First Mission (1)

Soo mi ran towards the room where she had seen the boys going. She thought that maybe it was their room. 

Without wasting a minute more she banged at the door.

'I hope these idiots don't yell at me for coming like that in their room.' Soo mi hopped as she stopped by the door waiting for them to open up and they did after some time. 

Hyun ki was the one who opened the door for her. He was wearing a light blue shirt whose buttons were all open such that Soo mi was easily able to see those abs of his which were on complete display. 

Hyun Ki was half shadow as the light if the room was dim, every muscle on his torso flowing from the light into the dark. 

He was a living work or art, his brown skin so tempting to touch; every move giving away his strength. His eyes were locked onto Soo mi as he looked at her, probably asking "What she was doing here at that time?". 

Soo mi edged closer until she could see his face, illuminated by the only light in that room, serious like she'd never seen him before. 

Her eyes were on his body only and she just didn't want to move her eyes away from him. It felt like she would be doing a big sin if she dared to move her eyes. 

"Done!" Hyun Ki's one word was enough for Soo mi to come back to reality. 

Now only she snapped her eyes and looked at his face and his eyes. 

'How can anyone be that handsome? Concentrate Soo mi he is going to kill you otherwise.' 

She knew what Hyun Ki met but she didn't want to embarrass herself so she simply said. 


"What do you want?" Hyun Ki rolled his eyes and asked her with annoyance. 

"A….. Actually I came to tell you guys that the first mission is finally unlocked for me." 

Hyun Ki's face lit up with happiness. 

He gave her a big smile and moved to the side as he said. "Come inside." 

Soo mi put her head down and stepped on inside the room.

'Thank God this idiot didn't say any thing else. For a minute I thought he would scold me again.' 

"Guys there is a happy news!" Hyun Ki yelled at the boys who were all going through their phone not caring who else was there in the room. 

Even at Hyun Ki's yelling they kept on doing what they were doing, not even looking at him for a second. 

"Hmm what is it?" Dae seong asked with a bored expression. He was laying on a sofa like bed at a side with his ear phones in his ears. 

"The first mission for Soo mi has finally been unlocked." 

Now only all of them snapped their eyes and looked towards Soo mi with amusement. 

"Finally some good news." Chin Hwa exclaimed as he stood up from his sofa like bed. 

Dae seong and Chin Hwa also stood up and came towards the bed of Hyun Ki which was in the centre of the room. 

Everyone sat on the bed of Hyun Ki as Chin Mae was the one who said firstly. 

"So we will tell you the details too. That mission is already available for us."

"OK! So now our mission is to kill Kai. His info is being shown but it's too little." Chin Mae said as he went through his system. 

"Yeah! I realized that too but don't worry we will be taking care of that." Hyun Ki said and he was the one who started to tell about Kai. 

"In front of people he is a business man. But even after this People fear him for his ruthlessness. Here is some information about him.

Name: Kai. 

Gender: Male. 


Physical appearance: Dark black eyes with brownish skin. Looks like 35. 

Address: unknown. 

Family: unknown. 

Company: VZN corporation and industries."

Hyun Ki finished and moved his head up as he raised his left eye brow. 

All the other people were looking at him only but when he finished they all frowned including Soo mi and Dae seong asked with disgust on his face. "That's it? This is his information?"

Hyun Ki said. "Yup! We only have that much for now but don't worry we will do some research and would probably find some more information about him." 

All the other boys nodded their head while Soo mi was just looking at them. She wasn't able to get a single thing that was going on there. 

Hyun Ki glanced at Soo mi and he got to know how confused she was by all this but he himself was busy and didn't give any time to explain all that to her so he decided to ignore her with the thought that he would be telling all this to her later on. 

Chin Hwa also looked through his system before he finally looked up and said to all of them. "Ok guys! So I have a plan." 

Every one's eyes snapped at him. "Go on!" 

Dae seong said as Chin Hwa nodded his head and put up his plan in front of them. 

"So you all can give your ideas too if you have any but I will give this plan and you all can look up to it." 

All of them nodded their heads except Soo mi who was still looking at them with a confused look. 

"So first we will have to hack their system. So that we can keep a check on them and see what they are doing all the time." 

"I think Chin Mae will be able to do it easily since he got the guts to do it. Am I right Mae?" 

Chin Hwa looked at Chin Mae. He smiled and nodded his head.

'Wow! My brother just praised me. I am definitely going to do my best now!' Chin Mae said to himself yet he didn't show any kind of expressions on his face except that little smile. 

"So Chin Mae will be the one who will hack their system. I hope you can do it!" 

Chin Mae nodded his head vigorously and Chin Hwa again said as he looked towards Hyun Ki and Dae seong for their views but they nodded their head too giving them the idea that they both agree with them. 

"Some how we will have to get into their company but I still don't know how are we going to do that!"