Chapter 255 Reconnecting with the System

Looking at the two unconscious bodies, Kat was rather at a lost as to what she was actually meant to do. *Sure, promise to watch over Major and Minor… er, Shizuru? But really, what actually am I doing?*

*I'm in a room with two unconscious bodies, in a house I don't know my way around, and man does that sound stranger in my head than I meant it to. Hey system are you actually there now?*

Hello User Kat. D.E.M.O.N.S is functioning at accepted parameters. User Kat has ONE warning.

*Um…? Ok? What is that warning?*

User Kat was unavailable for 10 days. This has led to User Kat's debt theoretically expiring. However due to strange circumstances in acquiring your main Rank 2 skill and Emergency Beacon activation this has been held off.