Chapter 1227 Packed to the Brim

"I can finish the story if you want March, you've told me before," offered Burgandy. 

March shook her head and said, "No. It's my story and I will end it. I am not so much hurt by it… as I am sad about what it means. I didn't exactly go into the details, but Alex and Alice were my friends. Sometimes I would feel like a third wheel of course, or their mother… but they were good people. Still are probably, I once again, I don't mean to imply their dead or anything…

"But sometimes I wonder if that would almost be better. I'll get to that part later I suppose. It's… perhaps it's really rude of me to think it would be better. They just ended up so resigned after the mission. Anyway, my point was that… they mean a lot to me those two. I never cared for the adventuring profession all that much. It just seemed like the most convenient way to become strong.