A Voice from the Shadows

It was a faint sound, very faint. Almost like a cry, a moan. I approached cautiously, step by step. I wasn't sure what I was going to find but it wasn't going to get the drop on me.

Within the shadows I could make out a figure, a human shaped figure slumped over rubble.

As I approached the moans became more coherent sounding like words.

"Hello, are ... you there ... can ... you hear ... me?"

Each word sounded like a it was both a struggle and painful to say. Between each couple of words was a deep breath or a cough.

"Yes, I can hear you."

"Good, listen carefully ... I'm not long ... For this world. This land ... this land is cursed ... this curse ... is growing. That man ... that you killed ... he was a dear friend. He gave me ... this. Take it ... I have ... no more use for it. My body ... is broken and I ... no longer have the strength to ... move. I hope ... my ... death ... can at least ... save ... another."

With that the voice went silent.