Chapter 389 …But Boy are they Fun

The demonic pair had finished their reports. It was a little bit of a surprise when the paper suddenly tripled in size so that all the sabres could fit onto it easily, but other than that, it was mostly just drudge work.

They then boxed everything up and put it to the side. They were planning to leave an open space between what they were working on and the rest of the warehouse. It was clear they weren't going to get through the whole thing in time, but they thought it would be easier for any person that came after them.

Upon opening the second box, the pair were even more confused. At least with the sabres they had clear buttons on them. What was contained in this box was just a bunch of sticks. It didn't even have the extra cushioning gel to keep things stable, just a box full to the brim with sticks. Nicely carved sticks perhaps, but it was nothing too spectacular.