Dancing Around the Flames

I moved forward into the area, a few moments later the notification appeared letting me know I had fifteen seconds to leave. Immediately the boss was aware of my prescence. I moved quickly across the edge of the arena. It took the boss a few seconds to get going.

I had made it about half way through the area before the [Flare Eyes] was on top of me. With a downward swing, the boss attempted to cut me in two with it's glaive.

Waiting for the attack I broke into a forward roll, narrowly avoiding the fatal blow. Getting back to my feet I turned, locking on to the boss. I strafed around it, slowly moving toward my pouch on the ground.

The boss made a wide arch horiztonal slash at my mid-section. Rolling forward again I miss timed the attack, and was cut. my «HP» dropped by about a quarter. I turned once more, picking up my pouch while simultaneously moving toward the exit.

A few meters away from the exit the boss began to charge it's attack. Light gathered at the end of it's glaive. If I miss timed the dodge it will be fatal for me.