Chapter 1731 Breaking the Silence with Sylvie

--- Kat --- (Friday Afternoon)

Kat found herself sitting across Sylvie, with a chessboard in between them and Lily curled up asleep on her lap. It was late in the evening a day after she'd had that chat with Callisto and she'd spent most of the day practicing in the backyard with Lily. The space was somewhat limited but it was better then nothing in the end. Of course… "You do know I'm not any good at chess right?" said Kat.

Sylvie shrugged, "That's sort of the point. I was hoping to talk with you after hearing that you had a bit chat with Vivian and then one with Callisto. I get I am busy with school and stuff… but that doesn't mean I wanted to miss out! So… chess it is. If you actually knew how to play you might focus on the game instead of me!"

"Then what's the point of the chessboard?" asked Kat.