Chapter 11: "The last time I opened my mouth while we were alone in this car, it did not end well"

Once I was finally done with my work, I stretched my arms up and let a huge yawn out. I turned my head towards the wall clock at the wall on the far end of the room and found out that it is already eight in the evening.

As a newcomer, my officemates tend to dump menial jobs onto me, and as a result, I frequently finish the tasks assigned to me after office hours. As much as I'd like to decline their orders, this company values hierarchy more than anything, and declining those who are senior to me would mean disrespect to them.

A huge sigh left my mouth as I realized that I had overtime once again. Ever since I started working, I always went home late at night because of all the work given to me, and I'm frequently left alone in our department. Right now, since it is quite early, there are still few people in our department, but they are mostly newcomers who have the same predicament as me.

Whenever I arrived home, I'm usually dead-tired and would skip dinner. Ansel became worried about my health and would nag me to at least take a short rest now and then. Although he is probably as busy as I am, he never forgets to send me a message as a reminder to eat my meals.

Since I finished earlier today, I planned to go to the grocery store to get some ingredients and cook a decent dinner for Ansel and me tonight. Since I'm always skipping dinner lately, his meal usually consists of convenience store food or cup noodles. Although he says that he is fine with it, I'm pretty sure he already misses home-cooked meals.

After I shut my computer off, I bid my farewell to my colleagues. Once I arrived on the ground floor, I brought my phone out of my pocket as I walked out of the building. I planned to ask Ansel if he has any request for dinner tonight, but I suddenly stopped on my tracks when I saw the man I was just thinking about outside of the building.

Ansel was standing near the exit of the office building. He was busy looking at his phone to notice me staring at him, and he has this cute frown on his face.

I was planning on surprising him with a home-cooked meal tonight, yet he went and surprised me by unexpectedly picking me up from work. A little giggle left my mouth as I realized how silly the two of us were.

As if he heard me, Ansel turned his gaze towards me, and a smile broke out on his face when he saw me staring at him. I started walking towards him, and I can't help but grin widely because of the unexpected surprise in front of me.

"Hey handsome," I said once I arrived in front of Ansel. "Would you care for a drink?"

There was a glint of amusement in Ansel's eyes when he heard what I had said. He raised his hand as if to show the silver band on his ring finger and spoke, "Sorry, I'm married."

Ansel and I burst out laughing because of our silliness. He pulled me into a hug, making the exhaustion from all of my work slowly ease away, and whispered, "I miss you."

Warmth spread throughout my chest because of his affectionate words and actions, and I wrapped my arms around his waist and murmured, "I miss you too."

After a few moments, I pulled out of his embrace. "You know, I was just about to ask you if you have any dinner request."

"You're going to cook for me tonight?" He asked, excitement evident in his voice.

"Yup," I grinned at him. "Let's go before the supermarket closes."

Ansel wrapped his hand around mine, and we walked together towards the subway station while talking about dishes that I could cook tonight. All the stress that I was feeling earlier because of work were now replaced with delight as I walk hand in hand with the person I treasure the most.


"It's dangerous to use your phone while standing along the sidewalk."

I snapped my head towards the familiar deep voice, and my eyes almost fell out of its socket when I saw Ansel standing beside me.

He was looking at me with his piercing blue eyes, his face bearing his usual cold expression. I felt like I was rooted to the ground as I stare at him, my heart suddenly beating so fast against my chest.

He was just conversing with Christina a few moments ago, yet he is now standing right in front of me. I left the building as fast as I possibly could before he or Christina could notice me. I wanted to avoid him at all costs, but it seems like that is not something I get to decide.

It felt like I was staring at him for a long time, and when I realized that I probably looked silly with my eyes wide open and my mouth slightly ajar, I broke the eye contact. I began searching within the vicinity for the certain auburn-haired woman he was previously with, and luckily, she was nowhere to be found.

"Finished with the meeting?" Ansel spoke, making me turn my gaze towards him again.

I wanted to reply, but no words came out when I opened my mouth. I wanted to scold myself as I suddenly became speechless under his presence. Last night, I kept thinking about how I would approach Ansel if we ever get to meet today, but right now, it seems like my effort had gone to waste.

"Yes," I replied, trying my best not to flinch and break the eye contact.

I need to do my best to stop myself from acting awkward around Ansel. I already told him the other day that we should cut all our ties, yet this contract made it quite impossible. If it is inevitable that we meet every now and then because of this contract, I thought that I might have to stop looking at him as the Ansel that I was once married to and start seeing him simply as a business partner.

Sighing inwardly, I tried composing myself and forced a smile out. "We had a great start."

I sounded awkward when I heard myself, but it's quite an improvement since I'm still slightly surprised to see him out here starting a conversation with me. With what happened during the past few days, having a decent conversation with Ansel is not something that I would expect to happen, but here we are now, breaking that expectation.

Ansel merely nodded at what I said and asked, "Are you going home?"

'Why is he suddenly asking all these questions?'

"Yes," I replied. I could feel my cheeks starting to ache from the smile that I'm forcing to keep on my face. "There is still some paperwork left for the project."

Ansel did not reply. He kept staring at my face as if he is scrutinizing something, and I tried my hardest not to cower from his gaze and drop the business smile that I have on.

I'm sure that he is still angry at me, and I can't say anything about it since he has every right to. As a businessman, he probably knew how to separate his personal feelings from business and form a professional relationship even with the person he hates, and since we are now business partners, despite his personal sentiments towards me, he still approached me and initiated a conversation.

'How I wish I am the same.'

Unable to bear the silence between us, I spoke, "I have to leave now. The taxi I booked is coming."

Although that was a lie. I wasn't able to book a taxi earlier since he startled me, but I don't know what to say to get away from him. I thought that it would be quite rude to leave him along the sidewalk without any reason, hence, the lie.

Before I could leave, a black car suddenly stopped in front of us. It was the black Audi that Ansel owned, and a valet slipped out of the car and gave Ansel the keys.

Relief washed over me as he would finally leave. Although I told myself multiple times that I should make an effort to have a civil relationship with him, I still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around him and wish that situations like this would not happen.

As I was about to turn around and leave, Ansel spoke, "I'll drive you home."

My eyes widened at his offer and I almost stammered when I replied, "You don't have to. I don't want to impose."

Ever since I returned, he already sent me home multiple times, and every single time, the experience was quite stressful. I knew that he is probably trying to be accommodating around a business partner, but either way, I should not be alone with him anymore.

If I wanted to fully extract him out of my personal life, I should not allow any situation where irreparable mistakes could be made.

And that applies to his offer to send me home.

"I have to attend a meeting, and your house is on the way," Ansel spoke, making me snap out of my thoughts.

Before I could open my mouth to make an excuse and reject his offer, he continued, "And I have to talk to you about the contract. It would be efficient for both of us to talk about it during the ride."

I wanted to pull my hair out and scream in frustration, yet I merely smiled and accepted his offer. How could I reject him when he used the 'business only' card? He knew that I would not be able to reject his offer to send me home if he used the reason that we need to talk about the contract. It would only make me sound defensive and petty.

'Or maybe I'm just thinking too much about it.'

Ansel opened the door for me, and I murmured a 'thank you' before slipping in. Once he closed the door, he walked towards the driver's side, and I can't help but stare at him as he did so. He was wearing a dark blue three-piece suit that seamlessly fit his body with a white dress shirt underneath.

'He really looks good with anything.'

Once he entered the car, my heart once again began beating wildly against my chest. His presence suddenly filled the tiny car, and because of the enthralling air around him, I almost forgot how to breathe.

'So much for all the prep talk I've done with myself when I'm acting like this just because he's sitting beside me.'

With trembling hands, I pulled the seatbelt across my body and buckled it. I saw Ansel did the same from my peripheral vision then he started the engine. Silence enveloped the car as he drove away from his building.

I did not know how I would bring the topic about contract up because of the deafening silence inside the car. He said we were going to talk about it during the ride, yet after a few minutes had gone by, he remained silently driving beside me.

And since I am afraid to commit mistakes while we're alone, I decided to shut my mouth.

The last time I opened my mouth while we were alone in this car, it did not end well.

I do not know what Ansel's real intention was for compelling me to accept his offer to send me home, but we were almost halfway home, and he still hasn't brought the topic about the contract up.

When I started to lose hope that he is ever going to talk to me during the ride, I sighed inwardly to myself and resigned to staring outside of the window. The buildings that we passed by looked the same from my memories except for some modifications in certain places.

When the car stopped because of a traffic light, I caught sight of the subway station that I used to get home when I was working. Since the station is near to the building that I used to work at, I turned and tried searching for the said building.

But I was quite surprised to see that instead of the small building where my previous job was located, in its place stood a very tall building with quite an imposing façade with a different company name on it. Maybe because of how small the company was and because of some of the superior's attitude, it did not last long.

'As expected.'

I sighed and sat upright on my seat. I only had one person whom I can call a friend in that office. I was not able to contact her again after I left the company, and I wonder how and where she is now.

When I was suddenly reminded of one of the few fond memories I had while working there, I lightly tilt my head towards Ansel to take a peek at him, but my heart started beating fast against my chest when I found him staring at me, his expression unreadable.