Chapter 870 For these Four. There is Only One Way To Skin a Snake

The argument between Xiang and Yang continued for quite some time before it ended. It didn't end with a real consensus or slowly wind down. No the only reason it stopped at all was Yang, and perhaps Xiang as well, found something else to be annoyed about. See, the argument had been going on for half an hour when Kat and Lily decided they really wanted no part in it. Sure there ears were good enough that they'd need to put quite a distance between them and the cultivators, but any distance was a nice drop in volume for the lounging pair. 

Kat carefully used her fans to cut their small seat off from the rest of the ice chunk, which had already started to melt, then started to float away. Now, with no real currents Kat was forced to use her tail as a bit of a rudder. Kat kept the speed down, wouldn't do to be noticed after all. They managed to get a fair bit away before they were noticed, and even then it wasn't actually them that was noticed first.