Chapter 12: "There was a small smile on his face, and my heart, despite the confusion, warmed because of the small gesture"

The moment I arrived inside the department head's office, a folder was suddenly thrown in my direction. I was too stunned to continue with my steps. I was rooted to the ground near the entrance of his office, mulling over what I did to merit such treatment.

"Did you make that contract?" The department head all but shouted. His nostrils were flared out with anger, and his eyes were glaring rather angrily towards me.

I picked up the said folder and opened it to see what it contains. When I saw the familiar title and header, I nodded meekly at him. "I was tasked by the supervisor to draft the contract."

The department head stormed towards me and raised his hand as if to hit me. I flinched at his sudden action and closed my eyes, waiting for the impact, but a few moments later, nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw the fuming department head in front of me.

"Do you know what you did?" The department head spat, his furious stance making me cower. "You almost made us lose an important client!"

My eyes widened at what he said. "But the supervisor approved the draft I made," I stammered out. I flipped through the papers inside the folder, my hands shaking.

"Look at the numbers you included!" The department head snatched the folder from my hand and flipped through the contract until he stopped to a certain page. He then shoved the folder back to me. "The other party was furious at those numbers!"

As I scanned the whole page, everything was similar to the one I drafted except for the estimates. I was so sure I placed the right numbers before I submitted it to the supervisor for approval and printed it to be sent to the client.

'How could that happen?'

"I- I didn't put these numbers," I stammered out. I shifted my gaze towards the furious department head, my hands shaking with anxiety. "I sent the draft to the supervisor with a lower estimate compared to this, and he approved it."

"But the same supervisor said that he did not approve of those numbers," the department head said. "Are you saying that he lied?"

"No!" I screamed. I don't have any evidence regarding that matter hence I should not open another can of worms, because surely, no one would believe a lowly newcomer against a supervisor. "There must have been a mistake when it was sent. I will apologize to the client and send a new contract immediately."

The department head snatched the folder from my hands. "You don't have to," he glared at me. "We don't need you here anymore."

My eyes widened at what he said. I am certain that I gave them the right contract with the right numbers. How they got an altered contract is beyond me, but I'm sure someone deliberately changed the contract that I sent, and as for the reason, I'm still not yet sure.

"Please give me another chance!" I pleaded, my voice shaking.

'I just need to correct this mistake.'

I haven't been working here for long, and if I'm suddenly dismissed because of a mistake that was wrongfully accused to me, I would be having a hard time finding another company that would willingly hire me.

"Pack your things up. I want you gone by the end of the day."


My heart began beating wildly against my chest when I saw Ansel staring at me, his expression was unreadable. When the traffic light turned to green, he simply shifted his gaze back on the road as if I hadn't caught him looking at me a few seconds ago.

'Why was he staring at me like that?'

I didn't realize that I was holding my breath the entire time. I exhaled rather loudly, and I almost slapped my mouth with my hand.

I am being way too obvious that his presence is affecting me.

I wanted to initiate a conversation with him, especially right after I saw him staring at me. I wanted to ask him why he was looking at me or what he was thinking about, but that would be too callous of me. He might be staring at something outside the car rather than at me, and I'm just being overly self-conscious to think that he was looking at me.

After deliberating the pros and cons of initiating a conversation with him, I sighed inwardly and once again shifted my gaze towards the window. I might be acting a little coward by not speaking to him, but that would be better compared to having another screaming match with him.

And I should remember that I'm only here as a business partner, nothing more. Asking personal questions should be something that I avoid, and as much as possible, I should distance myself from him.

'Because after everything, I will leave again, and never to return.'

"That company filed for bankruptcy almost three years ago," Ansel spoke all of a sudden, making me snap out of my thoughts. I turned my head to look at him and found him staring at the road ahead with an impassive expression.

"I see," I spoke. I then wracked my brain for something that I could say that would not end with an awkward silence. "Do you know what happened?"

"From what I have read, there were officers who had been embezzling money from the company," Ansel explained, his deep voice maintaining its emotionless tone.

I hummed in response, remembering how some of the higher-ups acted when I was still working for that company. They would go to the office just to order their staff to do their work and they would take all the credit for it. If someone made a mistake doing what was supposedly their work, they would wash their hands off of it and blame everything to that person.

I also had a lot of overtime from doing the task that should be done by them, and then I found out later on that they never once approved my overtime and blamed be for being inefficient.

"I guess that was not surprising," I started. I crossed my arms above my chest and continued, "I never saw a good work ethic among those sleazebags."

When I realized what I had just said, I covered my mouth with my hand. I guess calling your previous superiors as 'sleazebags' in front of a business partner is not a good work ethic as well. I took a peek towards Ansel and saw that the corner of his mouth was slightly curved upward.

'Well, I guess I should be glad he found it amusing?'

"But what happened was regrettable for my previous co-workers since they lost their jobs," I spoke, trying to change the topic.

Ansel nodded and replied, "especially now that there is a shortage of job opportunity in the country."

"Yes, that as well," I started. "Plus there would be some companies who would be reluctant to accept employees from a company involved with an embezzlement case."

I wondered what happened to the only friend I had in that company after the bankruptcy. She was a kind person who helped me out so much when I was working there. She kept telling me how much she wanted to have a family and become a housewife.

'I hope she was able to realize her wishes.'

I did not realize that we were nearing my mother's restaurant until Ansel asked, "Where should I drop you off?"

"Can you drop me off at my house?" I asked hesitantly.

My mother's restaurant was nearer, hence it would be much better for him to drop me off there, but since my mother would be there right now, I don't think it would be such a good idea. My mother and I had just established that there is no chance between Ansel and me, and if she saw Ansel dropping me off, she might get the wrong idea once again.

"Sure," Ansel replied straightaway.

Now that we're almost at my parent's house, I was once again reminded that Ansel offered to give me a ride home because we were supposedly going to talk about the contract, but we were almost there, and no word about the contract was brought out.

'Is it alright to assume that it was just an excuse?'

I immediately shook my head when the thought came out. I should not indulge myself with such assumptions that I'm certain is not true. It would merely get my hopes up for nothing.

After a few minutes in rather comfortable silence, we arrived at my parents' house. I unbuckled the seatbelt and placed the strap of my leather messenger bag on my shoulder, preparing to get off of the car, when suddenly, Ansel went out of the car and walked towards my side. My eyes widened at what he was about to do, and fortunately, I was able to collect myself right before he opened my door for me.

Hesitantly, I stepped out of the car, feeling Ansel's gaze on me, and I struggled not to stare at him. "Thank you so much for sending me off." I smiled.

Ansel nodded and opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by someone calling my name. I snapped my head towards the voice, and I was surprised to see my mother leaving the house. She was holding a parcel, and a huge smile decorated her face when she saw who I was with.

My mother almost ran to our side, and when she finally reached us, she spoke, "Ansel! Why are you here?"

"How are you, Elena?" Ansel greeted. "I was just sending Alina off."

My mother's eyes sparkled at what Ansel had said, and I just wanted to let out an exasperated sigh because I'm pretty sure that there is something behind that look. I just told her that there is no hope between Ansel and me, yet I can almost hear the gears inside her head turning right now.

"How kind of you," my mother beamed at him. She then pulled me towards her and linked her arm around mine. "We owe you so much now," my mother said with a frown in her face.

"I was on my way to a meeting around the area, hence I offered Alina a ride," Ansel reassured, yet despite what Ansel had said, my mother's tenacity already made a comeback.

"We still owe you for sending me home when I got discharged from the hospital," my mother said and sighed, frowning as if she was deeply troubled. "When can we repay you with a simple dinner?"

I should applaud my mother for being the best actress. I was about to tell her that Ansel would be busy with work when Ansel suddenly said, "I think I am free this weekend."

My eyes widened at what he said. I thought he would reject her offer again since we just had our talk about cutting our ties, yet here he is now, making dinner plans with my mother in our house. My mother on the other hand excitedly exclaimed and began gushing over what dishes she would cook for Ansel.

I turned my gaze towards Ansel and saw that he was merely nodding and listening to my mother. There was a small smile on his face, and my heart, despite the confusion, warmed because of the small gesture.

'I guess a simple dinner wouldn't hurt.'

"Mom," I spoke, making my mother stop her rambling. "Ansel still has a meeting."

"Right! I'm sorry for taking too much of your time," my mother said. "Have a safe trip to your meeting!"

"Thank you," Ansel responded. "Take care of yourself as well."

My mother waved at him as he walked towards the driver's seat, and I let out a smile when he turned our way for the last time before slipping into his car. Once he drove away, my mother teasingly said, "my daughter got herself a rather fine-looking chauffeur."

I rolled my eyes at what she said. "Why are you even here? I thought you would be at the restaurant right now."

My mother's smile widened and she replied, "Were you hoping that I wouldn't see you?"

I let out an exasperated sigh and to which my mother merely laughed.