Chapter 1453 The Other Shoe

--- Kat --- 

Kat wasn't surprised when the other shoe finally dropped. The specifics did surprise her a bit, but perhaps they shouldn't have. Hunter simply collapsed in place in the middle of dealing with a worm pit. Kat was right next to the lamia and managed to catch her before she hit the ground. Despite dropping the flames around them seemed to still be under Hunter's control which was good… and at least a bit weird. "Are you going to be ok?"

Kat got no response. A little confused Kat shifted Hunter to be more comfortable in her hands before she realised that Hunter couldn't reply because she couldn't speak. *Wait. Shit. She's out of demonic energy and her body has decided to stop moving while it recovers… but she's also still controlling the fire that's already out? What does that mean?* "Dammit Hunter. I'm trying really hard not to be annoyed with you at the moment. You can't move, so you can't tell me what I need to do here…