Dancing Around the Flames II

The boss's sword charged up with a white light. The blade of light extended passed the weapon.

The boss made a wide swing with it's sword. suddendly everything around me felted slowed, my senses heightened. Even though my body had slowed I could now see the attack clearly.

Just before the attack hit me I leaned back, shifting into a swift backflip. The blade of the boss passed just over me.

My senses returned to normal, but just as I got back to my feet the boss began to charge up another attack. Around the edge of the glaive a bright blue light appeared.

The boss made several fast striking combo. I dodged each; vertical slash, horizontal slash, diaganol slash, forward thrust, forward thrust. I was in the clear, but then the boss hit me from the left with a backhanded slash. I put up my guard just in time to block the attack. The attack quickly ate throw my stamina dipping into my «HP» knocking it down by ten percent.

Lucky enough the boss sent me flying back just far enough to be a foot away from the exit.

Now's my chance.