A Familiar Face

I Stepped through the gate of the town, which was in a severe state of decay.

Passing through the gate felt like walk through a door, stepping outside, like breathing in pure spring air.

Appearing in my peripheral was the name of the town.

{Border Town, Dag Ferishers}

The town was large, though not quite as large as the starting area.

I wandered around a bit trying to figure my way about the place. Throughout the town there was a few thousand players who had already made it past the boss.

They were scattered every which way. Some had a look of despair about them as if the world had come crashing down around them; who could blame them though.

Others were chatting; some happy, angry, sad and even indifferent to the situation. A select few were off in a corner, they had an intense focus about them, they were either scrolling through their inventory or writing stuff down in their player's logbook. It was obvious, they would be the one's to beat.

Off in a corner of the town I saw a familiar face. The one person I had recently met; Song, Xue Lian.