Chapter 1282 Potential Parental Reactions

--- Kat ---

"So how do you think you're family will react?" asked Lily trying to remove that smirk from Asteodia's face. 

"Why don't you tell us first? We are sharing our stories after all," shot back Asteodia. Now that she was more used to the teasing Asteodia wasn't so easily flustered. 

Lily looked ready to say something back, perhaps just deflecting, perhaps something ruder so Kat jumped in instead, "Well like Nixilei I'm an orphan. I got together with Lily not too long after I was adopted, but the only reason that happened is because Sylvie designated my as her big sister and refused to allow herself to be adopted without me coming along. So I act more like a third parent or older sibling to Sylvie, while acting like a sibling to Callisto and Vivian, the two people who adopted us, or wait…