Chapter 1730 Callisto Protocol Part 3

--- Kat ---

"Urgh… and then we next had to deal with Xiang again. That was a complicated mess and it took AGES as well. Unlike the tournament days that are all pretty packed this was just a lot of travelling. It's almost certainly the longest contract I ever did and I think only the most recent mission to 'kill the drake' was longer. Though, I suppose it's worth considering that it was more like two missions glued together," sighed Kat.

Shaking her head for a moment before realising that she was meant to be sitting still Kat continued to explain. "There were a lot of cool moments at least… but yeah it was a bit grating at times. Xiang and his not-girlfriend were annoying. Xiang at least had cleaned up his act a lot and ended up apologising and just generally being more accepting because he needed our help for something more important then revenge…