Special - Dreams

~ When hopes and desires blossom, a lightness of heart arises. In those days, the path is clear, the doors open wide. In those days hope shall carry us forward to a bright tomorrow. ~

"Alright are you ready, I'm gonna start the tests?"

"Yes father."

"Alright begin. Initialize the loading sequence. Set pain absorber to 3. Trigger De-synchronization cycle. Initialize sensory exchange. Connect neurological pathways. Load imagery and landscape. Run frame rate at a steady 120 fps. Trigger Lucid Paradoxical state. Can you hear me?"

"Yes, father I can hear you."

"How are you, does anything feel off or odd."

"No father, everything feels normal. Motor functions intact. Visual, tactile, audio, olfactory, and balancing sensations are intact."

"So, you feel good?"

"No father, I feel better than good I feel great. So, this is the world you and mother live in, it's amazing."

"This landscape was designed from the trip your mother and I took five years ago before you were born."

"I see."

"Alright on to the next tests. Load my avatar and get everything ready, I'm diving in; I want to see my daughter."

~ The life we live is always moving forward the wheel continues to turn slowly. ~