Refuge From the Storm

The boss knocked me away, I landed on the ground taking a bit of fall damage. my «HP» was getting low, and I had only a couple of seconds left before the arena would close trapping me inside.

Jumping to my feet I watched the Boss charge at me once more. my «stamina» had recovered just enough. I backflipped as the boss drove it's glaive forward aiming for my mid-section.

I landed on my feet just outside of the Boss's area.

Like a true mechanical sentry the boss retreated back to its starting position, guarding that giant door.

Taking out my flask, took a drink and recoved my health, before taking off down the path. I ran into several more monsters none of which stood a chance against me.

As I turned around the corner several faint lights caught my attention. To my surprise and relief it was the light from a town. It was run down and appeared empty. though it didn't matter, any refruge I could use to gather my thoughts and strengh to plan my next move would be a God send.

I stepped forth into the town.