Chapter 1226 Marching by their Side

Something odd clicked in Lily's mind once Burgandy was finished. "Hey March… if Burgandy's got a healer in the family why didn't your Mum go and see her?" 

March waved Lily off, "I did see her. That's why I was under the 'mistaken' impression I'd gathered enough money. I suppose it was clear to the old woman I wasn't going to just accept a handout, because apparently I'm a bit too much like my mother… so they quoted me what I thought was a ridiculously high price. 

"When I eventually made all that money… well I found out that it wasn't enough. Sure the old lady probably still would've done it, she was the one to give me the quote after all… but my mother still wasn't willing to accept it. Which is stupid, in my opinion… but I wasn't sure Burgandy would want me mentioning it, and I was… somewhat embarrassed myself because it took me a bit of time to even think about asking her to heal my mother," 

"Why wouldn't Burgandy want to talk about it?" asked Lily.