Chapter 390 Her Eyes!

When trying to figure out how to move all the wands to the paper, Kamiko suggested boxing everything up again, and putting the box on the paper. This plan was accepted, with the slight alteration of putting the paper on the box, as suggested by Kat.

It worked out, and they labelled the item 'box of wands' explaining what they thought it was, and what words they'd said to get specific effects. Theorising that there were more words but that it would take a lot of time, and they weren't sure if it was worthwhile. The two they found were potentially good fun, but nothing spectacular or worth the time it would take to look for more.

Stacking the box of wands on top of the box of plasma sabres Kat opened the next box and found it filled with paper. Just… white paper. *Ok… that's a little weird.* Kat looked over and compared the paper to the ones they were using to write reports and found them to be essentially the same shade.