Chapter 871 The Taste of Success.

Kat twisted away as she heard the sound of a wild animal attacking nearby. When the sound continued, Kat opened her eyes and glanced down at the source of the sound. Lily's stomach. Kat frowned at that. *Hmm… guess we need to get some food for you off the cultivators. Unless you want to try giant snake?* Lily mewed and put her paws over her face in embarrassment. 

[Ugh. I can't believe that happened. It was bad enough I woke up before you… but to know that's what woke you up… I'll never live this down…] complained Lily mentally. Kat just laughed softly and gave Lily a few quick scratches. Nothing too much, she didn't want Lily to turn into goo just yet. They were having a serious conversation after all. Kat checked the sky with a quick glance and found moon was in the process of setting and the sun would be up soon. Not quite yet though, apparently.