Chapter 256 Meditating or something IDK

In the end, it took around twenty hours for the first signs of movement from Shizuka. During that time though, Kat had a few things of interest to keep her busy. The first thing she noticed was that her body was different. 

Things were smoother than before in a major way. If before she was at the level of a professional gymnast, now she was well and truly in super human territory with no turning back. Rotating her arms and legs, she could almost feel the muscles gliding around the joints rendering the motion a strange ethereal quality when she walked now.

The same could be said of her wings. Instead of having all the muscles for them bunched up in one spot on her back, they instead seemed to have spread out across her back and the rest of her wings. Rather than flapping them as one large whole, Kat could now flex then almost as well as her tail.