Chapter 1283 Asteodia’s Parent Problems Part 1

--- Kat ---

Asteodia gulped down a few deep breaths before speaking, "Right. I suppose I was already thinking about this after Kat and I had that talk late last night, and I'm not totally sure that I'm ready for this but I also feel like I need to just get on with it. Like… like ripping off a bandage I suppose. This is going to be a bit rambly and more than a little all over the place, but I just… I think you all just need to let me talk. 

"Especially you Nixilei. A lot of what I'm going to say isn't all that nice, and I doubt you'll want to hear any of it. Heck I'm not even sure I can get all the way through it but I want you to just… let me go. Kat's right, I'm not participating in any more events, so it should be fine, even if I have a little breakdown,"