Soo mi's Plan Got Approved

"Some how we will have to get into their company but I still don't know how are we going to do that!" He exclaimed and every one then started to think about a good plan for this. 

Soo mi was now only starting to understand what all of them meant. 

Their plan was some what understandable for her. 

Suddenly a thought hit her mind and she got a plan for all of this but she was hesitant and thought that if she should say that to them or not? 

She was always nervous or anxious when she was about to do something big, and so these emotions became markers for her to find her bravery, to go forwards, to tell if she was worthy of this or not? 

She fidgeted with her fingers for some time as she thought about this before finally saying. "Umm! Actually I have a plan too. Can I? Ah. Can I tell?" 

When Soo mi spoke, she just looked at Hyun Ki as if he were a radio and not a person who is there to be interacted with. It is as if the words were still circulating her mind and not yet allowed to flow outward into the world. 

"No!" Dae seong rudely replied to her as he rolled his eyes and said. "You are new in all this. You don't even know how all this works so just keep quiet and let us do our work. 

Soo mi looked at him with disbelief again.

"I didn't even ask you!" Soo mi blurted out.

For a minute she just forgot who she was talking with and just said that to him. 

Every one's eyes went to Soo mi and they looked at her with shock. 

"But I was talking with you!" 

"Even if you were talking, you didn't have to be rude. I was just giving my point of view." 

"Your point of view wasn't even needed here. Don't think of yourself too highly." 

Soo mi greeted her teeth and was just about to say some thing more when Hyun Ki interrupted and himself said that. "OK! Stop enough of both of you. Why are you even fighting like this? Don't forget we all are a team. We should woke together and solve this out." 

Soo mi just looked to the other side while Dae seong rolled his eyes. 

"Soo mi! Tell what you wanted to say." Hyun Ki told Soo mi and her face beamed up with happiness. 

But some one else wasn't happy with this thought and that someone was no one other than Dae seong. He frowned before he said. "I….." 

Just as Dae seong was about to say some thing Hyun Ki cutting him off and himself said. "Seong!"

It was a warning which Dae seong got and he didn't say anything any more then. 

Every one now looked at Soo mi except Dae seong who was busy rolling his eyes over this. Every one was waiting for Soo mi to say something. 

After some time Soo mi finally opened her mouth as she thought that maybe it was finally the time she should open her mouth, while examining every one's expression she said. "So first of all we will have to get in the company and for that I can go and apply as an intern in the company. I will try to get in the company like that but even if some how I didn't get the chance then Chin Mae can hack their system and put my ID instead of the girl who would be hired before they can even tell the results to some one?"

Chin Hwa somewhat liked what Soo mi said and in an instance he agreed with her. 

"Okay! And?" 

He told her to continue and she felt as if she had just gained a big reward from him. Just the little acceptance of Chin Hwa was enough for her to go all the way on the ninth cloud. 

For a minute, she forgot what she was saying and started to fly in her dreams freely but when the boys raised their eye brows, she came back to reality and again said. "Oh sorry! So I was saying after ward I will try to gain the trust of the superiors there. If I gain their trust then they will be giving me access to many areas too and that way we will be able to get more information about this Kai." 

"Hmm that sounds good. And after you have gained the trust you will try to somehow enter the president's office and once you have entered inside it would be easy for you to kill him. Right?" Chin Hwa asked and Soo mi smiled nervously, not knowing if she would be able to do it or not. 

"Ah! Yeah! Maybe!" 

"Don't worry. We will be doing more training before you will actually be ready to kill someone like that." 

Hyun ki interrupted as soon as Soo mi was about to say some thing. "But I think she can kill now. She has already done this much training. The only thing which she doesn't know now is how to use the gun and she needs to learn how to be confident. She still looks like a little girl. She needs to groom herself." 

Hyun Ki told Chin Hwa, ignoring Soo mi like he wasn't talking about Soo mi but someone else. 

"Yeah! You will have to work on that, Soo mi." Chin Hwa said. 

Soo mi nodded her head. She felt a little different when Chin Hwa used her name. It was the first time he used her name when calling her. She gulped and looked at the other boys to see what they thought about her plan and what were their expressions but as soon as her eyes fell on the boys she was shocked to see.