Sakaki Kyoshiro

Shizuka was able to conquer evil and defeat her enemies, becoming the strongest of all, and using magic, at least in her role-playing games.

In real life, she had also defeated enemies. One famous incident involved her beating the entire Izumo gang by herself. However, this negative fame resulted in her black belts in Kendo and Karate being stripped off, which prevented her from competing in any future competitions. But now, she feels like an awestruck kid watching her friend and some sort of "wizards" fighting with the use of "magic."

Shizuka, unlike most people, wouldn't freak out after witnessing something unusual. In fact, she's thrilled by it, and it makes her feel like she's in a fantasy game.

"So, magic does exist!" 

Shiro's body was enveloped in a strange energy, causing him to utter the words, "For now, I want you to close your eyes. You don't want to see this." As the energy swirled around him, his pitch-black eye began to glow with a deep purple hue. The aura emanating from the power of Kyoshiro was not as explosive as Ayashiro's energy, but it was just as potent. The air around Hakken grew heavy with an ominous silence, as he was filled with a sense of dread at the sheer power he witnessed.

Hakken's voice trembled with fear as he desperately attempted to warn Fujino Shizuka of the impending danger. "I understand that it's difficult to trust strangers, but you have to believe us when we say that man is a murderer. Please, you must come with us to safety before it's too late," he implored, his eyes pleading with Shizuka to heed his warning.

Ayashiro's voice boomed with urgency as he backed up Hakken's warning. "Listen to us, Miss Fujino Shizuka. We know you may not trust us, but you cannot trust that criminal either. You must flee with us and keep yourself safe," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Despite their desperation, the two men remained calm and composed, their only aim to keep Shizuka out of harm's way.

As Shizuka attempts to make sense of the situation, she can't help but wonder if the people she's interacting with are actually on her side or not. After all, Shizuka hasn't been acquainted with Shiro for long, and it's possible that he might not have her best interests in mind. Seeking clarification, she turns to Shiro and asks him if the individuals are lying to her. However, Shiro doesn't provide a straightforward answer, choosing instead to smile wryly and remain silent, leaving Shizuka to grapple with her uncertainties.

"Shizuka, get out of here quickly," Shiro said, scoffing and assuming a fighting stance with a smirk.

Shizuka is torn between her childhood best friend and strangers who claim to be on her side.

Kyoshiro vanished abruptly, leaving the "wizards" in a state of shock.

Hakken shouted, "Ayashiro, behind you!" as he anticipated Kyoshiro's next move."

"I know that!"

Ayashiro was caught off guard by the sudden and unexpected appearance of Kyoshiro behind him. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his body as he sensed the cold, unforgiving metal of a deadly knuckle blade being pressed against his neck. Despite his training, Ayashiro knew he was no match for Kyoshiro's advanced combat skills, and he had no choice but to surrender to the formidable warrior. With a wry smile, Kyoshiro warned him not to make any sudden moves, leaving Ayashiro to wonder what fate awaited him.

"Do not move, kid, or you will regret it."

Hakken's eyes widened in disbelief as their opponent moved with incredible speed, leaving them awestruck and amazed by the sheer swiftness of his movements.

Kyoshiro, a seasoned warrior, glares at Ayashiro and his companion. "Students like you," he scoffed, "shouldn't meddle with the business of S-ranks." With surprising strength, he applies pressure to Ayashiro's neck, making it difficult for him to breathe. "I have a hunch," Kyoshiro continues, "that the two of you are Raiden Arashi's students, since you were better than an average one." Despite the danger he's in, Ayashiro manages to stay calm, knowing that any sudden movement could lead to serious injury.

Hakken gritted his teeth, unable to act without risking his partner's life.

Hakken nervously intimidates Kyoshiro, saying "It's none of your business, you murderer!"

Kyoshiro sneered "Either way, it's not your fault for running into me," he said with a hint of arrogance, as he casually shrugged his shoulder. His tone was dismissive, as if the other person's presence was inconsequential to him.

Feeling annoyed, Ayashisro clenched his teeth and didn't move.

Shizuka stood frozen, unable to form any words, as she watched the intense fight unfold before her from a safe distance.

Is this really happening? Do I see magic? How did Shiro sempai teleport?

Kyoshiro's voice was barely audible as he muttered, "It's over," while pressing the sharp edge of his knuckle blade firmly against Ayashiro's neck, causing beads of blood to trickle down.

After receiving a small cut on his neck from Kyoshiro's blade, Ayashiro couldn't help but grin as he spoke up. "Oh, just so you know, you made a mistake, you freaking bastard!" Despite the injury, Ayashiro's prideful attitude remained intact.

Kyoshiro furrowed his brows in confusion.

"You should have killed me sooner instead of talking!"

Kyoshiro was taken aback by Ayashiro's sudden outburst. The intensity of the flames that engulfed Ayashiro's body was almost too much to bear. Kyoshiro quickly stepped back to avoid being consumed by the inferno. The heat emanating from Ayashiro's body was so intense that it made the air around them feel like it was on fire. In that moment, Kyoshiro realized that Ayashiro's power was truly terrifying despite being a student.

Freeing himself from Kyoshiro's blade, Ayashiro took a deep breath and exhaled with relief, grateful to have escaped the deadly weapon's hold.

"Nice one, empty head!"

Hakken launched an aggressive assault on Kyoshiro, hurling needles in his direction while simultaneously saying "Take this, you bastard!"

With quick reflexes, Kyoshiro sprang into action, gracefully leaping into the air and performing a series of acrobatic moves. He spun and twirled, narrowly dodging each needle with expert precision. Finally, he landed back on the ground with a sense of ease, successfully escaping the dangerous situation unscathed.

"It's payback time, You bastard!"

Ayashiro moved like a blur, charging towards Kyoshiro with lightning-fast speed. Flames roared to life all across his body as he began to throw rapid punches, his movements almost too quick for the eye to follow. Despite feeling flabbergasted by Ayashiro's sudden attack, Kyoshiro's training kicked in as he deftly dodged each punch, his body moving with an almost dancer-like grace to avoid the flames and counter with his own strikes.

As Ayashiro's fists lit up with fiery energy, Hakken watched from the sidelines, biding his time. He knew that in the chaos of Kyoshiro's dodging and weaving, there would be a moment of vulnerability. And when that moment came, Hakken would strike with a torrent of sharp needles, aimed at Kyoshiro's weak points. So he patiently waited, eyes fixed on his prey, calculating his next move.

"Now! No, wait, not yet. Goddamn it, they're both quick!"

Their movements were lightning-fast, as if they were both masters of the sword. Hakken's eyes were fixed on Kyoshiro, who appeared to be effortlessly toying with Ayashiro. The tension in the air was palpable, as each Hakken waited for the slightest opening to strike.

Hakken is a master of needle throwing, an essential skill for any warrior. His ability to locate and hit vital spots on his opponents is unmatched, and can instantly kill or knock out even the most formidable opponent. In their current fight against Kyoshiro, Hakken knows that victory will be theirs if he can accurately hit his target with his needles just once. The stakes are high, and every move he makes must be precise and calculated.

Shizuka couldn't take her eyes off the intense battle in front of her, she was completely astonished.

"This is interesting. Arashi did well in training you. You already know how to flame up your own body," Kyoshiro grinned, dodging Ayashiro's attacks.

Ayashiro kept throwing punches out of anger while yelling, "Quit spewing nonsense! Arashi sensei has nothing to do with this; I learned this on my own!"

Kyoshiro managed to dodge Ayashiro's final attack and retreated once again.

"Sakaki Kyoshiro is great at martial arts defense! What you are doing is a waste of ki!"

Hakken attempted to pacify Ayashiro by praising Sakaki Kyoshiro's exceptional martial arts defense skills. He explained that throwing punches recklessly was an ineffective use of ki, as even the mighty Lost Mjolnir had failed to catch him with such an approach.

"I know that! Just sit back and watch! I still have a lot of tricks up my sleeve!"

Ayashiro's eyes narrowed as he tightly grasped his right forearm with his left hand. He focused all of his energy and gathered an immense amount of ki in his right palm, causing the air around him to heat up. As he concentrated, the flames that had been flickering across his body suddenly began to swirl and coalesce, slowly forming into a single, glowing orb the size of a tennis ball. The heat radiating from the fiery ball was intense, and Ayashiro could feel the heat emanating from his palm as he prepared to unleash his power.

With a fierce look in his eyes, he suddenly shouted out, "Fireball!" He hoped that this powerful move would be enough to bring an end to their intense battle.

"Back me up, Barbie!"

Ayashiro took a deep breath and crouched down, his muscles tensing as he readied himself to unleash his most devastating ability. The air around him crackled with energy as he focused his power, preparing to strike with all his might.

"Whatever you say, dummy."

With a sudden sense of caution, Hakken readied up and launched a relentless volley of sharp needles towards their agile adversary.

Kyoshiro was well-aware of the deceptive strategy employed by Hakken, who was using a diversionary tactic to distract him. He knew that this was a ploy to create an opening for Ayashiro to unleash his lethal fireball attack and inflict fatal damage on him. Despite the danger, Kyoshiro remained focused and prepared to defend himself against the impending attack.

These two can actually fight a big battle like this. Their chemistry is excellent too.

Kyoshiro's lips twisted into a sinister grin as he reveled in the triumph of the battle's outcome.

Despite not in good terms, Hakken and Ayashiro have a formidable partnership when it comes to battle. While Hakken is the strategic mastermind behind their battles, Ayashiro is the brawny tank who provides the necessary muscle. Together, they possess the skills and tactics to take on even the most agile and cunning of criminals.

Damn you, Arashi, you think these two can stop me, huh? Let's see about that. 

Shizuka feels a sudden wave of terror as she sees the vile smirk on Shiro's face. In that moment, he is no longer the Shiro she knew from their childhood. Despite the fact that she still sees him as her dear friend, she cannot ignore the nagging suspicion that Hakken and Ayashiro were right all along - that Shiro is, in fact, a ruthless criminal. The realization hits her like a ton of bricks, and she can't help but feel a sense of betrayal and confusion.

Shiro's ominous demeanor and the sly grin he had been sporting gave Shizuka a glimpse of his wicked side.

Is he really the villain? No. It must be a coincidence. Shiro Sempai has been good to me all this time. 

As the battle progressed, she couldn't contain her excitement. However, her enthusiasm waned as a realization dawned on her - Shiro wasn't there to protect her as she had thought. It gradually became apparent that he had a secret motive behind fighting the two students, which made her feel uneasy and unsure about the entire situation.

Softly mumbling the words "Shiro . . . Sempai . . ." to herself, she resignedly watched Kyoshiro's retreating figure, knowing deep down that her plea would fall on deaf ears. Despite her genuine concern, she realized that there was no use in trying to stop him.

Hakken let out a fierce battle cry as he hurled a barrage of needles towards Kyoshiro. The sudden increase in the number of projectiles caught Kyoshiro off guard, forcing him to swiftly dodge left and right in an attempt to avoid them. Hakken's relentless attack made it increasingly challenging for Kyoshiro to defend himself.

Kyoshiro, feeling the danger looming, made a quick decision to seek cover. He scanned his surroundings and spotted a row of rectangular trash cans nearby. Without hesitation, he rushed towards them and crouched down, using them as a protective barrier from potential harm.

"Oh. You're trying to block my needles, huh? Let's see about that!"

As Hakken held the needles in his hand, he began to summon his ki energy. It started to circle around the needles, glowing brighter and brighter until it eventually entered the sharp objects. The infusion of ki made the needles even sharper than before, transforming them into deadly weapons capable of piercing through objects that could easily penetrate the opponent's body.

Hakken, with his enhanced ki, expertly threw a barrage of needles at the trash cans. The needles, now infused with his energy, pierced through the cans like a rain of bullets. The sound of metal being struck echoed through the air as the needles hit their targets with incredible accuracy. It was a display of precision and skill that left those who witnessed it in awe.

Kyoshiro was taken aback by the sudden tactical move. Without wasting any time, he sprinted towards the nearest building and took cover behind its sturdy cemented walls. The walls were thick and robust, providing a much safer refuge than a flimsy trash can. Kyoshiro knew that this would decrease the probability of the ki-needles piercing through the walls, hence, increasing his chances of survival.

"You're not getting away!"

Believing that the criminal was making a getaway, Hakken hastily pursued Kyoshiro in a reckless manner.

He was mistaken about that.

Kyoshiro devised a cunning plan to ensnare Hakken by luring him near the wall. Instead of being caught off guard, Kyoshiro had set a trap for Hakken, which he successfully fell into.

It seemed that he had predicted that Hakken, a fighter in the middle range, would be at a disadvantage when it came to close combat.

"I Got you."

Kyoshiro moved with remarkable agility as he swiftly closed the distance between himself and Hakken. In a sudden and unexpected move, Kyoshiro appeared right behind Hakken, his knuckle blade at the ready, poised to strike.


Hakken's eyes widened in terror as he found himself ensnared in the criminal's trap. He knew he had no chance to evade the lightning-fast attack that was about to be unleashed upon him. The imminent danger sent shivers down his spine, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

With his heart pounding in his chest, Hakken closes his eyes tightly as the fear of losing his life consumes him. Every muscle in his body tenses up as he braces himself for the worst.

"Nope. You mean we got you!"

Kyoshiro turned around to find Ayashiro right behind him, his hand glowing with a fiery energy. The power of the fireball was fully formed and ready to be unleashed, indicating that Ayashiro was determined to end the fight.

With precise aim, he directed the full force of his fiery abilities towards the dangerous criminal, determined to neutralize the threat.

"It's over!" Ayashiro exclaimed as blasts echoed through the dark alley.