Chapter 1281 Secretary Kat

--- Kat ---

Of course, just because Kat and Lily felt like they'd accomplished their goal, didn't mean it was time to end the conversation just yet. It wasn't time for the next event, and besides, none of them were participating so it was fine if they ended up a bit late, should worse come to worst. All this talk of training methods had Lily curious, "So what would you both recommend I do for my own training?" 

"For paper affinity or for shadow?" asked Nixilei. "Both?" 

Lily shrugged and said, "I'm happy to accept whatever wisdom you have for either but I'd like to focus on shadow if we can… though now I'm saying this I'm wondering if the reason I feel like my shadow spells are so weak because they're actually darkness spells. That might be something to look into,"