Chapter 1452 Burn Those Feelings

--- Kat --- 

Kat was starting to think that she was perhaps she was out of her depth. Watching Hunter dispatch hordes of corpse worms both in outside of their puppets was humbling in a way. To Kat, it showed that there was a difference between 'Rank 3' and 'Rank 3'. Completely ignoring the fact that she'd manage to make it through getting her heart destroyed twice in quick succession then walked it off… at Rank 2. Kat was just much less lethal.

Of course Hunter was easily making up for that deficiency. Nothing that tried to attack lasted more than a few seconds, burning away to nothing with barely a glance. This was all without Hunter using her gun once, which was likely more lethal, at least in Kat's mind. In truth it was more accurate to say the gun was 'differently lethal' but Kat had a hard time recognising that in the face of Hunter's prowess.