidst a throng of students, Ayashiro spotted a female student who resembled the picture shown by Arashi sensei.

The woman in question has a stunning mane of chocolate-brown hair, tied up in a neat and tidy ponytail. Her eyes are a deep and mesmerizing shade of emerald-green that seem to sparkle in the dimly lit room. As the group's gaze falls upon her, they instantly recognize that she is the one they have been searching for. She is dressed in the same student outfit as depicted in the picture, making it unmistakably clear that she is indeed the person they have been seeking.

"I think that's her," Hakken exclaimed with a tone of success.

With his eagerness to finish the mission, Ayashiro displayed impatience and exclaimed, "I want to end this already!"

"Let her out of the building before we talk to her. Stop acting," replied Hakken with annoyance at Ayashiro's antics.

As the final bell of the school day echoed through the hallways, a group of students gathered outside the classroom. However, to their surprise, Shizuka remained seated at her desk, her eyes fixated on her smartphone. She seemed to be deeply engrossed in something on her device, her fingers tapping rapidly on the screen as she ignored the commotion around her.

Ayashiro grew impatient and wanted to leave the lone tree. "What's that person doing? Shouldn't she leave the building already?"

Hakken was left wondering and responded to the question with the words, "I don't know either, dummy."

"Hey look, she has a "smartphone" in her hand. Seems like everyone here has one. Luckily, we got those things too. Is she using a map to search for her way home too?"

"Don't act like a "smartphone guru" now. The way I see it, I think she's just having fun with it."

"What's fun looking at maps?"

"No! I mean, playing games or something, idiot!"

"Hey, I told you to watch that freaking mouth, barbie!"

The once bustling school gradually fell silent as the last of the students made their way out. The echoes of their footsteps faded away, leaving behind a stillness that seemed to linger in the air. The desks and chairs that were once filled with eager learners now stood empty, as if waiting for the next day to begin anew.

After everyone had left, the only sound in the room was the soft tapping of Shizuka's fingers on her smartphone's screen. She was deeply engrossed in her virtual world, scrolling and swiping with great concentration.

Ayashiro is becoming more and more impatient as he waits for their target to exit the building. On the other hand, Shizuka has just finished using her smartphone and is now cleaning every nook and cranny of the room with great attention to detail. It appears that she will take some time to complete her task and vacate the room, causing Ayashiro to become even more impatient.

"This is our chance! She's all alone now!"

"No, not yet."


Hakken noticed that someone had joined Shizuka in cleaning up the room.

"That guy . . . Seems like he's familiar."Staring at the white haired student, Hakken pondered.

Ayashiro's voice was sharp and filled with frustration. "Oh, now look what you did, princess! She's flirting with someone now!" he exclaimed, clearly upset.

"Have I seen him somewhere on Earth?" Hakken muttered, still trying to figure out who the handsome guy was.

"Stop fooling around or I'll leave you here!" Ayashiro fumed with a display of annoyance.

Shizuka and Shiro exited the building while being watched by the two students from another world.

Hakken and Ayashiro followed the two students from a distance as they walked on the sidewalk of the busy street. Hakken was lost in thought, pondering over the white-haired guy.

While following the two students, Hakken eventually caught sight of a poster attached to a street lamp.

"Wanted . . . Criminal . . .?" 

Hold on . . . What?! Was it him? What is he doing here?!

Ayashiro, however, couldn't wait any longer and sped past Hakken incredibly quickly.

"Hey! I told you to stay calm!" Hakken exlaimed in disbelief.

"There's no way you'll be bossing me around! Just go back home, and I'll bring her back to Eden Land. Alone!" replied Ayashiro from a distance.

"What are you . . ."

"See ya!" Ayashiro then disappeared out of Hakken's sight.

That idiot is a mess that I should have cleaned first!

Sakaki Kyoshiro, was it? I should stop Ayashiro before it's too late, or we'll be doomed!

Hakken realized his mistake, but Ayashiro had already caught up to them in the alley.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He. . he teleported?

At present, Shizuka finds herself in a state of perplexity, struggling to make sense of the scene unfolding before her eyes. She feels unable to fully grasp the nature of the events that are taking place, and is grappling with a sense of confusion and bewilderment.

Did he just disobey the law of physics or something? Wait . . .Is magic real? What's happening?

"Who is Sakaki Kyoshiro?" Ayashiro asked, looking perplexed at Hakken.

Ayashiro appeared clueless as Hakken lost his temper, shouting, "I told you to stay patient! We could have avoided trouble if you hadn't messed things up!"

Kyoshiro turned towards Shizuka, his expression filled with concern as he asked, "Shizuka, are you alright?". Despite the potentially dangerous situation they had just escaped from, Kyoshiro appeared to be composed and unfazed as he checked on his companion's well-being.

Hakken's voice boomed louder than usual as he yelled at Ayashiro, his face twisted in frustration and anger. Shizuka, who was standing nearby, looked completely bewildered by the sudden outburst. "See what you've done?" Hakken barked, his finger pointed accusingly at Ayashiro. "We should've explained things to her first before acting!" His words echoed through the dimlit alley.

"Stop blaming me, bastard!" Ayashiro raised his voice as well, trying to defend his actions.

Shizuka appeared astonished and struggled to articulate herself, saying, "This is..."

"Shizuka, leave immediately before things get . . ."

Shiro made an urgent plea to Shizuka, warning her to leave immediately before things spiral out of control. He was about to retreat, but before he could, Shizuka let out a cry of amazement. Her face lit up with astonishment and joy as she excitedly exclaimed, "This is amazing!"

The three men looked at Shizuka with disbelief as they couldn't comprehend the sudden shift in situation.

"Shiro, can you do magic too?" Shizuka asked, her eyes shining with excitement.

Shiro chuckled after seeing Shizuka's unexpected reaction and remarked, "Seems like you love violence, huh?"

"I can't believe that magic is real! I thought . . ." Shizuka seems to be really into the face-off as she loves playing fantasy-action games.

Out of nowhere, Ayashiro charged at Shiro once again, this time with his fists ablaze.

"What are you doing?!" yelled Hakken angrily.

In a swift move, Shiro's reflexes kicked in as he grabbed hold of Shizuka's arm and expertly dodged Ayashiro's incoming attack. Ayashiro's strike was no ordinary one - it landed on the ground with such force that the earth beneath them crumbled, creating loud, bone-chilling cracking sounds that echoed throughout the area. The sheer impact of Ayashiro's attack was like that of a massive marble crashing onto the ground, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Since this guy is a criminal, this is our chance to restrain him!

Hakken was unable to act since Ayashiro had already taken the shot, and he could only hope that Ayashiro would not be harmed.

As the attack came hurtling towards them, Shiro swiftly dodged and leapt backwards with remarkable agility, all the while clutching onto Shizuka tightly in his arms. The two of them soared through the air, their hair whipping wildly in the wind as they landed safely on the ground.

As a result of the intense attack, a thick layer of dust now covers everything around them, creating a hazy fog that envelops the entire area. The visibility is significantly impaired, and even simple movements are now challenging due to the distorted, murky atmosphere.

As Shizuka was being carried in the arms of Shiro, her gaze fixed on him. She was surprised to see a sudden change in the color of his eye - it turned into a vivid shade of purple. She could feel something unusual, some sort of energy emanating from his body that was making her uneasy. It seemed like he was not the same Shiro who she had known until now.

"Shiro senpai... Are you a wizard or something?" she asked, looking bewildered.

Shiro cautiously placed Shizuka right beside him without responding. As the foggy dust started to gradually clear, their visibility improved, and they could finally see each other again. Ayashiro and Shiro locked eyes and stared intently at each other, with neither of them willing to let their guard down. The tension in the air was palpable as they continued to size each other up, waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Miss Shizuka, the guy beside you, is not who you think he is! Get away from him immediately!" Hakken anxiously warned.

Shizuka replied, "How can I trust someone who just tried to abduct me?" seemingly lost as to who the real enemy was.

"Shut up, woman! I am not abducting you! I'm asking you to come with us!" Ayashiro angrily yelled.

"That's abduction, idiot," Hakken blurted out, his hand over his face.

"Anyway, Shizuka, get out of here. You don't want to see this," Shiro said, stepping forward to fight the two guys alone.

"Shiro . . . Sempai?" Shizuka was unable to proceed any further as she was curious to see what would happen next.

"You two are from Eden Land, right?" Shiro, also known as Kyoshiro, asked directly while grinning.

"And you're the criminal that the Lost Mjolnir couldn't catch," Hakken nervously replied, fixing his gaze on Kyoshiro.

Kyoshiro sneered at the students standing before him, towering over them with an air of arrogance. He cracked his knuckles and neck, as if daring them to make a move. "You really think students like you have what it takes to catch me?" he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. Despite the uncertainties, the students stood their ground, determined to prove him wrong.

After Ayashiro does his boxing stance once again and puts his flaming fists back, he says "If you think we're just ordinary students...".

Ayashiro's body is once again illuminated with blue ki energy as he exclaims, "You're wrong!"

With a nod, Kyoshiro ignites his body with purple ki and prepares for battle.