--- Kat --- (A few hours later)
Kat found herself tied up and bound by shadows while lying in her bed. They didn't have any real power in them and Kat knew that because when she shifted slightly to ask Lily what her plan was… she broke through a few layers purely with human level strength. Kat was actively trying not to break out… and still failed. "Um… what's up Lily?"
Lily, in Memphis form, realised she'd created a problem for herself if she wanted to answer out loud. Swapping forms the shadows vanished and Lily pouted. "Nice to know THAT'S how that works I guess..." Lily's pout was adorable so Kat booped her on the knows, regaining Lily's attention. "Oh… um… well you had those big chats with everyone else so I sort of wanted a nice one on one chat with you myself!"