3 : Adjusting to the New Life

QingWan eyes shone in anticipation as the lid of the pot raised by one of the servants. Instantly, vapour escaped like a burst of an explosion followed by the savoury aroma permeated in the air.

A boiled chicken placed neatly at the centre of the pot, with the light broth filled by ginseng, burdocks, Chinese yam, black bean, Chinese knotweed, wolfberry, white fungus, candied dates, dried fig, red dates and lotus seeds.

Three small bowls filled with lukewarm rice placed tidily on the round table at the centre of the room, with ivory chopstick readily used to eat.

Chen Xu Jian already sat down, he smilingly waved QingWan and Yu Shu Xin to sit.

After that, the servants placed a bowl of wonton soup to their master and retreat from the room.

Neither the parents and daughter spoke as their attention focused on the warm food. Chen Xu Jian ladled the soup to the empty bowls, then he plucked the chicken meat. For QingWan, he especially picked lots of herbs for her to eat.

After thanking her father, QingWan took a spoonful of the soup. She blows the soup in order to prevent burned her tongue then she sipped the soup.

The soup has the right amount of saltiness; QingWan felt the cook only sprinkles tiny bits of salt because the chicken itself was fresh, the soup brininess naturally came from the meat of the chicken. The hint of sweetness balance the slightly bitter taste came from the ginseng. The chicken meat truly delectable, not overcook and tender. The soup wasn't heavy nor greasy to drink down. It's such a flavourful dish.

"So fragrant!" QingWan exclaimed in amazement. The aftertaste of the soup still lingering on the tip of her tongue.

Yu Shu Xin and Chen Xu Jian smiled at the enthusiastic QingWan. They breathed a sigh of relief as QingWan filled her soup. Usually, their daughter has no appetite and forced herself to finish the food.

Then, QingWan moved to another dish after emptied the rice and chicken soup on her bowl.

QingWan tore the wonton and fascinated with the shimmering thin skin of the wonton. QingWan hummed in pleasure when the wonton landed on her tongue. The minced meat was juicy and soft. The texture of wonton skin was silky, chewy and smooth. These delicacies almost brought tears onto QingWan eyes.

Later QingWan neutralized her tongue with a cup of fermented black tea; a luxurious drink that she never imagined she could finally drink.

After finishing the dinner, the family of three strolling for a half-hour. On the way, QingWan listened to her mother experience on the battlefield when she was young and her father adventures when he left his village. Both father and mother walk slower and sometimes wait for QingWan to rest her feet.

The night stroll ended when both husband and wife noticed the wind grew colder. They informed to QingWan too, they wouldn't stay in the manor for a week. Yu Shu Xin needs to assist Chen Xu Jian to guard the imported crystallized sugar. Chen Xu Jian would join his wife after he finished the household paperwork.

The moon receded from the inkling blackness of night, the sunshine gradually brightened the sky. Chirping birds sang to celebrate the wonderful warm rays fell upon the earth.

Glittering beams showered the abundantly bright and beautiful flourishing clusters of flowers and greens at the courtyard entrance. A young maidservant steadily carried a tray filled with lukewarm congee and a bowl of herb soup while her feet strode swiftly.

She knocked on the door and addressed herself politely, after the owner of the room acknowledged her presence only then the maid allowed herself to enter the room.

A girl reclining on a large pillow to the side, the subtle lights from half-opened windows accentuate the delicate features of hers. Xiao Lan inwardly surprised as she discovered her miss was more lively compared to the former self of hers as if a withering flower bud imbibed fully with the morning dews blooming to greet the rising sun. The glowing rosiness flushed the cheeks, her sickly waxen skin was like fully soaked with milk.

The young girl sluggish appearance was akin to a kitten basking in the sun, somewhat adorable and lovely.

Xiao Lan watched from the side, fell into a dazed state. The only miss of Yu Clan temper was good, gentle and considered. Compared to other family's well-bred young ladies, QingWan was too soft and meek.

The maidservant, seeing her like this, truly felt heartache. Whilst another child on her age freely available to fulfil anything they wanted to do, her miss spent extensively stamina just to perform basic things like a short stroll.

Xiao Lan supported QingWan to changed her position to sit posture, afterwards she brought a small table to place the congee and the herb. Then Xiao Lan checked the temperature of those things to ensure her miss won't burn her tongue when she consumed it.

QingWan somehow felt the attentiveness of Xiao Lan wasn't unusual. After all, Xiao Lan had been served her for ten years. The maidservant stood nearby while her eyes locked on QingWan, ready to assist her when it's required.

Meanwhile, two maidservants timely entered the washroom and on the process to prepare water for QingWan to bathe.

QingWan finished the supper and gulped down the herbal soup quickly. The leftover flavour receded as the sweet candies already took over the bitterness inside her mouth.

Then, QingWan proceeds to cleanse her body. The two maidservants retired after cleaning the empty bowl, leaving Xiao Lan to attend QingWan.

QingWan slightly embarrassed by revealing bareness of her skin. Yet on the surface, she held the quiet composure for fear of Xiao Lan noticed tiny bits of different manner appeared from her.

From bathing until the dressing process, QingWan truly pampered by Xiao Lan. The way Xiao Lan attending her too meticulous and thorough.

Whilst Xiao Lan styled her hair, QingWan listed the stuff she wanted to do. Her past self, Tang Yue have a huge fondness with plants and flowers. Her present self coincidentally shared similar traits. Precisely, QingWan has talent on raising plants, flowers and the field of literature.

QingWan decided to depart to the garden, later deepened her knowledge with books and scrolls from her study room.

There was a sense of familiarity yet also unfamiliar feeling as QingWan carried her feet on the paved limestone towards the garden with plenteous greens grown on the left and right side.

QingWan stunned by the breathtaking sea of blooming flowers penetrated her eyes. She discerned there were various species of flowers on the field. From a far distance, a small pavilion stood higher from the rest of the flower. The delicate, sweet fragrance naturally oozed from the blossoms and it assailed her nostril.

Her eyes spotted the vibrant and colourful petals, QingWan reminiscent of her past life as Tang Yue. When she lived as Tang Yue, she always has a dream of living in the house filled with beautiful flowers. The dreams fulfilled, although Tang Yue wasn't alive anymore. At least, as QingWan she achieved the dream.

Her eyes narrowed into a crescent moon as she grinning happily. Her smile was radiant and lovely. However, the sincere smile of hers immediately replaced with a frown as QingWan noticed the puddle of red.

QingWan approached the red spot and gasped as she found a snowy ball curled pitifully in a pool of blood.

"Xiao Lan! W―what to do? The rabbit―!"